How to Install Vue.js in Laravel 6.2 - laravel

i am using laravel 6.2 and now i want install Vue.js.i am trying like this
composer require laravel/ui.
php artisan ui vue.
php artisan ui vue --auth.
npm install.
npm run dev.
but when i try to run command php artisan ui vue its says Could not open input file: artisan

You cant use php artisan if you are not inside a laravel project folder.
That is why it says 'Could not open input file - artisan'.
You need to be inside laravel folder & make sure that artisan file exist there
If you are on Linux/MAC then use ls command, if you are on Windows then use dir command to check your current directory

You cannot use php artisan if you are NOT inside a laravel project folder.
Just use cd to go to your project_directory and try again


Php artisan serve in laravel

I am new in laravel development. I am using latest version 9 of laravel, when I write php artisan serve in git bash or in VS code terminal after sometime it gives an error. I attached a screenshot of an error.
run php artisan optimize command
composer install
composer update
php artisan optimize:clear
This will clear all the cache of the application

Laravel project pages not showing

I have cloned a laravel project from github and when I try to use it on my localhost, all I see is the homepage, which is fully functional, but has bits of content and images missing. Then if I try to go to any other route I get an error saying The requested URL was not found on this server.
For reference I am using MAMP as the web server, I have checked the httpd file and everything seems okay, anyone got a clue what's going on?
Use these commands in order :
cp .env.example .env
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
npm install
npm run dev
php artisan serve

Could not open input file: artisan when running php artisan serv

I'm trying to run an existing laravel project in my new windows.
when I try
php artisan serv
in my project directory, it says
Could not open input file: artisan
I even updated composer
how to configure my old project anyway?
Please run proper command on laravel project root directory:
php artisan serve

I have downloaded laravel project but it has no artisan file in root directory

I have downloaded laravel project from friends website but it has no artisan file in the root directory.
When I run php artisan list it gives an error:
could not open input file: artisan
Just pull it from here, and test with php artisan
You can't use php artisan if you are not inside your downloaded Laravel project folder. That is why you got an error could not open input file artisan
Go to your project directory using cd command in your command prompt For example: cd YourProjectName, Now you will be able to run php artisan list or php artisan it will display you list of all available commands.
NOTE: If you need Laravel installation then don't download the project on other websites. Always prefer the official document for installation.

Laravel 5.1 - artisan make command

in Laravel 4.2 by using JeffreyWay/Laravel-4-Generators we could use
php artisan generate:view my-view
to create a view named my-view.blade.php.
Now in Laravel 5.1 what we should use to generate a view?
php artisan make:???
According to package's developer, you need to use L5 version instead. Now you are able to run php artisan generate:view.
As a reminder, these commands are not native of laravel artisan console.
In laravel 5.1 no artisan command for make/generate view.
You can install sven/artisan-view package to make view from CMD, to install package write this command:
composer require sven/artisan-view --dev
After installing it, you can make a single view or folder with all views that contain {index-create-update-show}
To make a single file we using this command:
php artisan make:view Name_of_view
For example
php artisan make:view index
To make a folder that contain all resources index - create - update - show write name of folder that contain all this files for example:
php artisan make:view Name_of_Folder -r
For example:
php artisan make:view blog -r
-r is a shorthand for --resource you can write full name or shorthand to make resource.
For more view docs
