Swapping rows and columns in a matrix in Power BI - matrix

I want to analyse the sales of a certain company in Power Bi. I have a customer dataset with nine columns (gender, city, age range, hair colour etc.) and one million records. Now I want to put those columns in a matrix. For instance:
Rows: Gender
Columns: Age Range (<16, 17-20, 21-25 etc.)
Values: Number of Sales
I present this dashboard towards some people and I want to 'play' with the data. What happens if I change the rows to 'hair colour' for instance. Is there a way to do this without using bookmarks? In one sentence: swapping rows and columns of a matrix while you present the dashboard and cannot use the option 'Fields'? Or at least point me in the right direction? It would really help me. Thanks in advance!

Unfortunately, the quickest way to do this is using the Fields pane. The only other option that is available would be Bookmarks, but I guess you have already tried that. I guess you are an option similar to the one available in "Pivot Charts" where you can "Switch Rows/Columns" with the click of a button. That option is not available in Power BI at this point, as far as I know.


Is there a way to hide the total sum from a single column in a data table on Kibana?

I created a data table containing several columns: most of them must show the total of their respective values. I’m just wondering if there’s a way to selectively hide this sum, since the latest column includes an average of ratings and it doesn’t make sense to have a sum of them.
Below, an example of what I’d like to achieve if it’s possibile:
Basically, I need to hide the number deleted in red. I know that there could be plugins to do so, but I don’t know if I can ask to install one or more.
Thanks in advance.

Power BI. Sort a column with repeated values based on another column

For my requirement, I've got a specific layout for a report. To simplify, the series of Categories should present the Areas in a particular order (financial information).
Every Category will be present on a different Page on Power BI. However, as you can see, some areas belong to multiple Categories. Because of this, I'm getting an error message if I try to order this column by an index, and I can't modify the name of the area.
Is it possible to specify on a cross table that I do not need it to perform any alphabetic order?
I've looked for a possible answer, but so far I have not found any solution to this.

Duplicate key measure columns appearing in a matrix

The requirement:
My users want a slicer which displays the dimensions of a data table they can then select from and have the dimensions display in a corresponding matrix visual along with two measures, Sales TY and Sales LY.
Progress so far.
I’ve achieved this by taking the table, selecting the column which indexes the table and unpivoting the rest of the columns. Next I place a slicer on the report and attach it to the unpivoted table’s Attributes field (now renamed as ‘Column’). Finally, I add a matrix visual to the report and add to it the unpivoted table fields Column, Index and Value fields. Now when I click on the slicer, whichever dimensions I select appear in the matrix.
The problem:
However, when adding the measures previously created (Sales TY and Sales LY) to the matrix, each measure is repeated after every column selected for display, whereas I only want the measures to display once.
Does anyone know if this possible? I’ve tried a number of approaches but nothing seems to work. I’m a new user so apologies if this is an FAQ I’ve yet to come across or I’m doing something glaringly obviously wrong. As I say I’m only just starting out in DAX and Power BI. I’m looking pretty hard at table functions and the Switch statement with the hope of calculating the solution somehow but haven’t managed it yet. Any advice, steer or comment greatly appreciated, thanks.


I've looked at many threads regarding COUNT and COUNTA, but I can't seem to figure out how to use it correctly.
I am new to DAX and am learning my way around. I have attempted to look this up and have gotten a little ways to where I need to be but not exactly. I think I am confused about how to apply a filter.
Here's the situation:
Four separate queries used to generate the data in the report; but only need to use two for the DAX function (Products and Display).
I have three columns I need to filter by, as follows:
Customer (Display or Products query; can do either)
Brand (Products query)
Location (Display query)
I want to count the columns based on if the data is unique.
Here's an example:
Customer: Big Box Buy;
Item: Lego Big Blocks;
Brand: Lego;
Location: Toys;
Customer: Big Box Buy;
Item: Lego Star Wars;
Brand: Lego;
Location: Toys;
Customer: Big Box Buy;
Item: Surface Pro;
Brand: Microsoft;
Location: Electronics;
Customer: Little Shop on the Corner;
Item: Red Bicycle;
Brand: Trek;
Location: Racks;
In this example, no matter the fact that the items are different, we want to look at just the customer, the brand, and the location. We see in the first two records, the customer is "Big Box Buy" and the brand is "Lego" and the location is "Toys". This appears twice, but I want to count it distinct as "1". The next "Big Box Buy" store has the brand "Microsoft" and the location is "Electronics". It appears once and only once, and thus the distinct count is "1" anyway. This means that there are two separate entries for "Big Box Buy", both with a count of 1. And lastly there is "Little Shop on the Corner" which appears just once and is counted just once.
The "skeleton" of the code I have is basically just to see if I can get a count to work at all, which I can. It's the FILTER that I think is the problem (not used in the below example) judging by other threads I've read.
TotalDisplays = CALCULATE(COUNTA(products[Brand]))
Obviously I can't just count the amount of times a brand appears as that would give me duplicates. I need it unique based on if the following conditions are met:
Customer must be the same
Brand must be the same
Location must be the same
If so, we distinctly count it as one.
I know I ranted a bit and may seem to have gone in circles, but I was trying to figure out how to explain it. Please let me know if I need to edit this post or post clarification.
Many thanks in advance as I go through my journey with DAX!
I believe I have the answer. I used a NATURALINNERJOIN in DAX to create a new, merged table since I needed to reference all values in the same query (couldn't figure out how to do it otherwise). I also created an "unique identity" calculated column that combined data from multiple rows, but was hidden behind the scenes (not actually displayed on the report) so I could then take a measure of the unique values that way.
TotalDisplays = COUNTROWS(DISTINCT('GD-DP-Merge'[DisplayCountCalcCol]))
My calculated column is as follows:
DisplayCountCalcCol = 'GD-DP-Merge'[CustID] & 'GD-DP-Merge'[Brand] & 'GD-DP-Merge'[Location] & 'GD-DP-Merge'[Order#]
So the measure TotalDisplays now reports back the distinct count of rows based on the unique value of the customer ID, the brand, and the location of the item. I also threw in an order number just in case.
I am semi new to DAX and was struggling with Count and CountA formula, you post has helped me with answers. I would like to add the solution which i got for my query: Wanted count for Right Time start Achieved hence if anyone is looking for this kind of answer use below, filter will be selecting the table and adding string which you want to

How can I get the values in the Matrix on my SSRS report to repeat?

I know there must be a simple answer to this, but I can't find it.
I have added a couple of textboxes to a Matrix in a BIDS/SSRS report. I've given these textboxes values such as:
It works (after a fashion); when I run the report (either on the Preview tab, or on the Report Server site) I see the first corresponding data value on the report - but only one.
I would think that once a value has been assigned via expressions such as "=Fields!WEEK1USAGE.Value", each value would display (rows would automatically be added).
There must be some property on the Matrix or the textbox that specified this, but I can't see what it might be.
Here is how my report looks (very minimalistic, so far) in the Layout pane:
...and after running, on the Preview tab:
Obviously, I want the report to display as many rows as necessary, not just one. The textboxes do have a "RepeatWith" property, but there description doesn't sound interesting/useful/promising.
I don't see any property on the Matrix control that looks right, either.
I thought maybe the designer was only showing one row of values, and ran the report on the server, too, but there also it just shows the two values.
So what do I need to do to get all the data for a provided field?
Matrices are for display of grouped data and summary information, usually in a horizontally expanding pivot table type of format. Is a matrix really what you are after? Looking at your expression you have =Fields!Week1Usage.Value but in a matrix what I expect to see would be at least =Sum(Fields!Week1Usage.Value) or even better just =Sum(Fields!Usage.Value). Then you would have ProactDescription as your row group and the week as your column group and it would all just work out everything for you, grouping and summing by Proact vertically and expanding the weeks out horizontally.
What seems to be happening is that you have no grouping on rows or columns and no aggregation so it is falling back to the default display which is effectively the First function - it displays the first row of data and as far as the matrix is concerned it has done its job because there is no grouping.
Without knowing your problem or data, I'll make up a scenario that might be what you are doing and discuss how the matrix does the heavy lifting to solve that problem. Let's say you have usage data for multiple Proacts. Each time one is used you record the usage amount and the date and time it is used. It could be used multiple times per day but certainly multiple times in a week. So you might be able to get the times each Proact is used from a table like so:
SELECT ProactDescription, TimeUsed, Usage
FROM ProactUsage
ORDER BY ProactDescription, TimeUsed
In your report you want to show the total weekly usage for each Proact over multiple weeks. Something like this:
Proact Week1 Week2 Week3 ...
Description Usage Usage Usage ...
Anise, Fennel 1 CT 20.00 22.50 16.35 ...
St John's Wort 15.20 33.90 28.25 ...
and so on. Using a dataset based on the SQL above we create a matrix and in the row group properties we group on =Fields!ProactDescription.Value and in the column group properties we group on a week expression like =DateDiff(DateInterval.Week, Fields!TimeUsed.Value, Today) and then in the intersection of the row and column we put =Sum(Fields!Usage.Value). To display the header of the column nicely put an expression like
="Week " & DateDiff(DateInterval.Week, Fields!TimeUsed.Value, Today)
The matrix automatically does all the summing by week and product and expands the weeks horizontally for as many as you are reporting. For bonus points you can also put totaling at the end of the columns and the rows to show the total use of that Proact for the period (row total) and total use of all Proacts in that week (column total).
