How to trigger autocomplete on character - Ace Editor - ace-editor

How can I do the following with the Ace Editor.
User types the '#' character
Autocomplete pops up
User makes a selection from the dropdown
The '#' gets removed now that the selection has been made
I basically want the # as a trigger for the autocomplete, but I don't want it hanging around after.
Thank you

addAutoComplete() {
var me = this;
ace.require('./config').loadModule('ace/ext/language_tools', () => {
enableBasicAutocompletion: true,
enableSnippets: true,
enableLiveAutocompletion: false
me.include = /[a-z.]/i;
this.aceEditor.on('change', (obj, editor) => {
switch (obj.action) {
case 'insert':
let lines = obj.lines;
let char = lines[0];
if ((lines.length === 1) && (char.length === 1) && me.include.test(char)) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 50);
that's the demo. works fine

We can bind the '#' keyword and trigger the autocomplete:
name: "myCommand",
bindKey: { win: "#", mac: "#" },
exec: function (editor) {
autocomplete: function () {
staticWordCompleter = {
var getWordList = function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback, isRHSEditor) {
var wordList = []; // add your words to this list
callback(null, {
return {
caption: word,
value: word
editor.completers = [staticWordCompleter];

None of the above approaches worked for me. I ended up rolling my own autocomplete/autosuggest for this to work. It's hard to contrive an example but in short the steps are:
Capture the onChange of the editor
If the editor action meets the criteria (i.e. the # symbol is pressed), display a box at the cursor position. This can be done by setting the box to position absolute, and setting the top/left attributes:
const {row, column} = window.editor.getCursorPosition();
const {pageX, pageY} = window.editor.renderer.textToScreenCoordinates(row, column)
const autosuggest = document.getElementById("ELEMENT_NAME") = pageX = pageY
Add commands to disable/redirect any actions such as the arrow keys/enter key, and re-enable when a selection is made.
function disableEnterKeyInEditor() {
function enableEnterKeyInEditor() {
command_enter = {
name: "enterKeyPressedCommand",
bindKey: {win: "Enter", mac: "Enter"},
exec: function (editor) {
return true;
This was much easier than working with ace's autocomplete.

You can check with below code:
var getWordList = function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback, isRHSEditor) {
var wordList = [];
if(prefix === '#') {
wordList.push('add you're name list here');
callback(null, {
return {
caption: word,
value: word


dropdown list with an extend option

I'm using the DropdownList component from react-widget. In my code, there are a couple of dropdowns that get their values from an Ajax call. Some of them, like a list of languages, are too big and it's very slow to get the list from Ajax and render it (takes 4 to 5 seconds!). I would like to provide to the dropdwon a small list of languages and an 'Extend' or 'Load Full List' option; if clicking on Extend the dropdown would be refreshed with the full list of languages.
Here is my solution: the code of the parent component:
const languages = ajaxCalls.getLanguages();
const langs = {"languages": [["eng", "English"], ["swe", "Swedish"], ["deu", "German"], ["...", "Load Full List"]]};
const common_langs =[id, name]) => ({id, name}));
<SelectBig data={common_langs} extend={languages} onSelect={x=>this.setValue(schema, path, x)} value={this.getValue(path)} />;
And here is the code for SelectBig component:
import React from 'react/lib/ReactWithAddons';
import { DropdownList } from 'react-widgets';
const PT = React.PropTypes;
export const SelectBig = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
data: PT.array,
value: PT.string,
onSelect: PT.func.isRequired,
maxResults: 50,
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
console.log("nextProps = " , nextProps, " , nextState = ", nextState);
const len = x => (x && x.length !== undefined) ? x.length : 0;
// fast check, not exact, but should work for our use case
return nextProps.value !== this.props.value
|| len( !== len(;
return {
lastSearch: '',
results: 0,
dataList: [],
select(val) {
if( === "..."){
this.setState({dataList: this.props.extend})
filter(item, search) { .... },
renderField(item) { .... },
render() {
const busy = !;
let data;
data = || [];
} else {
data = this.state.dataList;
return (
busy={busy} />
But it doesn't look good: When the user chooses 'Load Full List', the dropdown list will be closed and user need to click again to see the updated list. Does anyone have a better solution or a suggestion to improve my code?
The picture shows how it looks like right now!
Better go with this link, it will work

How to force CKEditor inline widgets to preserve trailing spaces

As I reported at in this CKEditor this ticket, inline widgets in CKEditor (4.7.0) do not preserve trailing spaces, causing display issues.
Take the following simple widget:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('spanwidget', {
requires: 'widget',
init: function (editor) {
editor.widgets.add('spanwidget', {
editables: {
content: {
selector: 'span'
upcast: function (element) {
return == 'span';
When you load the following data <span>lorem </span>ipsum, you see this text in output: loremipsum (notice the missing space).
This can be seen in this JSFiddle.
How can I work around the problem (I do not control which data is loaded inside CKEditor)?
I found a workaround to force the last trailing space to be preserved. The idea is to replace the last space with a when upcasting the widget element, then remove it before downcasting it:
CKEDITOR.replace('ck', {
allowedContent: true,
extraPlugins: 'spanwidget'
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('spanwidget', {
requires: 'widget',
init: function (editor) {
editor.widgets.add('spanwidget', {
editables: {
content: { selector: 'span' }
upcast: function (element) {
// Matches?
if ( == 'span') {
// Ends with text?
var children = element.children,
childCount = children.length,
lastChild = childCount && children[childCount - 1];
if (lastChild instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text) {
// Replace the last space with a non breaking space
// (see
lastChild.value = lastChild.value.replace(/ $/, ' ');
// Match!
return true;
// No match
return false;
downcast: function (element) {
// Span with class "targetinfo"?
if ( == 'span') {
// Ends with text?
var children = element.children,
childCount = children.length,
lastChild = childCount && children[childCount - 1];
if (lastChild instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text) {
// Ends with a non breaking space?
var match = lastChild.value.match(/ $/i);
if (match) {
// Replace the non breaking space with a normal one
lastChild.value = lastChild.value.replace(/ $/i, ' ');
// Clone the element
var clone = element.clone();
// Reinsert all the children into that element
for (var i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
// Return the clone
return clone;
See updated JSFiddle here.

Ckeditor plugin : how to unwrap text?

I have created a ckeditor plugin that wraps the selected text into a span.
I wonder how can I unwrap the selected when I apply this plugin on a text that has been previously wrapped into the span.
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('important', {
// Register the icons. They must match command names.
//trick to get a 16*16 icon :
icons: 'important',
init: function (editor) {
editor.addCommand('important', {
// Define the function that will be fired when the command is executed.
exec: function (editor) {
var selected_text = editor.getSelection().getSelectedText();
console.log(editor.getSelection()) ;
var newElement = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("span");
newElement.setAttributes({class: 'important'});
//how to unwrap the selected text ?
// Create the toolbar button that executes the above command.
editor.ui.addButton('important', {
label: 'Set this as important',
command: 'important',
toolbar: 'insert'
Finally, using editor.getSelection().getStartElement(), I can check if the starting element has already been wrapped with the class and remove it if necessary.
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('important', {
//trick to get a 16*16 icon :
icons: 'important',
init: function (editor) {
var className = 'important';
editor.addCommand('important', {
// Define the function that will be fired when the command is executed.
exec: function (editor) {
var editorSelection = editor.getSelection();
var selected_text = editorSelection.getSelectedText();
var startElement = editorSelection.getStartElement();
//if the element has already been wrapped, let's UNwrap it
if (className === startElement.$.className) {
var html = startElement.$.innerHTML;
} else {
//if the element has NOT already been wrapped, let's wrap it
var newElement = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("span");
newElement.setAttributes({class: 'important'});
// Create the toolbar button that executes the above command.
editor.ui.addButton('important', {
label: 'Set this as important',
command: 'important',
toolbar: 'insert'

Using Inheritance Patterns to Organize Large jQuery Applications - how to extend the plugin?

I found this working example of Inheritance Patterns that separates business logic and framework code. I'm tempted to use it as a boilerplate, but since it is an inheritance Pattern, then how can I extend the business logic (the methods in var Speaker)?
For instance, how can I extend a walk: method into it?
* Object Speaker
* An object representing a person who speaks.
var Speaker = {
init: function(options, elem) {
// Mix in the passed in options with the default options
this.options = $.extend({},this.options,options);
// Save the element reference, both as a jQuery
// reference and a normal reference
this.elem = elem;
this.$elem = $(elem);
// Build the dom initial structure
// return this so we can chain/use the bridge with less code.
return this;
options: {
name: "No name"
_build: function(){
speak: function(msg){
// You have direct access to the associated and cached jQuery element
// Make sure Object.create is available in the browser (for our prototypal inheritance)
// Courtesy of Papa Crockford
// Note this is not entirely equal to native Object.create, but compatible with our use-case
if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') {
Object.create = function (o) {
function F() {} // optionally move this outside the declaration and into a closure if you need more speed.
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
$.plugin = function(name, object) {
$.fn[name] = function(options) {
// optionally, you could test if options was a string
// and use it to call a method name on the plugin instance.
return this.each(function() {
if ( ! $.data(this, name) ) {
$.data(this, name, Object.create(object).init(options, this));
// With the Speaker object, we could essentially do this:
$.plugin('speaker', Speaker);
Any ideas?
How about simply using JavaScript's regular prototype inheritance?
Consider this:
function Speaker(options, elem) {
this.elem = $(elem)[0];
this.options = $.extend(this.defaults, options);;
Speaker.prototype = {
defaults: {
name: "No name"
build: function () {
$('<h1>', {text:}).appendTo(this.elem);
return this;
speak: function(message) {
$('<p>', {text: message}).appendTo(this.elem);
return this;
Now you can do:
var pp = new Speaker({name: "Porky Pig"}, $("<div>").appendTo("body"));
pp.speak("That's all folks!");
Speaker.prototype.walk = function (destination) {
$('<p>', {
text: + " walks " + destination + ".",
css: { color: "red" }
return this;
pp.walk("off the stage");
Runnable version:
function Speaker(options, elem) {
this.elem = $(elem)[0];
this.options = $.extend(this.defaults, options);;
Speaker.prototype = {
defaults: {
name: "No name"
build: function () {
$('<h1>', {text:}).appendTo(this.elem);
return this;
speak: function(message) {
$('<p>', {text: message}).appendTo(this.elem);
return this;
var pp = new Speaker({name: "Porky Pig"}, $("<div>").appendTo("body"));
pp.speak("That's all folks!");
Speaker.prototype.walk = function (destination) {
$('<p>', {
text: + " walks " + destination + ".",
css: { color: "red" }
return this;
pp.walk("off the stage");
<script src=""></script>

jquery plugin creation issue

I have created a plugin with following codes:
var myplugin = {
init: function(options) {
$.myplugin.settings = $.extend({}, $.myplugin.defaults, options);
method1: function(par1) {
method2: function(par1) {
$.myplugin = function(method){
if ( myplugin[method] ) {
return myplugin[ method ].apply( this, arguments, 1 ));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return myplugin.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error( 'Method "' + method + '" does not exist in myplugin!');
$.myplugin.defaults = {
option1: 'test',
option2: '',
option3: ''
$.myplugin.settings = {};
This works well but the issue is that when I try to set more than 1 option and try to return its values afterwards, it gives empty; setting one option works well. For eg.
If on changing the first combo box value I call this:
$.myplugin({option1: 'first test'});
it works, but when I try to call another on second combo box it doesn't save the option, instead it reset to empty.
Is there any fix?
I would re-organize the plugin to use this structure:
var methods = {
settings: {
foo: "foo",
bar: "bar"
init: function(options) {
this.settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, options);
method1: function(par1) {
method2: function(par1) {
function MyPlugin(options) {
return this;
$.extend(MyPlugin.prototype, methods);
$.myPlugin = function(options) {
return new MyPlugin(options);
/* usage */
// without parameters
var obj1 = $.myPlugin();
// with parameters
var obj2 = $.myPlugin({foo: "foobar"});
// each has it's own settings
Essentially $.myPlugin simply creates and returns a new instance of the MyPlugin class. You could get rid of it completely and use new myPlugin(options) in it's place.
