Skeletal animations in C# SFML 2D - skeletal-animation

I'm completely green when it comes to skeletal animations in 2D. I create a platform game and I got graphics for it - body parts from which to stick the character. My problem is that I have absolutely no idea how to go about it. The question is: How do you implement animations in the game?
I could do it frame by frame from previously glued body parts, but I need the character to look at the mouse cursor, so it falls off. I am asking for some ideas.

About your problem, if you want all parts of your character look at the mouse, you should rotate your character, if just a part (like character's head) you need to rotate the head.
I could give you some methods to implement animation that I known
Draw animation frame by frame: simple, easy to approach and handle but hard to scale up.
Separate character into many parts and each part has a unique animation: flexible, good for scale up but hard to handle due to you must ensure all parts are stick together in a right way (from scratch without tools or engine). I think this video may help you to know more the way their create skeletal animation in Unity (same as Spine).
Hope it help.


Animating wind in Spritekit?

Is there a way to animate wind for certain game objects?
For example, branches of trees should gently move, like there's a breeze in game. Not gameplay, more like a special background effect.
If it's not possible in code, what would be the best way to create proper sprite images?
I see a few options to actually achieve that Wind Effect.
SKFieldNode, It allows you to actually apply physics effects to nodes. And if you want real tree branches that can move based on the physics, you should combine SKFieldNode with SKPhysicsJoint. When you combine those two you can actually create indepedent Branch Nodes to receive some kind of force to simulate a wind effect. To understand what you can do with SKPhysicsJoint, check out this guide. This solution can get really complex and hard to achieve with superficial understanding of SpriteKit Engine, but you can create an amazing effect using it. Personally, I would not recommend if you have deadlines to attend, physics always get buggy if you lose your grasp on what you are doing, you may invest a lot of time trying to achieve this using physics.
Create different animation of your tree responding to wind movement and control which animation frame you should use at that specif case. I Would highly recommend this one, because you will have control over what is going on with you tree and people that play games don't pay that much attention to what is going on with background, altho is a good thing to think about it from the game experience.
Create your tree textures and change the anchor point to be at the place you want the effect to be more effective and responsive. The farthest the coordinate in the node is from the anchor points coordinate, less effect from your SKAction it will get.
Sorry for my English, is not my native language.

Three.js: outline occluded object

I'm working on a 3rd person game built on Three.js where the user has free orbital control of the camera.
To enhance player experience, I'd like to use an outline on the active character that the user is controlling (there can be more characters in the scene), but only show the outline when (a part) of the player model is occluded/behind something.
The effect I want to create is shown on the far right (Stencil: 1), but instead of an opaque effect, I just want the outline as shown on the other models. There should be no outline on the visible parts of the player character, but only when the character is either partially behind another object or completely.
Now, the outline effect itself isn't really a problem. There are more than enough resources/examples/tutorials/whatnot about that. The part where I'm stuck is how to combine something like this with the occluding part. There is also the part about performance. If at all possible, I would really like to avoid rendering my entire scene multiple times for performance reasons.
Thanks in advance!
Using threejs R88 / 89-dev.

Efficiently rendering tiled map using SpriteKit

As an exercise, I decided to write a SimCity (original) clone in Swift for OSX. I started the project using SpriteKit, originally having each tile as an instance of SKSpriteNode and swapping the texture of each node when that tile changed. This caused terrible performance, so I switched the drawing over to regular Cocoa windows, implementing drawRect to draw NSImages at the correct tile position. This solution worked well until I needed to implement animated tiles which refresh very quickly.
From here, I went back to the first approach, this time using a texture atlas to reduce the amount of draws needed, however, swapping textures of nodes that need to be animated was still very slow and had a huge detrimental effect on frame rate.
I'm attempting to display a 44x44 tile map where each tile is 16x16 pixels. I know here must be an efficient (or perhaps more correct way) to do this. This leads to my question:
Is there an efficient way to support 1500+ nodes in SpriteKit and which are animated through changing their textures? More importantly, am I taking the wrong approach by using SpriteKit and SKSpriteNode for each tile in the map (even if I only redraw the dirty ones)? Would another approach (perhaps, OpenGL?) be better?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'd be happy to provide code samples, but I'm not sure how relevant/helpful they would be for this question.
Here are some links to relevant drawing code and images to demonstrate the issue:
When the player clicks on the small map, the center position of the large map changes. An event is fired from the small map the central engine powering the game which is then forwarded to listeners. The code that gets executed on the large map the change all of the textures can be found here:
That code uses tileImages which is a wrapper around a Texture Atlas that is generated at runtime.
Please excuse the messiness of the code -- I made an alternate branch for this investigation and haven't cleaned up a lot of residual code that has been hanging around from pervious iterations.
I don't know if this will "answer" your question, but may help.
SpriteKit will likely be able to handle what you need but you need to look at different optimizations for SpriteKit and more so your game logic.
SpriteKit. Creating a .atlas is by far one of the best things you can do and will help keep your draw calls down. Also as I learned the hard way keep a pointer to your SKTextures as long as you need them and only generate the ones you needs. For instance don't create textureWithImageNamed#"myImage" every time you need a texture for myImage instead keep reusing a texture and store it in a dictionary. Also skView.ignoresSiblingOrder = YES; helps a bunch but you have to manage your own zPosition on all the sprites.
Game logic. Updating every tile every loop is going to be very expensive. You will want to look at a better way to do that. keeping smaller arrays or maybe doing logic (model) updates on a background thread.
I currently have a project you can look into if you want called Old Frank. I have a map that is 75 x 75 with 32px by 32px tiles that may be stacked 2 tall. I have both Mac and iOS target so you could in theory blow up the scene size and see how the performance holds up. Not saying there isn't optimization work to be done (it is a work in progress), but I feel it might help get you pointed in the right direction at least.
Hope that helps.

Best low level canvas library for making interactive animations?

I'm evaluating canvas libraries, and my needs are:
I want to make it easy to build nice looking buttons that move
around and on which I can easily capture events. Button drawing
helpers would be cool
I'll be building a system for others to use to create animated
scenes combining moving test, images, and sound. I won't ever be
drawing complex shapes myself, the most I might be drawing is
buttons around some text.
I do not want to be totally insulated from the low level machinery
of the per-frame drawing callback. Helped along sure, but
I'm going to be syncing with Web Audio API stuff and want to keep
access to super tight timing control
I'm comfortable with pretty low level scripting of animation, would rather not have it be something that changes Canvas into some
totally different paradigm, but not sure on this point
needs to work well for touch on iOs
I'd ideally like to be using one with good docs and a high truck number. The state of Canvas libs reminds me of the state of JS libs
10 years ago, and I'd rather not invest in something that doesn't
have an actual "team" behind it. Truck number == 1 worries me.
You flagged KineticJS, so I can say a little bit about how that would work.
1) It's a great tool for tracking shapes on a canvas, capturing clicks, and moving them around. It's easy to place an image on any shape, but I would use another program to make those images.
2) Even if you don't do a lot beyond buttons, KineticJS provides some nice features for manipulating the canvas, and I'm sure you'd use a lot of them in making tools for others.
3) KineticJS provides an animation object that repeatedly calls the draw() method for you. You define your draw method in order to create animations.
4) It's more of a wrapper around canvas. You work with a Stage and Layers, but there is still a lot of transparency to the canvas itself, and you can always do direct manipulation as well.
5) You can capture a broad range of events including "touch", "click", etc. It's easy to treat them the same when appropriate or differently if you need to. Furthermore, you can simply mark shapes as "draggable" and it handles all that appropriately.
6) Kinetic has had spectacular documentation and examples, but in looking now, the tutorials seem to be missing from and I can't find them elsewhere. That's minorly worrisome, but the docs are still there and my guess is that they'll be back up soon since KineticJS is still under active development.
I'll weigh in on #1:
Nice looking buttons:
Hands-down...use Adobe Illustrator to create a set of button vector images (.svg).
If you need low level control over the button design at run-time then convert the Illustrator images to canvas drawing commands with this great plugin from Mike Swanson:
The key here is that canvas will scale the vector button for you so you're always getting a professional, polished look both on a small mobile screen and a large desktop screen.
You could use canvas to build each part of a button from scratch, but don't reinvent the wheel.
A good animation library is Greensock. It also helps you build timelines (kind of like Flash timelines).
As to canvas libraries, check out Stackoverflow's sister site that offers software recommendations:
Good luck with your project!

Hierarchical animations in DirectX and handling seperate animations on the same mesh?

I have a hierarchical animated model in DirectX which loads and animates based on the following DirectX sample:
As good as the sample is it does not really go into some of the details of animation that I'd like. For example, if I have a mesh which has a running animation and a throwing animation as seperate animation sets how can I get the throwing animation to occur for bones above the hip and the walking animation to occur for bones underneath the hip?
Also if I wanted to for example have the person lean left or right would I simply have to find the bone for the hip and multiplay a rotation matrix by its matrix? In this case I think the matrix is m_amxBoneOffsets?
Composing multiple animations to a single one is usually the job of an animation system, something that is way out of scope of the D3D sample.
Let's look at your 2 examples:
running and throwing
Well, in this case you could apply the animation for the lower part of the body from the running animation and the animation for the upper part of the body from the throwing animation. And you'd get a very crappy result.
The how is just a matter of knowing which bones are where in the bone palette (something that depends on how they are stored, and in which order, but nothing inherently hard. The definite reference should be the documentation of the tool generating the animation data)
In practice, you're better off with a blending of the 2 animation. This is, in general, is hard, and software packages exist out there that do this for you. Gamebryo, e.g.
Or, an animation of a running guy who throws is different enough from a standing guy who throws that you might be better off having 2 animations.
If you apply a rotation matrix to the root bone, you'll simply rotate your whole character.
Now if you rotate the next bone in the hierarchy (from the spine), you'll get all the bones that depend on it to rotate likewise. It will probably do what you want, but there's a sure way to find out. Try it!
Well the thing is the running animation SHOULD affect the throwing animation slightly. What you need to look into is animation blending.
I'm sure Valve wrote a good paper on how they implemented it in Counter-strike many years ago. Its not on the valve site though so I'm not sure where I got this memory from ...
