Delete gnome terminal configuration - terminal

I made a mistake in my gnome terminal configuration. I entered a command to start with in the preferences, but that command fails, and now all I get is a window that opens and closes right away, and I basically can't use gnome terminal anymore :-( Is there any way I can remove the configuration file and restart fresh??

Open the XTerm (Standard terminal for linux) and enter this command
gnome-terminal -e bash
It opens the gnome-terminal. Open profile preferences and configure your terminal to "Hold the terminal open".
Editing preferences

the above file might be of interest depending on exactly what configuration you changed. Of course, it holds configuration from other programs as well.

If you are on the newer gnome terminal that uses dconf, it's a little trickier, but still doable:
Profiles are stored with a UUID, you need to find the UUID of the profile to remove:
dconf dump /org/gnome/terminal/ | less
Search for a visible-name='...' entry matching the profile you want to remove. Look above that for the section header like [legacy/profiles:/:...]. The full name of the item you want to delete is thus /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:.... Delete it thus:
dconf reset -f /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:...
Side note: This Q&A probably should be moved to


How to set terminal tabs titles in zsh, to vim filenames

I am using a oh-my-zsh shell in an Apple terminal (2.11) in full screen, and by default the name of the tabs is the name of the program being run (eg. vim).
Is there an easy way to set the title of the individual terminal tabs to the filename currently opened with vim?
The terminal window title is already set, but not visible in full screen mode. What I'm looking for is to get at a glance the title of all terminal tabs where vim is opened.
Screenshot below:
The solution seems to use vim script shared in It sets the title dynamically based on what file is currently being viewed — which you cannot obtain by going into Terminal Preferences > Tab, and checking "Active process name" and "Arguments" (that would only display the name of the file opened when typing vim file.ext, ignoring any file opened with :e file2.txt, switches between vim panes, etc.)
(With oh-my-zsh, uncommenting DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE="true" in ~/.zshrc might help, as suggested in, although it seems optional after the step above.)

Change directory in terminal using hyperlinks

Opening a gnome-terminal in the specified directory is straightforward:
gnome-terminal --working-directory ~/dotfiles
Creating hyperlinks is not a problem:
echo -e '\e]8;;file:///home/pmn/dotfiles\aThis is a link\e]8;;\a'
this produces a link that opens the file explorer in the correct folder when Ctrl+Clicked.
What I want to do is combine the two things, so that when I Ctrl+Click the link, a terminal pops up, already in the requested folder. It would not be a problem if the current terminal I'm in changed directory, but in that case I'd like to still see the previous terminal output and just do the equivalent of a regular cd (Edit: Note that the ~/dotfiles folder is just an example, I have several links that are generated by a script, and I'd like to be able to click on them to quickly open a terminal where needed).
I tried fiddling with registering custom applications:
In ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list add:
(Note that the use of this file is deprecated, ~/.config/mimeapps.list should be used, if you have tips on doing that properly I'm open to them)
[Default Applications]
In ~/.local/share/applications/mygnometerm.desktop add:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=My Gnome Terminal
Exec=/bin/gnome-terminal --working-directory=%f
Create the folder for the mime database:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/mime/packages
Update the mime database:
update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime
This does work: if I right-click on a folder in the file explorer and select My Gnome Terminal as the app to use, a terminal is opened already in the right folder.
If I print
echo -e '\e]8;;mygnometerm:///home/pmn/dotfiles\aThis is a link\e]8;;\a'
and click on the link, a terminal does pop up, but in the root folder, and the same happens when running
gio open mygnometerm:///home/pmn/dotfiles
I just need to combine everything, but I tried a lot of combination of what to echo in the link and could not find the right one.
I'm also open to other ways to achieve this behaviour, but at this point I'm quite curious in how to to it this way.
The use case, for the curious, is that I made a simple script to check the status of my repos, and I want to click on the ones with things to do without having to copy and paste the path. I reckon I'll save at least 5 seconds!

Permissions problem from running rsync through a keyboard shortcut

I have an Automator 'Quick Action' which simply runs a shell script (using bash) which comprises of a single rsync command. I've assigned a keyboard shortcut to this from System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts.
Since updating to Catalina, I'm getting a permissions problem like shown in the second last comment here:
Basically, I can run my rsync command in Terminal and it'll work fine. I can also open the Automator file and run it from there and it'll work fine. But running it from a keyboard shortcut throws the permissions error.
I've granted full disk access to both rsync and my quick action file, but to no effect. The last comment in that link mentions that you need to also grant full disk access to the program that calls your program (in their case it was cron), but I don't know what the calling program is in my case.

Read only for open directories in vim

Then I open vim from terminal and open an directory like vim ., my starts in Read Only Mode.
I cant figure out why this happen and how I can change it.
If I start MacVim everything is fine. But then I start vim from the terminal and open a directory this screen comes. I can navigate one dir up and back again, and I have write access.
I installed all my vim settings on Ubuntu 15.04. Now I can use
Does anybody know how to change this behaviour of vim?
Now I can use netw with the command vim . like I always used.
As you can see, there is no RO (read only) mark. How can
I have this in Mac on iTerm too?
What you see is exactly what you are supposed to see when doing $ vim .: the built-in netrw plugin displays a listing of the current directory that you can use to navigate your project.
If you don't want that listing, don't ask for it:
$ vim
$ vim file
ctrl-p is not mapped by netrw; on my system, its set up by the yankring plugin. If vim is doing something other than going up one line, then you have a plugin involved. Try using :map to see what its mapped to; then do a search for that in your plugins directory.
The netrw way of opening a file in the same window is to use the <enter> key, although the g:netrw_browse_split variable may be used to change that default behavior.
Netrw opens in read-only mode, and that's not going to change. The file being opened should not be in read-only mode, however, if that's what you meant. If you're having a problem of that sort, please update your netrw; the most up-to-date version is at .
After I installed macvim 7.4 Every thing works!

Terminal - How to open window at a certain directory

When I open Terminal on Mac, it starts in the root directory. I don't want to have to type cd to change my directory every time I open terminal, I want to be in that directory to begin with.
How do I make terminal start in a specific directory? Also, how do I make terminal always start full screen and in a particular color?
Also, what is the command to open text mate in terminal?
This perhaps better belongs on Ask Different, but here are two options to start a Terminal session at a particular location:
Open Terminal Preferences to the Settings section, and in the Window tab check the "Run command", and enter cd yourdirectorypath in the command field. It will automatically run for any new Terminal window.
Edit the ~/.bash_profile and add the cd yourdirectorypath line at the end.
As for starting fullscreen, if you quit Terminal with a fullscreen window open, it will launch that way.
You can set colour schemes in the preferences, there are many built-in "profiles".
