RL0 file format - image

What is a .rl0 file format and how to access its data?
I have been searching for RL0 file format but what I get is r10 and rlo file format and I am unable to get the data inside the file.
How to get the data inside the file?

It is in hex format you can use the following code.
import binascii
with open (final_name, "rb") as myfile:
header = str(binascii.hexlify(header))[2:-1]


How to view a GRF file

I have a txt file which is an impression of ZPL, but I can't pre-view that file. When opening the txt it has the following markup:
What tool or code can I use to view this file?
The compression used for the GRF file is base64, so if you copy here all the stuff after the "Z64:" , you should be able to see the image.

How to parse the apparmor's raw_data file

I have a apparmor's raw_data file in linux. When open it using the 010editor, some of the content is compressed. How to parse it into a complete policy file which human can read?

Converting logs to JSON format

klog.Info("kube config file loaded ")
is there a way to convert logs to JSON format in Go?
I tried ,
klog.info(json.Marshal("kube config file loaded"))
but did not got output in json.help me out
Klog doesnt support json formatting

How to import csv file data to postgresql in "omnidb" in windows

I am using this command to import csv file data to postgresql in omnidb windows :
COPY owner."order"(id,type,name)
FROM 'C:\Users\Desktop\omnidb_exported.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER;
Getting this error, although it exists:
could not open file "C:\Users\Desktop\omnidb_exported.csv" for
reading: No such file or directory
I have also provided everyone security permissions of read and execute on csv file and its folder. Still the problem exists.
The csv file has delimiter ";" with header information.
This owner schema has 3 tables, which are connected by "id" column.
How to import the csv file data correctly? What is the problem with these commands?
OK, as below:
\copy owner."order"(id,type,name) FROM 'C:\Users\Desktop\omnidb_exported.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER;
Just replace the copy to \copy, then can load data sucessfully.

Converting from .dat to netcdf(.nc)

I have a .dat file https://www.dropbox.com/s/8dbjg0i6l7a4sb6/CRUST10-xyz-complete.dat?dl=0 that I need to convert to either .grd or .nc, so that I can visualize the data in GMT(Generic Mapping Tool). I tried to do this using cdo using following command:
cdo -f nc import_binary CRUST10-xyz-complete.dat CRUST10-xyz-complete.nc
but got following error:
Open Error: Unknown keyword in description file
--> The invalid description file record is:
--> 0.5,89.5,4.19,0,2,0.7,0,0.73,1.62,5.01,14.25,10.06,7.36,2.7,1.5,3.81,2,3.5,0,5,6.5,7.1,8.07,5.5865805168986,6.7596467391304,2.3888888888889
The data file was not opened.
cdo import_binary (Abort): Open failed!
Can anyone please guide?
First make .ctl file then apply:-
cdo -f nc import_binary CRUST10-xyz-complete.ctl CRUST10-xyz-complete.nc
Here is the example link for to make .ctl file. http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/descriptorfile.html
It will definitely work for you. Thanks!
Without the data itself, it is hard to see what went wrong. In any case, just look at the following message from cdo forum:
which you could use as an example of how to convert ASCII data to netCDF using cdo's.
