How to set default view for Robo3T? - robo3t

When using Robo3T(v1.3 OSX) to view documents, the default result view is in Tree mode. How do I change the default view to Table mode?

Top Apple menu bar > Options > Default View Mode > The one you want to use


Oracle APEX Interactive Grid - Can I Create default Control Break view?

Does anyone know if it's possible for me to create a Control Break view as the default view when a user views the page?
What i mean is, instead of viewing all 1000 rows of a report, I would like it defaulted to Control Break display it by a certain column.
Perhaps see the image of the default view that i require.
Yes. Put your control break on and then click Actions > Save Report then save as default report settings > primary report.

Replace custom menu with Oracle Forms 11g default menu

In my main form window, I have the following menu bar which is used for traversing. Its inherited from .mmb file.
Now, when I select any form on the menu, lets suppose I selected the highlighted "Purchase Order", then I don't want the same menu to be shown. I want the Oracle Form 11g's default menu to be shown instead, picture added below for reference.
I changed form's property of Inherit menu to No and the menu from image 1 isn't shown in "Purchase Order" but I still am not getting the default&smartbar menu.
How can I achieve that?
Thank you.
So I figured out a way how to disable .mmx menu and enable DEFAULT&SMARTBAR menu when I go to another form through the menu.
From the first screenshot above, the on-click-trigger had the following code
I replaced it with
So the addition of
Side note: Also, make sure Inherit Menu property of Window property is "YES" and Menu Module of form property is set to "DEFAULT&SMARTBAR"
I think in the properties window from the form you got the property "menu module"
If you make a new form it gets the default: DEFAULT&SMARTBAR
So I think it is now filled with your mmb filename.

xcode title bar / collection view

probably an easy solution to this, but not sure how.
I'm using colelction view with a tab bar. I'm unable to drag a navigation bar on to the view from the objects pannel, and selecting the navigation bar from the properties pannel works, but doesn't display in simulator mode.
Any thoughts?
Many thanks, again.
Well, one way to achieve what you're looking for would be to embed the view controller or collection view controller that contains your collection within a navigation controller (Editor->Embed In>Navigation Controller).
Then instead of linking your controller with your collection directly to your tab bar, you would link the navigation controller that contains it.

Joomla 3.0 missing menu parameters

Has been some time till I last worked in Joomla (that was verion 1.5.x)
In Joomla 3.0 the Menu parameters seems to be missing. Adding the parameter helped identifying what menu item has been clicked. The problem I am having now is that if I use the same component for two different menu items in the main menu - it will basically do the same.
BEFORE (Example):
Menu Item (1) - Landscape pictures (Menu parameter is set to 1)
-> Calls com_picturegallery
-> See's that parameter is ONE and select statement of component filters for all landscape pictures.
Menu Item (2) - Urban pictures (Menu parameter is set to 2)
-> Calls com_picturegallery
-> See's that parameter is TWO and select statement of component filters for all urban pictures.
In Joomla 3.0 i cannot find an option to set these parameters in the menu settings for main menu.
Does anyone know how else to tell Joomla that depending on menu I click the component has to do a specific task.
This is how it works - I suppose it has been also best practice in Joomla 1.5.x
$menu = JSite::getMenu();
$alias = $menu->getActive()->alias;

Is it possible to save a "preferred view" to the default view?

I'm essentially creating a settings page which will call up different views (using different color schemes) but I cant figure out how to save a view as the default view once the user selects it. Any ideas regarding this or a more efficient way to do this? Thanks!
Under Project settings -> Summary -> There should be a "Main Interface" drop down and from there you can select the Default View. Hope this helps!
