Adaptive card column style is working in Adaptive Designer but not in WebChat - botframework

I'm using Adaptive Card version 1.2 and I'm trying to add style for Adaptive Column. The style is getting reflected in Adaptive Designer(Web Chat). But the same if I try to check in hosted Web Chat styles are not getting reflected. Also I would like to mention that I'm creating Adaptive card using C#.
But it is looking like this
The i'm using this for webchat (
Here is my C# code
AdaptiveCard card = new AdaptiveCard(new AdaptiveSchemaVersion(1, 0));
card.Body.Add(new AdaptiveTextBlock()
Text = $"Hello User",
HorizontalAlignment = AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Center
card.Body.Add(new AdaptiveTextBlock()
FontType = AdaptiveFontType.Monospace,
Text = "Would you like to rate us",
Color = AdaptiveTextColor.Good,
Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
HorizontalAlignment = AdaptiveHorizontalAlignment.Center,
Separator = true
card.Body.Add(new AdaptiveColumnSet()
Separator = true,
Columns = new List<AdaptiveColumn>()
new AdaptiveColumn()
Bleed = true,
Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Stretch,
Style = AdaptiveContainerStyle.Emphasis,
SelectAction = new AdaptiveSubmitAction()
Title = "1",
DataJson = "{ \"Type\": \"1\" }"
Items = new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveTextBlock()
Text = "1",
new AdaptiveColumn()
Bleed = true,
Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Stretch,
Style = AdaptiveContainerStyle.Accent,
SelectAction = new AdaptiveSubmitAction()
Title = "2",
DataJson = "{ \"Type\": \"2\" }"
Items = new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveTextBlock()
Text = $"2"
new AdaptiveColumn()
Bleed = true,
Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Stretch,
Style = AdaptiveContainerStyle.Good,
SelectAction = new AdaptiveSubmitAction()
Title = "3",
DataJson = "{ \"Type\": \"3\" }"
Items = new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveTextBlock()
Text = $"3"
new AdaptiveColumn()
Bleed = true,
Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Stretch,
Style = AdaptiveContainerStyle.Attention,
SelectAction = new AdaptiveSubmitAction()
Title = "4",
DataJson = "{ \"Type\": \"4\" }"
Items = new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveTextBlock()
Text = $"4"
Please help me on this


Use of DropdownMenu with Jetpack Compose (Material)

I decided to use an OutlinedTextField and DropdownMenu so the user can fill an amount and select a currency.
This looks pretty nice in the preview, but when this code is being run on the device (virtual or physical) the DropdownMenu is being squeezed on the right, and therefore, the dropdown menu isn't actionable anymore.
fun Money() {
Row() {
fun Currency() {
var mExpanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val mCurrencies = listOf("USD", "CHF", "EUR", "MAD") //, "Hyderabad", "Bengaluru", "PUNE")
var mSelectedText by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
var mTextFieldSize by remember { mutableStateOf(Size.Zero) }
val icon = if (mExpanded)
value = mSelectedText,
onValueChange = { mSelectedText = it },
modifier = Modifier
.onGloballyPositioned { coordinates ->
// This value is used to assign to
// the DropDown the same width
mTextFieldSize = coordinates.size.toSize()
label = { Text("Currency") },
trailingIcon = {
Icon(icon, "contentDescription",
Modifier.clickable { mExpanded = !mExpanded })
expanded = mExpanded,
onDismissRequest = { mExpanded = false },
modifier = Modifier
.width(with(LocalDensity.current) { mTextFieldSize.width.toDp() })
) {
mCurrencies.forEach { label ->
DropdownMenuItem(onClick = {
mSelectedText = label
mExpanded = false
}) {
Text(text = label)
fun Amount() {
var amount by remember {
keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(keyboardType = KeyboardType.Number),
value = amount,
onValueChange = { amount = it },
label = { Text(text = "Amount") },
singleLine = true,
trailingIcon = {
if (amount.isNotBlank())
IconButton(onClick = { amount = "" }) {
imageVector = Icons.Filled.Clear,
contentDescription = ""

How to set column width in adaptive card so its uniform

I'm trying to ask user informations in adaptive card. But the column size is varying because of which the card looks clumsy. How can I make it look good with uniform gap between each columnset columns. I tried using width as "Auto" and "Stretch" I even tried setting width with "50px" and "100px" but I didn't achieve.
Kindly help me on this.
Edit 1: Adding Code
I'm creating card in C#
Here is my code
AdaptiveCard card = new AdaptiveCard()
Body = new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveColumnSet()
Columns = new List<AdaptiveColumn>
new AdaptiveColumn()
Items = new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveTextBlock()
Text="*First Name",
Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder
} ,
Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Auto
new AdaptiveColumn()
Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Auto,
Separator = true,
Items=new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveTextInput()
Id = "FirstName",
MaxLength = 300,
Style = AdaptiveTextInputStyle.Text,
}, // First Name
new AdaptiveColumnSet()
Columns = new List<AdaptiveColumn>
new AdaptiveColumn()
Items = new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveTextBlock()
Text="Middle Name",
Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder
new AdaptiveColumn()
Width = "stretch",
Separator = true,
Items=new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveTextInput()
Id = "MiddleName",
MaxLength = 300,
Style = AdaptiveTextInputStyle.Text,
new AdaptiveColumnSet()
Columns = new List<AdaptiveColumn>
new AdaptiveColumn()
Items = new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveTextBlock()
Text="*Last Name",
Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder
new AdaptiveColumn()
Width = "stretch",
Separator = true,
Items=new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveTextInput()
Id = "LastName",
MaxLength = 300,
Style = AdaptiveTextInputStyle.Text,
new AdaptiveColumnSet()
Columns = new List<AdaptiveColumn>
new AdaptiveColumn()
Items = new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveTextBlock()
Text="*Date Of Birth",
Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder
new AdaptiveColumn()
Width = "stretch",
Separator = true,
Items=new List<AdaptiveElement>()
new AdaptiveDateInput()
Id = "DoB",
}, // Date Of Birth
first of all you could control your card a lot easier if you'd have a look at templating.
Creating cards in code like that is soooort of deprecated, you can still use it but using json directly and templating is way more convinient.
To answer your question, yes you can can set width of columns in either pixel, stretch, automatic or weighted. Similar to this example:
"type": "ColumnSet",
"columns": [
"type": "Column",
"width": 25,
"horizontalAlignment": "Center",
"verticalContentAlignment": "Center"
"type": "Column",
"width": "stretch"
You have to set all the label columns in your example to the same size. Easiest is by just setting them to a fixed width or weighted.
If this does not work, make sure the term is used correct, you have to use a lower case "stretch" and width when weighted has to be an integer, You can try this in the designer. Adaptive Cards as such doesn't really care about "Stretch" or "stretch" but webchat for example has some issues around that, also the card version has to match what your host supports.
Easiest way, and thats where templating comes in again, is to design and try your card in the designer. If its fine in the designer it usually is in the host you want to render the card.
Hope thats helpful for you

Adaptive card speech capabily in Web-chat

I have created a bot with an adaptive card with speak property set.
AdaptiveCard card = new AdaptiveCard()
Body = new List<CardElement>()
new Container()
Speak = "<s>Hello!</s><s>Are you looking for a flight or a hotel?</s>",
Items = new List<CardElement>()
new ColumnSet()
Columns = new List<Column>()
new Column()
Size = ColumnSize.Auto,
Items = new List<CardElement>()
new Image()
Url = "",
Size = ImageSize.Medium,
Style = ImageStyle.Person
new Column()
Size = ColumnSize.Stretch,
Items = new List<CardElement>()
new TextBlock()
Text = "Hello!",
Weight = TextWeight.Bolder,
IsSubtle = true
new TextBlock()
Text = "Are you looking for a flight or a hotel?",
Wrap = true
// Buttons
Actions = new List<ActionBase>() {
new ShowCardAction()
Title = "Hotels",
Speak = "<s>Hotels</s>",
Card = GetHotelSearchCard()
new ShowCardAction()
Title = "Flights",
Speak = "<s>Flights</s>",
Card = new AdaptiveCard()
Body = new List<CardElement>()
new TextBlock()
Text = "Flights is not implemented =(",
Speak = "<s>Flights is not implemented</s>",
Weight = TextWeight.Bolder
I am then using this bot from the web-chat control and using Microsoft Cognitive services. Here is the integration code:-
const speechOptions = {
speechRecognizer: new CognitiveServices.SpeechRecognizer({ subscriptionKey: 'YOUR_COGNITIVE_SPEECH_API_KEY' }),
speechSynthesizer: new CognitiveServices.SpeechSynthesizer({
gender: CognitiveServices.SynthesisGender.Female,
voiceName: 'Microsoft Server Speech Text to Speech Voice (en-US, JessaRUS)'
I am using my Cognitive Services API key here.
Q.1) I'm invoking the adaptive card through speech. My expectation is that when the card is delivered, it should read out the content within the SSML tags. But that isn't happening.The adaptive card is simply delivered without voice.
Q.2) For any text content that is delivered through context.PostAsync(), it is read aloud by the web-chat. But I was expecting it to be read aloud only if we use context.SayAsync().
Please help me understand this behavior and how I can deliver the adaptive card with speech. Thanks!

How to use dotnet highcharts dll to show HighCharts in MVC3?

I am trying a method to bind data to the Pie chart
Public ActionResult Charts
Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart")
.InitChart(new Chart { PlotShadow = false })
.SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Browser market shares at a specific website, 2010" })
.SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.percentage +' %'; }" })
.SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
Pie = new PlotOptionsPie
AllowPointSelect = true,
Cursor = Cursors.Pointer,
DataLabels = new PlotOptionsPieDataLabels
Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000"),
ConnectorColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000"),
Formatter = "function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.percentage +' %'; }"
.SetSeries(new Series
Type = ChartTypes.Pie,
Name = "Browser share",
Data = new Data(new object[]
new object[] { "Firefox", 45.0 },
new object[] { "IE", 26.8 },
new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point
Name = "Chrome",
Y = 12.8,
Sliced = true,
Selected = true
new object[] { "Safari", 8.5 },
new object[] { "Opera", 6.2 },
new object[] { "Others", 0.7 }
public JsonResult GetData()
int Param1;
Param1 = 1;
var reports = db.ExecuteStoreQuery<ResourceReports>("ResourceReports #EmployeeID", new SqlParameter("#EmployeeID", Param1)).ToList();
return Json(reports, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
i want to replace
.SetSeries(new Series
Type = ChartTypes.Pie,
Name = "Browser share",
Data = new Data(new object[]
new object[] { "Firefox", 45.0 },
new object[] { "IE", 26.8 },
new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point
Name = "Chrome",
Y = 12.8,
Sliced = true,
Selected = true
new object[] { "Safari", 8.5 },
new object[] { "Opera", 6.2 },
new object[] { "Others", 0.7 }
with my GetData() how can i do this,the Data in .SetSeries should be my returned data in GetData method
It appears you are using Dotnet.Highcharts. You could create a list of Series and a list of Point.
List<Series> mySeries = new List<Series>();
List<Point> myPoints = new List<Point>();
I would loop through each series you need to create and generate the point data like so:
myPoints.Add(new Point {
X = (detailRec.RecordTime - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalMilliseconds,
Y = detailRec.TotalCount
Then you could create the series itself using the list of points for its data like so:
mySeries.Add(new Series{
Name = distinctDistrict.Name,
Data = new Data(myPoints.ToArray())
Then to set the Series you could use the following statement:
.SetSeries(mySeries.Select(s => new Series {
Name = s.Name,
Data = s.Data
If you use the object browser in Visual Studio, you can see the other properties and methods of the Series and Point class. To use the above code you will have to include the the following using statements:
using DotNet.Highcharts;
using DotNet.Highcharts.Enums;
using DotNet.Highcharts.Helpers;
using DotNet.Highcharts.Options;
using Point = DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point;

how to pass to or more list of series to set series

Hi I am trying to implement a combined highchart using dotnet highcharts.So I have a column chart+pie chart.
I made List allSeries = new List()for column Chart and List pieSeries = new List()for pie chart.
I dont know how to pass this two series to to the .SetSeries() wich accepts SetSeries(Series series);
or SetSeries(Series[] seriesArray);
public ActionResult Profit()
List<RoomType> result = new List<RoomType>();
result = RoomType.Selectcount();
List<Series> allSeries = new List<Series>();
List<Series> pieSeries = new List<Series>();
List<DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point> puncte = new List<DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point>();
string[] categories = new[] { "Ianuarie", "Februarie", "Martie", "Aprilie", "Mai", "Iunie", "Iulie", "August", "Septembrie", "Octombrie", "Noiembrie", "Decembrie" };
object[] pointnum = new object[12];
foreach (var j in result)
for (int i = 0; i < pointnum.Length; i++)
pointnum[i] = Roomtypereservations.RoomTypeByDate(j.RoomType_ID, i + 1).FirstOrDefault().NumRezervari;
allSeries.Add(new Series
Name = j.Room_Type,
//Data = new Data(myData)
Data = new Data(pointnum.ToArray())
pieSeries.Add(new Series
Type = ChartTypes.Pie,
Name = "Total rooms",
Data = new Data(puncte.ToArray())
puncte.Add(new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point
Name = j.Room_Type,
//Data = new Data(myData)
Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart")
.SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Combination chart" })
.SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.percentage +' %'; }" })
.SetXAxis(new XAxis { Categories =categories} )
.SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "TooltipFormatter" })
#"var s;
if ( { // the pie chart
s = ''+ +': '+ this.y +' fruits';
} else {
s = ''+
this.x +': '+ this.y;
return s;")
.SetLabels(new Labels
Items = new[]
new LabelsItems
Html = "Total fruit consumption",
Style = "left: '40px', top: '8px', color: 'black'"
.SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
Pie = new PlotOptionsPie
Center = new[] { "100", "80" },
Size = "100",
ShowInLegend = false,
DataLabels = new PlotOptionsPieDataLabels { Enabled = false }
.SetSeries(allSeries.Select(s => new Series { Type = s.Type, Name = s.Name, Data = s.Data }).ToArray());
return View(chart);
When i am working with only one series like in my sample
its working:
.SetSeries(allSeries.Select(s => new Series { Type = s.Type, Name = s.Name, Data = s.Data }).ToArray());
how can i pas both pieSeries and all Series to .SetSeries?
You don't need both allSeries and pieSeries. I would get rid of pieSeries. You can assign as many series to your allSeries List as you need and they can be of any type. So change your pieSeries.Add to the following:
allSeries.Add(new Series
Type = ChartTypes.Pie,
Name = "Total rooms",
Data = new Data(puncte.ToArray())
Then the following statement will work and all of your required Series to the chart:
.SetSeries(allSeries.Select(s => new Series { Type = s.Type, Name = s.Name, Data = s.Data }).ToArray());
