Laravel project pages not showing - laravel

I have cloned a laravel project from github and when I try to use it on my localhost, all I see is the homepage, which is fully functional, but has bits of content and images missing. Then if I try to go to any other route I get an error saying The requested URL was not found on this server.
For reference I am using MAMP as the web server, I have checked the httpd file and everything seems okay, anyone got a clue what's going on?

Use these commands in order :
cp .env.example .env
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
npm install
npm run dev
php artisan serve


Php artisan serve in laravel

I am new in laravel development. I am using latest version 9 of laravel, when I write php artisan serve in git bash or in VS code terminal after sometime it gives an error. I attached a screenshot of an error.
run php artisan optimize command
composer install
composer update
php artisan optimize:clear
This will clear all the cache of the application

Suddenly getting "Target class [Inertia\Ssr\Gateway] does not exist." I don't use Inertia's SSR. How can I get back to a functioning site?

I've got a Laravel Jetstream project using Inertia. I've been running it for a while. Launched on Jetstream v1, later upgraded to v2. Everything has been running great. Today I was messing with some composer and npm stuff and suddenly every page is broken. I just get an error that looks like this:
Target class [Inertia\Ssr\Gateway] does not exist.
This happens on every view. I have never used Inertia's SSR, and I don't want to (at least not currently). I tried resetting both my composer json files and my npm json files but I cannot get back to my functioning site. I'm losing my mind. Any ideas of how I can get back to my original functioning site?
Try to remove vendor folder and node_modules.
Then run
composer install
and :
npm install
After that try to run these commands:
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan view:clear
php artisan route:clear
composer dump-autoload

laravel telescope nothing to migrate

i have a laravel 6 app that i want to install the telescope in that i did all the commands like composer update and composer dump-autoload and then i install the telescope every thing is going fine and when i run php artisan telescope:install i get the message below :
Publishing Telescope Service Provider...
Publishing Telescope Assets...
Publishing Telescope Configuration...
Telescope scaffolding installed successfully.
but it wont generate the config file and migration so when i run php artisan migrate i get this message :
nothing to migrate
in your command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=telescope-migrations
then edit you your env file
after this run
php artisan optimize
php artisan migrate
You must publish it first using the below command:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=telescope-migrations
Then you will get the default migrations and also the config/telescope.php file
After installing the telescope in my project and exporting the default migration I got this error.
λ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=telescope-migrations
Unable to locate publishable resources.
Publishing complete.
How I solve this issue
If you're getting this issue open telescope.php file which is inside of your config directory.
and then set the value of this TELESCOPE_ENABLED to true
'enabled' => env('TELESCOPE_ENABLED', true),
Because in my case the value of TELESCOPE_ENABLED this was false
Then again run this command php artisan vendor:publish --tag=telescope-migrations.
I hope it will work :)
I had accidentally ran php artisan optimize in my local environment which was causing this issue. To fix it, I had to run php artisan optimize:clear, then uninstall laravel/telescope, remove any references to it, and install it again from scratch. It then recognised the migrations and the published assets.
I did this
composer remove laravel/telescope
Then change your .env file
Then install back again it worked!

Downloaded laravel project hangs on preloader when deployed on localhost

I'm trying to deploy a laravel project I have received onto my localhost but it hangs on the loading page and doesn't load the site.
I received the source code of a laravel project that was coded for me.
The deployed website on the shared hosting works properly, and I can also manipulate the files through my ftp access.
However, I'm trying to deploy the project on my localhost (as well as to migrate to a different shared hosting service).
I tried loading the server on wamp, homestead and with artisan serve, but all methods end up the same - the index.php seems to be loading, but is stuck eternally on the preloading .gif file and doesn't present the site.
the browser debugger is throwing a lot of javascript errors (see attached image)
I assume a have a config problem, but I can't locate it and I am unsure how to even locate & debug the issue.
I tried following these configuration steps:
1. changed .htaccess to generic laravel .htaccess (deleted cpanel related lines)
2. changed the .env to fit my wamp db / homestead db
3. composer install
4. composer update
5. php artisan key:generate
6. php artisan cache:clear
7. php artisan migrate
I also installed laravel-debugbar but it hasn't helped me out of the box, and I'm unsure where I need to try to catch the problem.
If anyone can give me pointers on how to understand my problem better, I would be very thankful.
Thanks in advance!
laravel bug
Double check your .env if all details are correct
Set APP_DEBUG=true in your .env file
Double check if your database exist and have data if you are using a database
Check if your host is added to /etc/hosts
Check if your host is added to apache/nginx config correctly
Try running these commands:
$ rm composer.lock package-lock.json
$ composer install
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
$ php artisan clear-compiled
$ php artisan optimize:clear
$ php artisan package:discover
$ php artisan storage:link
$ php artisan migrate:fresh && php artisan db:seed // optional!
Then clear browser cache to be safe.
Open web inspector to see if you can see any errors.
Open latest laravel log in storage/logs/ folder to debug.
If all fails, install laravel-debugbar and see if you can debug there.

Laravel 5.4 RuntimeException] Directory name must not be empty

I'm just learning Laravel 5 and I am loving it.
I have an issue though, my php artisan command just stopped working all of a sudden. It shows this error
Directory name must not be empty.
I am running on a windows10 pc . Thanks
Today I got the same issue while working on local environment, I really don't know how but my config folder was deleted automatically. Fortunately, I had backup with me and I simply re-add the config folder into my project and my site is back.
I think you need to update your composer like:
composer update
composer update --no-scripts
after you can clear the cache
php artisan config:cache
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
