Pygame window doesn't show on Mac OS Catalina - macos

MacOS Catalina 10.15.3
Python 3.7.6.
Pygame 1.9.6
I just started programming and I am trying to run a reinforcement learning Pygame code (link: When I run python3.7 -m pygame.examples.aliens I see the test window + sound and everything works.
However when I try to run the code for the game I am trying to get working I at first only saw the loading wheel, I fixed the loading wheel by putting in the following loop. `
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
When I try to run it now, I only see a black pygame window pop-up, so no loading wheel but also not the game, it also seems like the game doesn't run in the background (this was the case without the above loop). See the complete original code below:
import random
import math
import numpy as np
import pygame
from pygame.color import THECOLORS
import sys
import pymunk
from pymunk.vec2d import Vec2d
from pymunk.pygame_util import draw
# PyGame init
width = 1000
height = 700
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# Turn off alpha since we don't use it.
# Showing sensors and redrawing slows things down.
show_sensors = True
draw_screen = True
class GameState:
def __init__(self):
# Global-ish.
self.crashed = False
# Physics stuff. = pymunk.Space() = pymunk.Vec2d(0., 0.)
# Create the car.
self.create_car(100, 100, 0.5)
# Record steps.
self.num_steps = 0
# Create walls.
static = [
(0, 1), (0, height), 1),
(1, height), (width, height), 1),
(width-1, height), (width-1, 1), 1),
(1, 1), (width, 1), 1)
for s in static:
s.friction = 1. = 1
s.collision_type = 1
s.color = THECOLORS['red']
# Create some obstacles, semi-randomly.
# We'll create three and they'll move around to prevent over-fitting.
self.obstacles = []
self.obstacles.append(self.create_obstacle(200, 350, 100))
self.obstacles.append(self.create_obstacle(700, 200, 125))
self.obstacles.append(self.create_obstacle(600, 600, 35))
# Create a cat.
def create_obstacle(self, x, y, r):
c_body = pymunk.Body(pymunk.inf, pymunk.inf)
c_shape = pymunk.Circle(c_body, r)
c_shape.elasticity = 1.0
c_body.position = x, y
c_shape.color = THECOLORS["blue"], c_shape)
return c_body
def create_cat(self):
inertia = pymunk.moment_for_circle(1, 0, 14, (0, 0))
self.cat_body = pymunk.Body(1, inertia)
self.cat_body.position = 50, height - 100
self.cat_shape = pymunk.Circle(self.cat_body, 30)
self.cat_shape.color = THECOLORS["orange"]
self.cat_shape.elasticity = 1.0
self.cat_shape.angle = 0.5
direction = Vec2d(1, 0).rotated(self.cat_body.angle), self.cat_shape)
def create_car(self, x, y, r):
inertia = pymunk.moment_for_circle(1, 0, 14, (0, 0))
self.car_body = pymunk.Body(1, inertia)
self.car_body.position = x, y
self.car_shape = pymunk.Circle(self.car_body, 25)
self.car_shape.color = THECOLORS["green"]
self.car_shape.elasticity = 1.0
self.car_body.angle = r
driving_direction = Vec2d(1, 0).rotated(self.car_body.angle)
self.car_body.apply_impulse(driving_direction), self.car_shape)
def frame_step(self, action):
if action == 0: # Turn left.
self.car_body.angle -= .2
elif action == 1: # Turn right.
self.car_body.angle += .2
# Move obstacles.
if self.num_steps % 100 == 0:
# Move cat.
if self.num_steps % 5 == 0:
driving_direction = Vec2d(1, 0).rotated(self.car_body.angle)
self.car_body.velocity = 100 * driving_direction
# Update the screen and stuff.
if draw_screen:
# Get the current location and the readings there.
x, y = self.car_body.position
readings = self.get_sonar_readings(x, y, self.car_body.angle)
normalized_readings = [(x-20.0)/20.0 for x in readings]
state = np.array([normalized_readings])
# Set the reward.
# Car crashed when any reading == 1
if self.car_is_crashed(readings):
self.crashed = True
reward = -500
# Higher readings are better, so return the sum.
reward = -5 + int(self.sum_readings(readings) / 10)
self.num_steps += 1
return reward, state
def move_obstacles(self):
# Randomly move obstacles around.
for obstacle in self.obstacles:
speed = random.randint(1, 5)
direction = Vec2d(1, 0).rotated(self.car_body.angle + random.randint(-2, 2))
obstacle.velocity = speed * direction
def move_cat(self):
speed = random.randint(20, 200)
self.cat_body.angle -= random.randint(-1, 1)
direction = Vec2d(1, 0).rotated(self.cat_body.angle)
self.cat_body.velocity = speed * direction
def car_is_crashed(self, readings):
if readings[0] == 1 or readings[1] == 1 or readings[2] == 1:
return True
return False
def recover_from_crash(self, driving_direction):
We hit something, so recover.
while self.crashed:
# Go backwards.
self.car_body.velocity = -100 * driving_direction
self.crashed = False
for i in range(10):
self.car_body.angle += .2 # Turn a little.
screen.fill(THECOLORS["grey7"]) # Red is scary!
if draw_screen:
def sum_readings(self, readings):
"""Sum the number of non-zero readings."""
tot = 0
for i in readings:
tot += i
return tot
def get_sonar_readings(self, x, y, angle):
readings = []
Instead of using a grid of boolean(ish) sensors, sonar readings
simply return N "distance" readings, one for each sonar
we're simulating. The distance is a count of the first non-zero
reading starting at the object. For instance, if the fifth sensor
in a sonar "arm" is non-zero, then that arm returns a distance of 5.
# Make our arms.
arm_left = self.make_sonar_arm(x, y)
arm_middle = arm_left
arm_right = arm_left
# Rotate them and get readings.
readings.append(self.get_arm_distance(arm_left, x, y, angle, 0.75))
readings.append(self.get_arm_distance(arm_middle, x, y, angle, 0))
readings.append(self.get_arm_distance(arm_right, x, y, angle, -0.75))
if show_sensors:
return readings
def get_arm_distance(self, arm, x, y, angle, offset):
# Used to count the distance.
i = 0
# Look at each point and see if we've hit something.
for point in arm:
i += 1
# Move the point to the right spot.
rotated_p = self.get_rotated_point(
x, y, point[0], point[1], angle + offset
# Check if we've hit something. Return the current i (distance)
# if we did.
if rotated_p[0] <= 0 or rotated_p[1] <= 0 \
or rotated_p[0] >= width or rotated_p[1] >= height:
return i # Sensor is off the screen.
obs = screen.get_at(rotated_p)
if self.get_track_or_not(obs) != 0:
return i
if show_sensors:, (255, 255, 255), (rotated_p), 2)
# Return the distance for the arm.
return i
def make_sonar_arm(self, x, y):
spread = 10 # Default spread.
distance = 20 # Gap before first sensor.
arm_points = []
# Make an arm. We build it flat because we'll rotate it about the
# center later.
for i in range(1, 40):
arm_points.append((distance + x + (spread * i), y))
return arm_points
def get_rotated_point(self, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, radians):
# Rotate x_2, y_2 around x_1, y_1 by angle.
x_change = (x_2 - x_1) * math.cos(radians) + \
(y_2 - y_1) * math.sin(radians)
y_change = (y_1 - y_2) * math.cos(radians) - \
(x_1 - x_2) * math.sin(radians)
new_x = x_change + x_1
new_y = height - (y_change + y_1)
return int(new_x), int(new_y)
def get_track_or_not(self, reading):
if reading == THECOLORS['black']:
return 0
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
game_state = GameState()
while True:
game_state.frame_step((random.randint(0, 2)))
I don't think the issue is with my python version because the test runs normal. Anybody see the issue?

Problem solved. I put the loop in the beginning of the code but it should have gone beneath:
if draw_screen:


Updating matplotlib live graph in wxPython panel with scrolling x-axis

I am trying to animate a live graph in a wx.Panel. I would like to have the x-axis update like this example. Many of the examples I see are basic and don't take into consideration other controls and functions in the class. Others have so many extras that I get lost in the weeds. I can't get the animation command in the right place or update the x-axis. Here is the code:
import wx
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import time
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import NavigationToolbar2Wx
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
fTemp = ""
x = 0
class TempClass(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, title="", size=(600,500))
panel = wx.Panel(self)
self.fig = Figure(figsize=(6,4), dpi=75, facecolor='lightskyblue', edgecolor='r')
self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self, -1, self.fig) = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
self.ax2 =,90),24)
# major ticks every 5, minor ticks every 1
xmajor_ticks = np.arange(0, 24, 5)
xminor_ticks = np.arange(0, 24, 1), minor=True)'Hour')'Temp')
# The graph does not show in the panel when this in uncommented
#self.ani = animation.FuncAnimation(self.fig, self.onPlotTemp, interval=1000)
self.fanSensorTimer = wx.Timer(self)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.onPlotTemp, self.fanSensorTimer)
self.fanSensorBtn = wx.Button(self, -1, "Start Sensor")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onStartTempPlot, self.fanSensorBtn)
font1 = wx.Font(18, wx.DEFAULT,wx.NORMAL,wx.BOLD)
self.displayTemp = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Current Tempurature")
self.curTempTxt = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "0",size=(100,40), style=wx.TE_READONLY|wx.TE_CENTRE|wx.BORDER_NONE)
self.displayHum = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Current Humidity")
self.curHumTxt = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1,"0", size=(100,40), style=wx.TE_READONLY|wx.TE_CENTRE|wx.BORDER_NONE)
self.displayBox = wx.GridBagSizer(hgap=5,vgap=5)
self.displayBox.Add(self.displayTemp, pos=(0,0), flag=wx.TOP|wx.LEFT, border=5)
self.displayBox.Add(self.displayHum, pos=(0,1), flag=wx.TOP, border=5)
self.displayBox.Add(self.curTempTxt, pos=(1,0), flag=wx.ALL, border=5)
self.displayBox.Add(self.curHumTxt, pos=(1,1), flag=wx.ALL, border=5)
self.vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
self.vbox.Add(self.canvas, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 1)
self.vbox.Add(self.displayBox, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 1)
def start(self):
# get temp/humidity reading from node
def readTemp(self, data1, data2):
"Populates Current Temp"
global fTemp
a = format(data1, '08b')
b = format(data2, '08b')
x = a+b
y = int(x, base=2)
cTemp = ((175.72 * y)/65536)-46.85
fTemp = cTemp *1.8+32
cel = format(cTemp,'.1f')
far = format(fTemp,'.1f')
self.curTempTxt.WriteText(far + (u'\u00b0')+"F")
def rh1(self, data1, data2):
"Populates Current RH"
global relhum
a = format(data1, '08b')
b = format(data2, '08b')
x = a+b
y = int(x, base=2)
rh = ((125 * y)/65536)-6
relhum = format(rh,'.1f')
self.curHumTxt.WriteText(relhum + " %")
def onStartTempPlot(self,event):
#set for a short time period for testing purposes
print "Timer Started"
def onPlotTemp(self,event):
global fTemp, x, relhum
x +=1
y = int(fTemp)
y2 = float(relhum),y,'r.')
# send message to node for another reading of temp/humidity
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = wx.App(False)
frame = TempClass()
I would like to see the x axis increment as the data is plotted beyond the 24 hour point on the graph; when data for point 25 appears, the first point is dropped and the x axis shows '25'. The animation is commented out because it causes the graph to disappear until a point is plotted.
Here is a runnable example of what I am trying to achieve with the x axis:
import numpy
from matplotlib.pylab import *
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import host_subplot
import matplotlib.animation as animation
# Sent for figure
font = {'size' : 9}
matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
# Setup figure and subplots
f0 = figure(num = 0, figsize = (6, 4))#, dpi = 100)
f0.suptitle("Oscillation decay", fontsize=12)
ax01 = subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0))
# Set titles of subplots
ax01.set_title('Position vs Time')
# set y-limits
# sex x-limits
# Turn on grids
# set label names
# Data Placeholders
# set plots
p011, = ax01.plot(t,yp1,'b-', label="yp1")
p012, = ax01.plot(t,yp2,'g-', label="yp2")
# set lagends
ax01.legend([p011,p012], [p011.get_label(),p012.get_label()])
# Data Update
xmin = 0
xmax = 24
x = 0
def updateData(self):
global x
global yp1
global yv1
global yp2
global yv2
global t
tmpp1 = 1 + exp(-x) *sin(2 * pi * x)
tmpv1 = - exp(-x) * sin(2 * pi * x) + exp(-x) * cos(2 * pi * x) * 2 * pi
x += 1
if x >= xmax-1:
return p011
# interval: draw new frame every 'interval' ms
# frames: number of frames to draw
simulation = animation.FuncAnimation(f0, updateData, blit=False, frames=200, interval=20, repeat=False)
You are not incrementing the X axis limit or the ticks.
def onPlotTemp(self,event):
global fTemp, x, relhum
x +=1
y = int(fTemp)
y2 = float(relhum)
if x >= 24-1:,x+1)
xmajor_ticks = np.arange(x-24+1,x+5, 5)
xminor_ticks = np.arange(x-24+1, x+1,1), minor=True),y,'r.')
I'm not sure if the above resets the ticks the way you want them but you get the idea. Obviously I have hard-coded 24 as your limit, you may want to create a variable to sort that out.

I'm using kivy and I don't know how to create the event for the block to break

I don't know how to set up a event so that when my pong ball hits block it will be disabled or be gone off screen. Can someone help me. I'm very new and I look on there API but it just confused me a lot. Help would be much appreciated.
from import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from import NumericProperty, ReferenceListProperty, ObjectProperty
from kivy.vector import Vector
from kivy.clock import Clock
class Block(Widget):
score = NumericProperty(0)
def bounce_ball(self, ball):
if self.collide_widget(ball):
vx, vy = ball.velocity
offset = (ball.center_y - self.center_y) / (self.height / 2)
bounced = Vector(-1 * vx, vy)
vel = bounced * 1.0
ball.velocity = vel.y, vel.x + offset
class PongPaddle(Widget):
score = NumericProperty(0)
def bounce_ball(self, ball):
if self.collide_widget(ball):
vx, vy = ball.velocity
offset = (ball.center_y - self.center_y) / (self.height / 2)
bounced = Vector(-1 * vx, vy)
vel = bounced * 1.0
ball.velocity = vel.y, vel.x + offset
class PongBall(Widget):
ball = image
velocity_x = NumericProperty(0)
velocity_y = NumericProperty(0)
velocity = ReferenceListProperty(velocity_x, velocity_y)
def move(self):
self.pos = Vector(*self.velocity) + self.pos
class PongGame(Widget):
brick = ObjectProperty(None)
ball = ObjectProperty(None)
player1 = ObjectProperty(None)
block = ObjectProperty(None)
def serve_ball(self, vel=(0, 4)): =
self.ball.velocity = vel
def update(self, dt):
#bounce of paddles
if self.block.bounce_ball(self.ball): self.dispatch
#bounce ball off bottom or top
if ( >
self.ball.velocity_y *= -1
#bounce ball off bottom or top
if (self.ball.x < 0) or (self.ball.right > self.width):
self.ball.velocity_x *= -1
def on_touch_move(self, touch):
if touch.x > self.width / 12:
self.player1.center_x = touch.x
class PongApp(App):
def build(self):
game = PongGame()
Clock.schedule_interval(game.update, 1.0 / 30.0)
return game
if __name__ == '__main__':
It is not elegant solution - I don't use event.
I add visible to class Block:
class Block(Widget):
visible = BooleanProperty(True)
# the rest of the code
and then I remove block when it collide with ball
def update(self, dt):
#bounce of paddles
#bounce ball off bottom or top
if ( >
self.ball.velocity_y *= -1
#bounce ball off bottom or top
if (self.ball.x < 0) or (self.ball.right > self.width):
self.ball.velocity_x *= -1
# remove block when collide with ball
if self.block.visible and self.block.collide_widget(self.ball):
self.block.visible = False
Set either the x or y coordinate of your block so that it will be drawn offscreen (i.e., not actually drawn at all). First, if applicable, save your y coordinate so you can retrieve it later, to restore your block:
# Save old y setting for later retrieval.
root.saved_y = self.block.y
# Now set y so the block is moved offscreen.
self.block.y = 5000
(I've tested this solution; it works.)

Bouncing text animation issue in Pygame

I'm trying to code a program that can take text and animate it to bounce on a loop, like a ball bouncing to the floor. I used a similar piece of code I found a starting point as I'm still fairly new to Pygame (thank you Pete Shinners, whoever you are), but after updating the code and playing with it for a long time I still can't get it to blit to the screen correctly. The text starts above the rendered area and then gradually falls into view, but the top part of the text is cut off.
I've tried moving the blitted region around the window and resizing the rectangles and surface the program is using, but nothing seems to fix it.
import os, sys, math, pygame, pygame.font, pygame.image
from pygame.locals import *
def bounce():
# define constants
G = 0.98
#define variables
ball = 500
direction = 'DOWN'
v = 0
count = 0
#create array to store data
array = [ball]
while True:
if count == 4:
return array
elif ball > FLOOR and direction == 'DOWN':
v += G
if (ball - v) >= FLOOR:
ball = ball - v
ball = FLOOR
direction = 'UP'
count += 1
elif ball >= FLOOR and direction == 'UP':
v -= G
if (ball + v) >= FLOOR:
ball = ball + v
if v <= 0:
direction = 'DOWN'
ball = FLOOR
direction = 'UP'
class textBouncy:
array = bounce()
def __init__(self, font, message, fontcolor, amount=10):
# Render the font message
self.base = font.render(message, 0, fontcolor)
# bounce amount (height)
self.amount = amount
#size = rect of maximum height/width of text
self.size = self.base.get_rect().inflate(0, amount).size
#normalise array to meet height restriction
self.array = [round(-x/(500/amount),2) for x in array]
def animate(self):
# create window surface s
s = pygame.Surface(self.size)
# height = max inflated height
height = self.size[1]
# define a step-sized rectangle in the location of the step
src = Rect(0, 0, self.base.get_width(), height)
# moves the message according to the array list.
dst = src.move(0, self.array[i])
if (i + 1) == len(self.array):
global i
i = 0
# blits the information onto the screen
s.blit(self.base, dst, src)
return s
entry_info = 'Bouncing ball text'
if __name__ == '__main__':
#create text renderer
i = 0
array = bounce()
bigfont = pygame.font.Font(None, 60)
white = 255, 255, 255
renderer = textBouncy(bigfont, entry_info, white, 16)
text = renderer.animate()
#create a window the correct size
win = pygame.display.set_mode(text.get_size())
win.blit(text, (0, 10))
#run animation loop
finished = 0
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
text = renderer.animate()
i += 1
win.blit(text, (0, 10)) # blits the finished product from animate
(Quote) "it all comes down to math really" Kay so you need to - the y axis when you want to make it go up and + the x axis to make it go side ways you could make it go up and down will moveing it horizontally and then when it reaches a point it will stop moving horizontally and just bonce up and down +ing it more every time
That was my 100$ which took me 5 mins to write
After revisiting this I managed to work this out - I needed to add everything I blitted down to compensate for the bounce up. So in the __init__function:
self.array = [round(-x/(500/amount),2)**+self.amount** for x in array]
Works perfectly now :)

Cubic to equirectangular projection algorithm

I have a cube map texture which defines a surrounding, however I need to pass it to a program which only works with latitude/longitude maps. I am really at lost here on how to do the translation. Any help here?
In other words, I need to come from here:
To this (I think that image has an aditional -90° rotation over the x axis):
update: I got the official names of the projections. By the way, I found the opposite projection here
A general procedure for projecting raster images like this is:
for each pixel of the destination image:
calculate the corresponding unit vector in 3-dimensional space
calculate the x,y coordinate for that vector in the source image
sample the source image at that coordinate and assign the value to the destination pixel
The last step is simply interpolation. We will focus on the other two steps.
The unit vector for a given latitude and longitude is (+z towards the north pole, +x towards the prime meridian):
x = cos(lat)*cos(lon)
y = cos(lat)*sin(lon)
z = sin(lat)
Assume the cube is +/- 1 unit around the origin (i.e. 2x2x2 overall size).
Once we have the unit vector, we can find the face of the cube it's on by looking at the element with the largest absolute value. For example, if our unit vector was <0.2099, -0.7289, 0.6516>, then the y element has the largest absolute value. It's negative, so the point will be found on the -y face of the cube. Normalize the other two coordinates by dividing by the y magnitude to get the location within that face. So, the point will be at x=0.2879, z=0.8939 on the -y face.
I'd like to share my MATLAB implementation of this conversion. I also borrowed from the OpenGL 4.1 specification, Chapter 3.8.10 (found here), as well as Paul Bourke's website (found here). Make sure you look under the subheading: Converting to and from 6 cubic environment maps and a spherical map.
I also used Sambatyon's post above as inspiration. It started off as a port from Python over to MATLAB, but I made the code so that it is completely vectorized (i.e. no for loops). I also take the cubic image and split it up into 6 separate images, as the application I'm building has the cubic image in this format. Also there is no error checking with the code, and that this assumes that all of the cubic images are of the same size (n x n). This also assumes that the images are in RGB format. If you'd like to do this for a monochromatic image, simply comment out those lines of code that require access to more than one channel. Here we go!
function [out] = cubic2equi(top, bottom, left, right, front, back)
% Height and width of equirectangular image
height = size(top, 1);
width = 2*height;
% Flags to denote what side of the cube we are facing
% Z-axis is coming out towards you
% X-axis is going out to the right
% Y-axis is going upwards
% Assuming that the front of the cube is towards the
% negative X-axis
FACE_Z_POS = 1; % Left
FACE_Z_NEG = 2; % Right
FACE_Y_POS = 3; % Top
FACE_Y_NEG = 4; % Bottom
FACE_X_NEG = 5; % Front
FACE_X_POS = 6; % Back
% Place in a cell array
stackedImages{FACE_Z_POS} = left;
stackedImages{FACE_Z_NEG} = right;
stackedImages{FACE_Y_POS} = top;
stackedImages{FACE_Y_NEG} = bottom;
stackedImages{FACE_X_NEG} = front;
stackedImages{FACE_X_POS} = back;
% Place in 3 3D matrices - Each matrix corresponds to a colour channel
imagesRed = uint8(zeros(height, height, 6));
imagesGreen = uint8(zeros(height, height, 6));
imagesBlue = uint8(zeros(height, height, 6));
% Place each channel into their corresponding matrices
for i = 1 : 6
im = stackedImages{i};
imagesRed(:,:,i) = im(:,:,1);
imagesGreen(:,:,i) = im(:,:,2);
imagesBlue(:,:,i) = im(:,:,3);
% For each co-ordinate in the normalized image...
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:width, 1:height);
% Obtain the spherical co-ordinates
Y = 2*Y/height - 1;
X = 2*X/width - 1;
sphereTheta = X*pi;
spherePhi = (pi/2)*Y;
texX = cos(spherePhi).*cos(sphereTheta);
texY = sin(spherePhi);
texZ = cos(spherePhi).*sin(sphereTheta);
% Figure out which face we are facing for each co-ordinate
% First figure out the greatest absolute magnitude for each point
comp = cat(3, texX, texY, texZ);
[~,ind] = max(abs(comp), [], 3);
maxVal = zeros(size(ind));
% Copy those values - signs and all
maxVal(ind == 1) = texX(ind == 1);
maxVal(ind == 2) = texY(ind == 2);
maxVal(ind == 3) = texZ(ind == 3);
% Set each location in our equirectangular image, figure out which
% side we are facing
getFace = -1*ones(size(maxVal));
% Back
ind = abs(maxVal - texX) < 0.00001 & texX < 0;
getFace(ind) = FACE_X_POS;
% Front
ind = abs(maxVal - texX) < 0.00001 & texX >= 0;
getFace(ind) = FACE_X_NEG;
% Top
ind = abs(maxVal - texY) < 0.00001 & texY < 0;
getFace(ind) = FACE_Y_POS;
% Bottom
ind = abs(maxVal - texY) < 0.00001 & texY >= 0;
getFace(ind) = FACE_Y_NEG;
% Left
ind = abs(maxVal - texZ) < 0.00001 & texZ < 0;
getFace(ind) = FACE_Z_POS;
% Right
ind = abs(maxVal - texZ) < 0.00001 & texZ >= 0;
getFace(ind) = FACE_Z_NEG;
% Determine the co-ordinates along which image to sample
% based on which side we are facing
rawX = -1*ones(size(maxVal));
rawY = rawX;
rawZ = rawX;
% Back
ind = getFace == FACE_X_POS;
rawX(ind) = -texZ(ind);
rawY(ind) = texY(ind);
rawZ(ind) = texX(ind);
% Front
ind = getFace == FACE_X_NEG;
rawX(ind) = texZ(ind);
rawY(ind) = texY(ind);
rawZ(ind) = texX(ind);
% Top
ind = getFace == FACE_Y_POS;
rawX(ind) = texZ(ind);
rawY(ind) = texX(ind);
rawZ(ind) = texY(ind);
% Bottom
ind = getFace == FACE_Y_NEG;
rawX(ind) = texZ(ind);
rawY(ind) = -texX(ind);
rawZ(ind) = texY(ind);
% Left
ind = getFace == FACE_Z_POS;
rawX(ind) = texX(ind);
rawY(ind) = texY(ind);
rawZ(ind) = texZ(ind);
% Right
ind = getFace == FACE_Z_NEG;
rawX(ind) = -texX(ind);
rawY(ind) = texY(ind);
rawZ(ind) = texZ(ind);
% Concatenate all for later
rawCoords = cat(3, rawX, rawY, rawZ);
% Finally determine co-ordinates (normalized)
cubeCoordsX = ((rawCoords(:,:,1) ./ abs(rawCoords(:,:,3))) + 1) / 2;
cubeCoordsY = ((rawCoords(:,:,2) ./ abs(rawCoords(:,:,3))) + 1) / 2;
cubeCoords = cat(3, cubeCoordsX, cubeCoordsY);
% Now obtain where we need to sample the image
normalizedX = round(cubeCoords(:,:,1) * height);
normalizedY = round(cubeCoords(:,:,2) * height);
% Just in case.... cap between [1, height] to ensure
% no out of bounds behaviour
normalizedX(normalizedX < 1) = 1;
normalizedX(normalizedX > height) = height;
normalizedY(normalizedY < 1) = 1;
normalizedY(normalizedY > height) = height;
% Place into a stacked matrix
normalizedCoords = cat(3, normalizedX, normalizedY);
% Output image allocation
out = uint8(zeros([size(maxVal) 3]));
% Obtain column-major indices on where to sample from the
% input images
% getFace will contain which image we need to sample from
% based on the co-ordinates within the equirectangular image
ind = sub2ind([height height 6], normalizedCoords(:,:,2), ...
normalizedCoords(:,:,1), getFace);
% Do this for each channel
out(:,:,1) = imagesRed(ind);
out(:,:,2) = imagesGreen(ind);
out(:,:,3) = imagesBlue(ind);
I've also made the code publicly available through github and you can go here for it. Included is the main conversion script, a test script to show its use and a sample set of 6 cubic images pulled from Paul Bourke's website. I hope this is useful!
Project changed name to libcube2cyl. Same goodness, better working examples both in C and C++.
Now also available in C.
I happened to solve the exact same problem as you described.
I wrote this tiny C++ lib called "Cube2Cyl", you can find the detailed explanation of algorithm here: Cube2Cyl
Please find the source code from github: Cube2Cyl
It is released under MIT licence, use it for free!
So, I found a solution mixing this article on spherical coordinates from wikipedia and the Section 3.8.10 from the OpenGL 4.1 specification (plus some hacks to make it work). So, assuming that the cubic image has a height h_o and width w_o, the equirectangular will have a height h = w_o / 3 and a width w = 2 * h. Now for each pixel (x, y) 0 <= x <= w, 0 <= y <= h in the equirectangular projection, we want to find the corresponding pixel in the cubic projection, I solve it using the following code in python (I hope I didn't make mistakes while translating it from C)
import math
# from wikipedia
def spherical_coordinates(x, y):
return (math.pi*((y/h) - 0.5), 2*math.pi*x/(2*h), 1.0)
# from wikipedia
def texture_coordinates(theta, phi, rho):
return (rho * math.sin(theta) * math.cos(phi),
rho * math.sin(theta) * math.sin(phi),
rho * math.cos(theta))
# from opengl specification
def get_face(x, y, z):
largest_magnitude = max(x, y, z)
if largest_magnitude - abs(x) < 0.00001:
return FACE_X_POS if x < 0 else FACE_X_NEG
elif largest_magnitude - abs(y) < 0.00001:
return FACE_Y_POS if y < 0 else FACE_Y_NEG
elif largest_magnitude - abs(z) < 0.00001:
return FACE_Z_POS if z < 0 else FACE_Z_NEG
# from opengl specification
def raw_face_coordinates(face, x, y, z):
if face == FACE_X_POS:
return (-z, -y, x)
elif face == FACE_X_NEG:
return (-z, y, -x)
elif face == FACE_Y_POS:
return (-x, -z, -y)
elif face == FACE_Y_NEG:
return (-x, z, -y)
elif face == FACE_Z_POS:
return (-x, y, -z)
elif face == FACE_Z_NEG:
return (-x, -y, z)
# computes the topmost leftmost coordinate of the face in the cube map
def face_origin_coordinates(face):
if face == FACE_X_POS:
return (2*h, h)
elif face == FACE_X_NEG:
return (0, 2*h)
elif face == FACE_Y_POS:
return (h, h)
elif face == FACE_Y_NEG:
return (h, 3*h)
elif face == FACE_Z_POS:
return (h, 0)
elif face == FACE_Z_NEG:
return (h, 2*h)
# from opengl specification
def raw_coordinates(xc, yc, ma):
return ((xc/abs(ma) + 1) / 2, (yc/abs(ma) + 1) / 2)
def normalized_coordinates(face, x, y):
face_coords = face_origin_coordinates(face)
normalized_x = int(math.floor(x * h + 0.5))
normalized_y = int(math.floor(y * h + 0.5))
# eliminates black pixels
if normalized_x == h:
if normalized_y == h:
return (face_coords[0] + normalized_x, face_coords[1] + normalized_y)
def find_corresponding_pixel(x, y):
spherical = spherical_coordinates(x, y)
texture_coords = texture_coordinates(spherical[0], spherical[1], spherical[2])
face = get_face(texture_coords[0], texture_coords[1], texture_coords[2])
raw_face_coords = raw_face_coordinates(face, texture_coords[0], texture_coords[1], texture_coords[2])
cube_coords = raw_coordinates(raw_face_coords[0], raw_face_coords[1], raw_face_coords[2])
# this fixes some faces being rotated 90°
if face in [FACE_X_NEG, FACE_X_POS]:
cube_coords = (cube_coords[1], cube_coords[0])
return normalized_coordinates(face, cube_coords[0], cube_coords[1])
at the end we just call find_corresponding_pixel for each pixel in the equirectangular projection
I think from your algorithm in Python you might have inverted x and y in the calculation of theta and phi.
def spherical_coordinates(x, y):
return (math.pi*((y/h) - 0.5), 2*math.pi*x/(2*h), 1.0)
from Paul Bourke's website here
theta = x pi
phi = y pi / 2
and in your code you are using y in the theta calculation and x in the phi calculation.
Correct me if I am wrong.

Zoom image to pixel level

For an art project, one of the things I'll be doing is zooming in on an image to a particular pixel. I've been rubbing my chin and would love some advice on how to proceed.
Here are the input parameters:
sw - screen width
sh - screen height
iw - image width
ih - image height
px - x position of pixel in image
py - y position of pixel in image
zf - zoom factor (0.0 to 1.0)
Background colour:
bc - background colour to use when screen and image aspect ratios are different
The zoomed image (no anti-aliasing)
The screen position/dimensions of the pixel we are zooming to.
When zf is 0 the image must fit the screen with correct aspect ratio.
When zf is 1 the selected pixel fits the screen with correct aspect ratio.
One idea I had was to use something like povray and move the camera towards a big image texture or some library (e.g. pygame) to do the zooming. Anyone think of something more clever with simple pseudo code?
To keep it more simple you can make the image and screen have the same aspect ratio. I can live with that.
I'll update with more info as its required.
Converted accepted answer to PHP
Image Pixel Zoom on GitHub
If color values of original image are given as array
Then color values of zoomed image are
Regarding the windows size/image size - initial preparation of image should take care of that: zoom the image up to the point that it would not fit the window any more and fill the remaining pixels with your preferred background colour.
In python you can do something like
def naivezoom(im, px, py, zf, bg):
out =, im.size)
pix = out.load()
iw, ih = im.size
for x in range(iw):
for y in range(ih):
xorg = x + zf*(px - x)
yorg = y + zf*(py - y)
if xorg >= 0 and xorg < iw and yorg >= 0 and yorg < ih:
pix[x,y] = im.getpixel( (xorg , yorg) )
pix[x,y] = bg
return out
after you set
im ="filename.ext")
with objects from
import Image
Given stackoverflow logo you will get
for zf = 0.3, around point 25,6
for zf = 0.96, around the same point
Images were obtained with following code
#!/bin/env python
from Tkinter import *
import Image
import ImageTk
def naivezoom(im, p, zf, bg):
out =, im.size)
pix = out.load()
iw, ih = im.size
for x in range(iw):
for y in range(ih):
xorg = x + zf*(p[0] - x)
yorg = y + zf*(p[1] - y)
if xorg >= 0 and xorg < iw and yorg >= 0 and yorg < ih:
pix[x,y] = im.getpixel( (xorg , yorg) )
pix[x,y] = bg
return out
class NaiveTkZoom:
def __init__(self, parent=None):
root = Tk() ='logo.jpg')
self.zf = 0.0
self.deltazf = 0.02
self.p = ( 0.1*[0],0.1*[1]) = 255
canvas = Canvas(root,[0]+20 ,[1]+20)
root.bind('<Key>', self.onKey)
self.canvas = canvas = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
self.item = self.canvas.create_image(10, 10, anchor=NW,
def onKey(self, event):
if event.char == "+":
if self.zf < 1:
self.zf += self.deltazf
elif event.char == "-":
if self.zf > 0:
self.zf -= self.deltazf
self.out = naivezoom(, self.p, self.zf, = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.out)
self.item = self.canvas.create_image(10, 10, anchor=NW,
print self.p, self.zf
if __name__ == "__main__":
The libraries used and pixel by pixel approach are not the fastest in the world, but will give you enough material to play with.
Also the above code is not very clean.
EDIT2(and3, centered the formula):
Here's another attempt, added translation, but I have a feeling this is not final either (don't have the time to check the formulas). Also the speed of the translation is constant, but that may lead to zooming to slow and showing background (if the point to which you are zooming is too close to the edge).
I've also added a point on the original image so that it is visible what happens with it without need to paint on original image.
#!/bin/env python
from Tkinter import *
import Image
import ImageTk
def markImage(im, p, bg):
pix = im.load()
pix[ p[0], p[1] ] = bg
def naiveZoom(im, p, zf, bg):
out =, im.size)
pix = out.load()
iw, ih = im.size
for x in range(iw):
for y in range(ih):
xorg = x + zf*(p[0]+0.5-x) + zf*(1-zf)*(p[0]-iw/2)
yorg = y + zf*(p[1]+0.5-y) + zf*(1-zf)*(p[1]-ih/2)
if xorg >= 0 and xorg < iw and yorg >= 0 and yorg < ih:
pix[x,y] = im.getpixel( (xorg , yorg) )
pix[x,y] = bg
return out
class NaiveTkZoom:
def __init__(self, parent=None):
root = Tk() ='py.jpg')
self.zf = 0.0
self.deltazf = 0.05
self.p = (round(0.3*[0]), round(0.3*[1]) ) = 255
markImage(, self.p,
canvas = Canvas(root,[0]+20 ,[1]+20)
root.bind('<Key>', self.onKey)
self.canvas = canvas = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
self.item = self.canvas.create_image(10, 10, anchor=NW,
self.change = False
def onKey(self, event):
if event.char == "+":
if self.zf < 1:
self.zf += self.deltazf
self.change = True
elif event.char == "-":
if self.zf > 0:
self.zf -= self.deltazf
self.change = True
if self.change:
self.out = naiveZoom(, self.p, self.zf, = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.out)
self.change = False
self.item = self.canvas.create_image(10, 10, anchor=NW,
print self.p, self.zf
if __name__ == "__main__":
There is quite a lot in the above that could be improved. :)
If I understand correctly what you want to do.
You can open image in a graphics program (like Gimp) set zoom level at 1 and take a screenshot. Then increase zoom level and take screenshot again etc. Then use mencoder to create AVI from screenshots.
Edit : For art projects you can check this framework :
I make it for 1D, you start by writing the direct transform from original image to zoomed image with your constraints :
As you want a linear transformation, it is in the form :
D( x ) = a x + b
You want :
for z = 0 :
D( px ) = px
D( px + 1 ) = px + 1
for z = 1 :
D( px ) = 0
D( px + 1 ) = sw
This gives :
for z = 0 : a = 1 , b = 0 , D( x ) = x
for z = 1 : a = sw , b = -sw . px , D( x ) = sw.x - sw.px
For all z, you use a linear combination of the two :
D( x ) = z ( sw.x - sw.px ) + ( 1 - z ) ( x )
D( x ) = ( z.sw + 1 - z ).x - z.sw.px
Now you write the inverse function to get the original coordinates from the output coordinates :
ID( xout ) = ( xout + z.sw.px ) / ( z.sw + 1 - z )
Which allows you to fill the output image from the input image. For each output pixel the value is OriginalPixel[ ID( xout ) ] ( And when ID( xout ) is not in [0..sw] you use the background value )
For 2D the idea is similar, but keeping the aspect ratio will need a little more effort.
