Pressing Tab while editing, control goes to browser .Expect to move to next cell while using : DHTMLX grid - dhtmlx

Documentation :
Here is my code to create grid
grid = new GridDHX(gridContainer.current, {columns: props.columns,data:,adjust: true,
editable: true,
autoEmptyRow: true,
autoWidth: true,
selection: "cell",
enableEditEvents: true
And Modified click event for editing"CellClick", function(
) {
I want tab should take next cell and become editable. I tried below code to end editing while pressing tab"beforeKeyDown", function (e) {
if (e.key === "Tab") {

I think u can try something like this:"BeforeKeyDown", (e) => {
if (e.key === "Tab") {
})"AfterKeyDown", (e) => {
if (e.key === "Tab") {
var selected = grid.selection.getCell();
if (selected) {


kendo pivotgrid Rows and Columns expand is always false

I am trying to save PivotGrid state for future load. I have two problems
1: the expand property of row items is not changed at run time. Test here : When the user expands an item at runtime the expand property of the returned row by dataSource.rows() is the same as what it was at initialization.
2: I can't find a way to save/load the selected feilds (slices) using the "Fields to Include" menu along side with rows,columns and measures.
I'm working in React but you should be able to do something similar.
This is a bug, to work around it you can listen to expandMember and collapseMember events to manually track the axis and path of expanded rows/columns. see code below.
If you mean the Configurator, just set its dataSource to that of the pivot grid after you create it. See below in createGrid().
Bonus, see the end of createGrid to auto expand the items in the Configurator.
createGrid = () => {
dataSource: {
data: data,
schema: schema,
columns: this.state.columns,
rows: this.state.rows,
measures: this.state.measures,
filter: this.state.filter
expandMember: this.onExpand,
collapseMember: this.onCollapse
let grid = $(`#pivot-grid`).data('kendoPivotGrid');
if (grid) {
if (this.state.expands) {
this.state.expands.forEach(expand => {
if (expand.axis === 'rows') {
} else {
dataSource: grid.dataSource,
filterable: true
// Expand the items in the configurator fields.
let tree = $('.k-treeview').data('kendoTreeView');
if (tree) {
onExpand = e => {
expands: [...this.state.expands, {
axis: e.axis,
path: e.path
onCollapse = e => {
expands: this.state.expands.filter(ex => ex.axis !== e.axis && JSON.stringify(ex.path) !== JSON.stringify(e.path))
Here is my try on this
what i like is, that it actually updates the data source as you would expect
function onExpandOrCollapseMember(e, expand) {
var pivot = e.sender;
var axisToUpdate = '_' + e.axis;
var field = _.find(pivot.dataSource[axisToUpdate], f => JSON.stringify( === JSON.stringify(e.path));
field.expand = expand;
And on the pivot options i pass in
expandMember: e => onExpandOrCollapseMember(e,true),
collapseMember: e => onExpandOrCollapseMember(e, false),

How to change enter behaviour in summernote

I have get this old code
// myenter.js, enter key is binded to insertParagraph command.
name : 'myenter',
events : {
// redefine insertParagraph
'insertParagraph' : function(event, editor, layoutInfo) {
//you can use summernote enter
// also you can use your enter key
layoutInfo.holder().summernote('insertNode', document.createTextNode("\r\n"));
// to stop enter key
$('.summernote').summernote({ height : 300 });
but now method of add plugin has changed and i want this functionality with new version by this code
$.extend($.summernote.plugins, {
'myenter': function (context) {
but it is not called at all
I had tried to get same functionality by
but it gives error..
$.extend($.summernote.plugins, {
'brenter': function (context) { = {
'summernote.enter': function (we, e) {
// insert 2 br tags (if only one br tag is inserted the cursor won't go to the next line)
document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, '<br><br>');
I managed to fix it like this:
$.extend($.summernote.plugins, {
'brenter': function (context) { = {
'summernote.enter': function (we, e) {
//get hold of the enter event and trigger a shift+enter keypress
e.trigger($.Event("keydown", {
keyCode: 13, // ENTER
shiftKey: true
//stop the normal event from happening
// then do summernote as normal...

How to trigger autocomplete on character - Ace Editor

How can I do the following with the Ace Editor.
User types the '#' character
Autocomplete pops up
User makes a selection from the dropdown
The '#' gets removed now that the selection has been made
I basically want the # as a trigger for the autocomplete, but I don't want it hanging around after.
Thank you
addAutoComplete() {
var me = this;
ace.require('./config').loadModule('ace/ext/language_tools', () => {
enableBasicAutocompletion: true,
enableSnippets: true,
enableLiveAutocompletion: false
me.include = /[a-z.]/i;
this.aceEditor.on('change', (obj, editor) => {
switch (obj.action) {
case 'insert':
let lines = obj.lines;
let char = lines[0];
if ((lines.length === 1) && (char.length === 1) && me.include.test(char)) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 50);
that's the demo. works fine
We can bind the '#' keyword and trigger the autocomplete:
name: "myCommand",
bindKey: { win: "#", mac: "#" },
exec: function (editor) {
autocomplete: function () {
staticWordCompleter = {
var getWordList = function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback, isRHSEditor) {
var wordList = []; // add your words to this list
callback(null, {
return {
caption: word,
value: word
editor.completers = [staticWordCompleter];
None of the above approaches worked for me. I ended up rolling my own autocomplete/autosuggest for this to work. It's hard to contrive an example but in short the steps are:
Capture the onChange of the editor
If the editor action meets the criteria (i.e. the # symbol is pressed), display a box at the cursor position. This can be done by setting the box to position absolute, and setting the top/left attributes:
const {row, column} = window.editor.getCursorPosition();
const {pageX, pageY} = window.editor.renderer.textToScreenCoordinates(row, column)
const autosuggest = document.getElementById("ELEMENT_NAME") = pageX = pageY
Add commands to disable/redirect any actions such as the arrow keys/enter key, and re-enable when a selection is made.
function disableEnterKeyInEditor() {
function enableEnterKeyInEditor() {
command_enter = {
name: "enterKeyPressedCommand",
bindKey: {win: "Enter", mac: "Enter"},
exec: function (editor) {
return true;
This was much easier than working with ace's autocomplete.
You can check with below code:
var getWordList = function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback, isRHSEditor) {
var wordList = [];
if(prefix === '#') {
wordList.push('add you're name list here');
callback(null, {
return {
caption: word,
value: word

Replace the image plugin in CKeditor

I want to override the image plugin in CKeditor. When I right click on an image I want to open my own dialog. Can anyone point me in the right direction. I've done a basic plugin which I copied from the CKeditor site - How do I swap this to replace the image editor.
init: function (editor) {
editor.addCommand('mydialog', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand('mydialog'));
if (editor.contextMenu) {
editor.addMenuGroup('mygroup', 10);
editor.addMenuItem('My Dialog',
label: 'Open dialog',
command: 'mydialog',
group: 'mygroup'
editor.contextMenu.addListener(function (element) {
return { 'My Dialog': CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF };
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('mydialog', function (api) {
// CKEDITOR.dialog.definition
var dialogDefinition =
title: 'Sample dialog',
minWidth: 390,
minHeight: 130,
contents: [
id: 'tab1',
label: 'Label',
title: 'Title',
expand: true,
padding: 0,
type: 'html',
html: '<p>This is some sample HTML content.</p>'
type: 'textarea',
id: 'textareaId',
rows: 4,
cols: 40
buttons: [CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton, CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton],
onOk: function () {
// "this" is now a CKEDITOR.dialog object.
// Accessing dialog elements:
var textareaObj = this.getContentElement('tab1', 'textareaId');
alert("You have entered: " + textareaObj.getValue());
return dialogDefinition;
Hi the reason I wanted to do this was that we have our image editor control which for "usability" reasons we need to carry on using. It gets used in different bits of the site and two dialogs would confuse people. In summary what I did was
Remove the image plugin CKEDITOR.config.removePlugins = 'image, forms, div,flash,iframe,table';
Add extra plugins extraPlugins: 'tinsertimage,teditimage,teditlink,tinsertlink,teditimagelink' on creating the CKEditor
In the plugin run some JS which intercept the right click on the image
init: function (editor) {
exec: function (editor) {
//This opens the custom editor
ZWSInlineEditor.openImageProperties(editor, false);
if (editor.addMenuItem) {
// A group menu is required
// order, as second parameter, is not required
// Create a manu item
editor.addMenuItem('gEditImageItem', {
label: 'Edit Image Properties',
command: 'tEditImage',
group: 'gImage'
if (editor.contextMenu) {
editor.contextMenu.addListener(function (element, selection) {
// Get elements parent, strong parent first
var parents = element.getParents("img");
// Check if it's strong
if (parents[0].getName() != "img")
return null; // No item
return { gEditImageItem: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON };
I don't understand what's the point in what you're doing (or please explain us). Maybe you should rather customize dialogs than do things from scratch?

jqGrid: is it possible to selectively make cells editable?

how can I make one single cell editable out of a not editable column?
my javaScript looks like this:
$( '#grid' ).jqGrid({
// ...
cellEdit : true,
colModel : [
{ name : "id", index : "id", editable : false },
{ name : "wbs", index : "wbs", editable : false },
{ name : "value", index : "value", editable : false }
loadComplete : function(data) {
// ... foreach ( cell in data.rows.columns ) ...
if ( cell.shouldBeEditable ) {
jQuery('#grid').setCell(cell.row, cell.col, '', 'green', { editable : true });
// ...
so, after globally setting columns as not editable, I try to set them as editable locally, based on some criteria (to identify them more easily I also paint them green).
Alas, it's not working: cells become green, but when I try to click them they do not become editable.
Inspecting the selected cell with firebug reveals the edit-cell class to be correctly applied.
As a last note, it's working if I set columns as editable in the first instance.
I suggest you do it in reverse. Make the column editable, but disable the cells that you do not want to be editable. This is a function I wrote to disable cells:
// cellName is the name defined in your colModel
function disableGridCell(cellName) {
var cell = $('[name="' + cellName + '"]');
cell.css('display', 'none');
var div = $("<div>")
.css('width', '100%')
.css('height', '100%')
.css('border', '1px solid #000')
.css('background-color', '#CCC')
I call disableGridCell inside of my onEditFunc of my grid's editRow function:
$('#grid').jqGrid('editRow', id, keys, onEditFunc);
function onEditFunc(id) {
if (condition to disable cell) {
I found a nice workaround to the problem (thanks to Walter for getting me on the right track).
Instead of locking all the cells and selectively unlocking them in a declarative manner (which may lead to long load times), I'm declaring all the cells as editable.
Then I'm attaching a callback to afterEditCell option:
var $grid = $('#grid');
// ...
afterEditCell : function(rowid, cellname, value, iRow, iCol) {
if ( shouldNotBeEditable(iRow, iCol) ) {
$grid.setCell(rowid, cellname, '', 'not-editable-cell');
$grid.restoreCell(iRow, iCol);
// ...
This way the cell is immediately reset to its previous value and I ensure that the callback gets called only once per not-to-be-edited cell, since the cell is made into a not-editable-cell after the first call.
{name:'description',index:'description', width:4, sortable: false, editable: true},
{name:'qty',index:'qty', width:1,sortable: false, editable: true},
{name:'cost',index:'cost', width:1, editable: true, sortable: false},
{name:'totalCost',index:'totalCost', width:1, sortable: false}
onCellSelect: function(rowid, iCol, cellcontent, e) {
//here it will allow editing of either qty or cost col for that rowid
//only if both cols have a numeric value already
if(iCol===1 || iCol===2) {
var rowdata = $("#projectTable").getRowData(rowid);
var itemCost = parseInt(rowdata['cost']);
var qty = parseInt(rowdata['qty']);
if(!$.isNumeric(itemCost) || !$.isNumeric(qty)) {
$("#projectTable").jqGrid('setColProp','qty',{editable: false});
$("#projectTable").jqGrid('setColProp','cost',{editable: false});
} else {
$("#projectTable").jqGrid('setColProp','qty',{editable: true});
$("#projectTable").jqGrid('setColProp','cost',{editable: true});
