Segmentation Fault Using LLDB - debugging

When I was debugging my .c file using lldb on terminal for Mac, I some how cannot find the location of the segmentation fault. I have debugged the code numerous of times and it is still producing the same error. Can someone help me on why I can find the location of segmentation fault. enter image description here

Use the bt command in lldb to see the call stack. You've called a libc function like scanf() and are most likely passing an invalid argument to it. When you see the call stack, you will see a stack frame with your own code on it, say it is frame #3. You can select that frame with f 3, and you can look at variables with the v command to understand what arguments were passed to the libc function that led to a crash.

Without knowing what your code is doing, I would suggest using a tool like valgrind instead of just a normal debugger. It's designed to look for memory issues for lower-level languages like C/C++/FORTRAN. For example, it will tell you if you're trying to use an index that is too large for an array.
From the quick start guide, try valgrind --leak-check=yes myprog arg1 arg2


what are the two numbers for an instruction location in objdump of a kernel module? [duplicate]

Consider the following Linux kernel dump stack trace; e.g., you can trigger a panic from the kernel source code by calling panic("debugging a Linux kernel panic");:
[<001360ac>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8) from [<00147b7c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x50/0x60)
[<00147b7c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x50/0x60) from [<00147c40>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x1c/0x24)
[<00147c40>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x1c/0x24) from [<0014de44>] (local_bh_enable_ip+0xa0/0xac)
[<0014de44>] (local_bh_enable_ip+0xa0/0xac) from [<0019594c>] (bdi_register+0xec/0x150)
In unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8 what does +0x0/0xf8 stand for?
How can I see the C code of unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8?
How to interpret the panic's content?
It's just an ordinary backtrace, those functions are called in reverse order (first one called was called by the previous one and so on):
The bdi_register+0xec/0x150 is the symbol + the offset/length there's more information about that in Understanding a Kernel Oops and how you can debug a kernel oops. Also there's this excellent tutorial on Debugging the Kernel
Note: as suggested below by Eugene, you may want to try addr2line first, it still needs an image with debugging symbols though, for example
addr2line -e vmlinux_with_debug_info 0019594c(+offset)
Here are two alternatives for addr2line. Assuming you have the proper target's toolchain, you can do one of the following:
Use objdump:
locate your vmlinux or the .ko file under the kernel root directory, then disassemble the object file :
objdump -dS vmlinux > /tmp/kernel.s
Open the generated assembly file, /tmp/kernel.s. with a text editor such as vim. Go to
unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8, i.e. search for the address of unwind_backtrace + the offset. Finally, you have located the problematic part in your source code.
Use gdb:
IMO, an even more elegant option is to use the one and only gdb. Assuming you have the suitable toolchain on your host machine:
Run gdb <path-to-vmlinux>.
Execute in gdb's prompt: list *(unwind_backtrace+0x10).
For additional information, you may checkout the following resources:
Kernel Debugging Tricks.
Debugging The Linux Kernel Using Gdb
In unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf8 what the +0x0/0xf8 stands for?
The first number (+0x0) is the offset from the beginning of the function (unwind_backtrace in this case). The second number (0xf8) is the total length of the function. Given these two pieces of information, if you already have a hunch about where the fault occurred this might be enough to confirm your suspicion (you can tell (roughly) how far along in the function you were).
To get the exact source line of the corresponding instruction (generally better than hunches), use addr2line or the other methods in other answers.

What is RUST_BACKTRACE supposed to tell me?

My program is panicking so I followed its advice to run RUST_BACKTRACE=1 and I get this (just a little snippet).
1: 0x800c05b5 - std::sys::imp::backtrace::tracing::imp::write::hf33ae72d0baa11ed
at /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/stable-dist-rustc-linux/build/src/libstd/sys/unix/backtrace/tracing/
2: 0x800c22ed - std::panicking::default_hook::{{closure}}::h59672b733cc6a455
at /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/stable-dist-rustc-linux/build/src/libstd/
If the program panics it stops the whole program, so where can I figure out at which line it's panicking on?
Is this line telling me there is a problem at line 42 and line 351?
The whole backtrace is on this image, I felt it would be to messy to copy and paste it here.
I've never heard of a stack trace or a back trace. I'm compiling with warnings, but I don't know what debugging symbols are.
What is a stack trace?
If your program panics, you encountered a bug and would like to fix it; a stack trace wants to help you here. When the panic happens, you would like to know the cause of the panic (the function in which the panic was triggered). But the function directly triggering the panic is usually not enough to really see what's going on. Therefore we also print the function that called the previous function... and so on. We trace back all function calls leading to the panic up to main() which is (pretty much) the first function being called.
What are debug symbols?
When the compiler generates the machine code, it pretty much only needs to emit instructions for the CPU. The problem is that it's virtually impossible to quickly see from which Rust-function a set of instructions came. Therefore the compiler can insert additional information into the executable that is ignored by the CPU, but is used by debugging tools.
One important part are file locations: the compiler annotates which instruction came from which file at which line. This also means that we can later see where a specific function is defined. If we don't have debug symbols, we can't.
In your stack trace you can see a few file locations:
1: 0x800c05b5 - std::sys::imp::backtrace::tracing::imp::write::hf33ae72d0baa11ed
at /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/stable-dist-rustc-linux/build/src/libstd/sys/unix/backtrace/tracing/
The Rust standard library is shipped with debug symbols. As such, we can see where the function is defined ( line 42).
If you compile in debug mode (rustc or cargo build), debug symbols are activated by default. If you, however, compile in release mode (rustc -O or cargo build --release), debug symbols are disabled by default as they increase the executable size and... usually aren't important for the end user. You can tweak whether or not you want debug symbols in your Cargo.toml in a specific profile section with the debug key.
What are all these strange functions?!
When you first look at a stack trace you might be confused by all the strange function names you're seeing. Don't worry, this is normal! You are interested in what part of your code triggered the panic, but the stack trace shows all functions somehow involved. In your example, you can ignore the first 9 entries: those are just functions handling the panic and generating the exact message you are seeing.
Entry 10 is still not your code, but might be interesting as well: the panic was triggered in the index() function of Vec<T> which is called when you use the [] operator. And finally, entry 11 shows a function you defined. But you might have noticed that this entry is missing a file location... the above section describes how to fix that.
What do to with a stack trace? (tl;dr)
Activate debug symbols if you haven't already (e.g. just compile in debug mode).
Ignore any functions from std and core at the top of the stack trace.
Look at the first function you defined, find the corresponding location in your file and fix the bug.
If you haven't already, change all camelCase function and method names to snake_case to stick to the community wide style guide.

How do I debug a jump to a bad address?

I am currently debugging some assembly code using GDB and am stuck on the following problem. Somehow or other, I've ended up at a bogus instruction address, probably because either I called a bogus function pointer, or I mangled the return address on the parent stack frame.
GDB is fantastic and stops the program exactly when it detects this has happened. However, what it doesn't tell me is the instruction address that sent me to this bogus address. So now I am stuck. I know that I am now at a bogus address, but I have no way of knowing how I got here. What I think I need is a list of the last n values that $rip has taken on. But I cannot find any way of doing that in GDB's documentation and am pretty sure it is not possible.
So I would appreciate it if anyone else had any great tips on low-level debugging they could share. Thanks!
I think GDB's trace might helps
When your code crash, the trap is raised and the instruction pointer jump to the trap table, the jump depends on the trap raised.
You want to determine which instruction causes this trap, so you can execute the command backtrace (bt) to show the latest exectuted functions before the jump to the trap table. When you identify the function, execute step by step to idenfy the instruction which causes the error.
If you are using a target with gdb in remote mode, you need to give gdb a strong symbol table to allow the awareness of the whole code symbols.

how to force gdb to stop right after the start of program execution?

I've tried to set breakpoint on every function that makes any sense but program exit before reaching any of those. Is there a way to make program run in step-by-step mode from the start so I can see what's going on?
I'm trying to debug /usr/bin/id if it's important (we have custom plugin for it and it's misbehaved)
P.S. Start command doesn't work for me here(it should be a comment, but I don't have enough rep for it)
Get the program entry point address and insert a breakpoint at that address.
One way to do this is to do info files which gives you for example "Entry point: 0x4045a4". Then do "break *0x4045a4". After run-ning program, it will immediately stop.
From here on you can use single stepping instructions (like step or stepi) to proceed.
You did not tell what system you are trying to debug. If code is in read-only memory you may need to use hardware breakpoints (hbreak) if they are supported by that system.
Use start command
The ‘start’ command does the equivalent of setting a temporary breakpoint at the beginning of the main procedure and then invoking the ‘run’ command.
a program with debug info main, and usage like this: main arg1 arg2
gdb main
(gdb) start arg1 arg2
Use starti. Unlike start this stops at the actual first instruction, not at main().
You can type record full right after running the program. This will record all instructions and make them possible for replaying/going back.
For main function, you'd need to type this before reaching the breakpoint so you can set an earlier one by break _start -> _start is a function always called before the standard main function. (apparently applies only to the gcc compiler or similar)
Then continue to main breakpoint and do reverse-stepi to go exactly one instruction back
For more info about recording look here: link

How to debug stack-overwriting errors with Valgrind?

I just spent some time chasing down a bug that boiled down to the following. Code was erroneously overwriting the stack, and I think it wrote over the return address of the function call. Following the return, the program would crash and stack would be corrupted. Running the program in valgrind would return an error such as:
vex x86->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0xEA 0x3 0x0 0x0
==9222== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x4e925a8.
I figure this is because the return jumped to a random location, containing stuff that were not valid x86 opcodes. (Though I am somehow suspicious that this address 0x4e925a8 happened to be in an executable page. I imagine valgrind would throw a different error if this wasn't the case.)
I am certain that the problem was of the stack-overwriting type, and I've since fixed it. Now I am trying to think how I could catch errors like this more effectively. Obviously, valgrind can't warn me if I rewrite data on the stack, but maybe it can catch when someone writes over a return address on the stack. In principle, it can detect when something like 'push EIP' happens (so it can flag where the return addresses are on the stack).
I was wondering if anyone knows if Valgrind, or anything else can do that? If not, can you comment on other suggestions regarding debugging errors of this type efficiently.
If the problem happens deterministically enough that you can point out particular function that has it's stack smashed (in one repeatable test case), you could, in gdb:
Break at entry to that function
Find where the return address is stored (it's relative to %ebp (on x86) (which keeps the value of %esp at the function entry), I am not sure whether there is any offset).
Add watchpoint to that address. You have to issue the watch command with calculated number, not an expression, because with an expression gdb would try to re-evaluate it after each instruction instead of setting up a trap and that would be extremely slow.
Let the function run to completion.
I have not yet worked with the python support available in gdb7, but it should allow automating this.
In general, Valgrind detection of overflows in stack and global variables is weak to non-existant. Arguably, Valgrind is the wrong tool for that job.
If you are on one of supported platforms, building with -fmudflap and linking with -lmudflap will give you much better results for these kinds of errors. Additional docs here.
Much has changed in the 6 years since this answer. On Linux, the tool to find stack (and heap) overflows is AddressSanitizer, supported by recent versions of GCC and Clang.
