How to use dotnet highcharts dll to show HighCharts in MVC3? -

I am trying a method to bind data to the Pie chart
Public ActionResult Charts
Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart")
.InitChart(new Chart { PlotShadow = false })
.SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Browser market shares at a specific website, 2010" })
.SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.percentage +' %'; }" })
.SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
Pie = new PlotOptionsPie
AllowPointSelect = true,
Cursor = Cursors.Pointer,
DataLabels = new PlotOptionsPieDataLabels
Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000"),
ConnectorColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000"),
Formatter = "function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.percentage +' %'; }"
.SetSeries(new Series
Type = ChartTypes.Pie,
Name = "Browser share",
Data = new Data(new object[]
new object[] { "Firefox", 45.0 },
new object[] { "IE", 26.8 },
new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point
Name = "Chrome",
Y = 12.8,
Sliced = true,
Selected = true
new object[] { "Safari", 8.5 },
new object[] { "Opera", 6.2 },
new object[] { "Others", 0.7 }
public JsonResult GetData()
int Param1;
Param1 = 1;
var reports = db.ExecuteStoreQuery<ResourceReports>("ResourceReports #EmployeeID", new SqlParameter("#EmployeeID", Param1)).ToList();
return Json(reports, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
i want to replace
.SetSeries(new Series
Type = ChartTypes.Pie,
Name = "Browser share",
Data = new Data(new object[]
new object[] { "Firefox", 45.0 },
new object[] { "IE", 26.8 },
new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point
Name = "Chrome",
Y = 12.8,
Sliced = true,
Selected = true
new object[] { "Safari", 8.5 },
new object[] { "Opera", 6.2 },
new object[] { "Others", 0.7 }
with my GetData() how can i do this,the Data in .SetSeries should be my returned data in GetData method

It appears you are using Dotnet.Highcharts. You could create a list of Series and a list of Point.
List<Series> mySeries = new List<Series>();
List<Point> myPoints = new List<Point>();
I would loop through each series you need to create and generate the point data like so:
myPoints.Add(new Point {
X = (detailRec.RecordTime - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalMilliseconds,
Y = detailRec.TotalCount
Then you could create the series itself using the list of points for its data like so:
mySeries.Add(new Series{
Name = distinctDistrict.Name,
Data = new Data(myPoints.ToArray())
Then to set the Series you could use the following statement:
.SetSeries(mySeries.Select(s => new Series {
Name = s.Name,
Data = s.Data
If you use the object browser in Visual Studio, you can see the other properties and methods of the Series and Point class. To use the above code you will have to include the the following using statements:
using DotNet.Highcharts;
using DotNet.Highcharts.Enums;
using DotNet.Highcharts.Helpers;
using DotNet.Highcharts.Options;
using Point = DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point;


How to trigger two different custom auto completer using (.) period and Ctrl_space in ace editor

I have two completer. one for Math custom functions and another for string custom functions. i want to trigger string functions using (.)period and for ctrl_space for math function.
Now if i press (.) or ctrl_space, it showing all the functions. but i want differentiate between two of them.Thanks..
var stringFunctions = ["Trim","Length","ToLower","ToUpper","ToNumber","ToString"]
var mathFunctions = ["Abs","Ceil","Exp","Floor","Log","ln","Pow","Round","Sqrt","cos","sin","tan","cosh","sinh","tanh","acos","asin","atan","Max","Min","Sum","Std","Var","Average","Norm","Median"]
var myCompleter1 = {
// identifierRegexps: [/[a-zA-Z_0-9\.\$\-\u00A2-\uFFFF]/],
getCompletions: function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) {"myCompleter prefix:", this.prefix);
return entry.includes(this.prefix);
return {
value: entry
var myCompleter2 = {
// identifierRegexps: [/[a-zA-Z_0-9\.\$\-\u00A2-\uFFFF]/],
getCompletions: function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) {"myCompleter prefix:", this.prefix);
return entry.includes(this.prefix);
return {
value: entry
You can check the text of the line in the completer to decide if it is after dot or not
var stringFunctions = ["Trim", "Length", "ToLower", "ToUpper", "ToNumber", "ToString"]
var mathFunctions = ["Abs", "Ceil", "Exp", "Floor", "Log", "ln", "Pow", "Round",
"Sqrt", "cos", "sin", "tan", "cosh", "sinh", "tanh", "acos", "asin", "atan",
"Max", "Min", "Sum", "Std", "Var", "Average", "Norm", "Median"
var myCompleter1 = {
getCompletions: function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) {
var line = session.getLine(pos.row)
var lineStart = line.slice(0, pos.column - prefix.length)
var myList = !/\.\s*$/.test(lineStart) ? mathFunctions : stringFunctions;
callback(null, => {
return {
value: entry,
score: 1000
var langTools = ace.require("ace/ext/language_tools")
var editor = ace.edit("editor", {
maxLines: 20,
minLines: 5,
enableBasicAutocompletion: true,
enableSnippets: true,
enableLiveAutocompletion: false,
// automatically open popup after dot or word characters
var doLiveAutocomplete = function(e) {
var editor = e.editor;
var hasCompleter = editor.completer && editor.completer.activated;
if ( === "insertstring") {
// Only autocomplete if there's a prefix that can be matched
if (/[\w.]/.test(e.args)) {
editor.commands.on('afterExec', doLiveAutocomplete);
<script src=></script>
<script src=></script>
<div id=editor></div>

Getting the value of Parent control in Google visualization CategoryFilter

I have a sample fiddle here in which the Google visualization Category Filter control is created as,
var countryPicker = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({
'controlType': 'CategoryFilter',
'containerId': 'control1',
'options': {
'filterColumnIndex': 0,
'ui': {
'labelStacking': 'vertical',
'allowTyping': false,
'allowMultiple': false
var regionPicker = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({
'controlType': 'CategoryFilter',
'containerId': 'control2',
'options': {
'filterColumnIndex': 1,
'ui': {
'labelStacking': 'vertical',
'allowTyping': false,
'allowMultiple': false
var cityPicker = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({
'controlType': 'CategoryFilter',
'containerId': 'control3',
'options': {
'filterColumnIndex': 2,
'ui': {
'labelStacking': 'vertical',
'allowTyping': false,
'allowMultiple': false
Here We can select the filter in any combination. But, If I directly select Albany in CityPicker control then, how can I get its parent's values (ie, The value USA from countryPicker and the value New York from regionPicker) in which that particular city belongs to?
You can use a statechange event handler to get the current city, and then filter the DataTable by city to get the region and country combo(s) that correspond to that city. Here's an example:, 'statechange', function () {
var state = cityPicker.getState();
if (state.selectedValues.length) {
// there is a selected city
// since you set allowMultiple to false, there can be only one, so it is safe to do this:
var city = state.selectedValues[0];
var rows = data.getFilteredRows([{column: 2, value: city}]);
// parse the rows for all country/region/state combos
var regionsCountries = [];
var comboChecker = {};
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var country = data.getValue(rows[i], 0);
var region = data.getValue(rows[i], 1);
// the comboChecker makes sure we don't add a region/country combo more than once to the data set
if (!comboChecker[region + country]) {
comboChecker[region + country] = true;
regionsCountries.push({region: region, country: country});
// do something with regionsCountries
See working example here:

How to map column to complex object in SlickGrid

var data = [{"Id":40072,"Id2":40071,"SmDetails":{"Id1":40071,"Id2":40072}}]
I want to display SmDetails.Id1 in a column. How is this possible? I tried:
var columns = [{name:'Personnel',field:SmDetails.id1,id:'detailId'}];
Please help me
Please help me
**My latest code**
var data = [{"Id":40072,"Id2":40071,"allocationDetails":{"Id1":40071,"allocationDetails":{"accommodationId":4007}}}]
var grid;
var columns = [ {name:"Personnel",field:"allocationDetails",fieldIdx:'accommodationId', id:"accommodationId"}];
var options = {
enableCellNavigation: true,
enableColumnReorder: false,
function getValue(item, column) {
var values = item[column.field];
if (column.fieldIdx !== undefined) {
return values && values[column.fieldIdx];
} else {
return values;
var gridData=$scope.Vo;//This return as json format
grid = new Slick.Grid("#testGrid",gridData, columns);
This is the code tried recently.
You'll need to provide a custom value extractor to tell the grid how to read your object.
var options = {
enableCellNavigation: true,
enableColumnReorder: false,
// Get the item column value using a custom 'fieldIdx' column param
function getValue(item, column) {
var values = item[column.field];
if (column.fieldIdx !== undefined) {
return values && values[column.fieldIdx];
} else {
return values;
The column definitions would look like:
id: "field1",
name: "Id1",
field: "SmDetails",
fieldIdx: 'Id1'
}, {
id: "field2",
name: "Id2",
field: "SmDetails",
fieldIdx: 'Id2'
} //... etc
Check out this fiddle for a working example.
try this to convert your data into object of single length values ...
newData = {};
for(key in data[0]){
parentKey = key;
if(typeof(data[0][key]) == "object"){
childData = data[0][key];
for(key in childData){
childKey = key;
newKey = parentKey+childKey;
newData[newKey] = childData[childKey];
} else {
newData[key] = data[0][key];
This will convert your data object like this
newData = {Id: 40072, Id2: 40071, SmDetailsId1: 40071, SmDetailsId2: 40072};
Now use this newData to map your data items in grid
I find this works well for nested properties, eg:
var columns = [
{ id: "someId", name: "Col Name", field: "myRowData.myObj.myProp", width: 40}
var options {
dataItemColumnValueExtractor: function getItemColumnValue(item, column) {
var val = undefined;
try {
val = eval("item." + column.field);
} catch(e) {
// ignore
return val;

Not able to get TermVector results properly in SolrNet

I'm not able to get TermVector results properly thru SolrNet. I tried with the following code.
QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions()
OrderBy = new[] { new SortOrder("markupId", Order.ASC) },
TermVector = new TermVectorParameters
Fields = new[] { "text" },
Options = TermVectorParameterOptions.All
var results = SolrMarkupCore.Query(query, options);
foreach (var docVectorResult in results.TermVectorResults)
foreach (var vectorResult in docVectorResult.TermVector)
In the above code, results.TermVectorResults in the outer foreach gives the proper count whereas docVectorResult.TermVector in the inner foreach is empty.
I've copied the generated solr query of the above code and issued against solr admin and I'm properly getting the termVectors values. The actual query I issued is below
First you should check HTTP query to sure termvector feature is set property.
If it's not OK, change your indexing based on:
The Term Vector Component
If it is OK,You can use "ExtraParams" by changing the handler to termvector handler. Try this:
public SolrQueryExecuter<Product> instance { get; private set; }
public ICollection<TermVectorDocumentResult> resultDoc(string q)
string SERVER="http://localhost:7080/solr/core";//change this
var container = ServiceLocator.Current as SolrNet.Utils.Container;
instance = new SolrQueryExecuter<Product>(
new SolrConnection(SERVER),
instance.DefaultHandler = "/tvrh";
SolrQueryResults<Product> results =
instance.Execute(new SolrQuery(q),
new QueryOptions
Fields = new[] { "*" },
Start = 0,
Rows = 10,
ExtraParams = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "", "false" },
{ "tv.df", "false" },
{ "tv.positions", "true" },
{ "tv", "true" },
{ "tv.offsets", "false" },
{ "tv.payloads", "true" },
{ "tv.fl", "message" },// change the field name here
return results.TermVectorResults;

how to pass to or more list of series to set series

Hi I am trying to implement a combined highchart using dotnet highcharts.So I have a column chart+pie chart.
I made List allSeries = new List()for column Chart and List pieSeries = new List()for pie chart.
I dont know how to pass this two series to to the .SetSeries() wich accepts SetSeries(Series series);
or SetSeries(Series[] seriesArray);
public ActionResult Profit()
List<RoomType> result = new List<RoomType>();
result = RoomType.Selectcount();
List<Series> allSeries = new List<Series>();
List<Series> pieSeries = new List<Series>();
List<DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point> puncte = new List<DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point>();
string[] categories = new[] { "Ianuarie", "Februarie", "Martie", "Aprilie", "Mai", "Iunie", "Iulie", "August", "Septembrie", "Octombrie", "Noiembrie", "Decembrie" };
object[] pointnum = new object[12];
foreach (var j in result)
for (int i = 0; i < pointnum.Length; i++)
pointnum[i] = Roomtypereservations.RoomTypeByDate(j.RoomType_ID, i + 1).FirstOrDefault().NumRezervari;
allSeries.Add(new Series
Name = j.Room_Type,
//Data = new Data(myData)
Data = new Data(pointnum.ToArray())
pieSeries.Add(new Series
Type = ChartTypes.Pie,
Name = "Total rooms",
Data = new Data(puncte.ToArray())
puncte.Add(new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point
Name = j.Room_Type,
//Data = new Data(myData)
Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart")
.SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Combination chart" })
.SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "function() { return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.percentage +' %'; }" })
.SetXAxis(new XAxis { Categories =categories} )
.SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "TooltipFormatter" })
#"var s;
if ( { // the pie chart
s = ''+ +': '+ this.y +' fruits';
} else {
s = ''+
this.x +': '+ this.y;
return s;")
.SetLabels(new Labels
Items = new[]
new LabelsItems
Html = "Total fruit consumption",
Style = "left: '40px', top: '8px', color: 'black'"
.SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
Pie = new PlotOptionsPie
Center = new[] { "100", "80" },
Size = "100",
ShowInLegend = false,
DataLabels = new PlotOptionsPieDataLabels { Enabled = false }
.SetSeries(allSeries.Select(s => new Series { Type = s.Type, Name = s.Name, Data = s.Data }).ToArray());
return View(chart);
When i am working with only one series like in my sample
its working:
.SetSeries(allSeries.Select(s => new Series { Type = s.Type, Name = s.Name, Data = s.Data }).ToArray());
how can i pas both pieSeries and all Series to .SetSeries?
You don't need both allSeries and pieSeries. I would get rid of pieSeries. You can assign as many series to your allSeries List as you need and they can be of any type. So change your pieSeries.Add to the following:
allSeries.Add(new Series
Type = ChartTypes.Pie,
Name = "Total rooms",
Data = new Data(puncte.ToArray())
Then the following statement will work and all of your required Series to the chart:
.SetSeries(allSeries.Select(s => new Series { Type = s.Type, Name = s.Name, Data = s.Data }).ToArray());
