Does Heroku charge any from creadit card for custom domain? - heroku

I want to point to custom domain. For account verification, Heroku ask for credit card details.
But I want to ask that for using a custom domain on Heroku does it charged any money from credit card

.. for using a custom domain on Heroku does it charged any money from credit card
It is free.
You can add custom domains to any Heroku app. Adding domains does not incur extra charges. For security purposes, you must verify your Heroku account to add domains to apps.


Can i add credit card bank account via plaid API to get access token?

I want to add credit card bank account via plaid API although i don't have account in that bank. can i do this and can any body tell me how plaid facilitate credit card accounts or credit card transactions.
For testing purposes, you can add an account at a bank you don't have an account at using the Sandbox test environment. Production and Development require real credentials. The rest of your question I don't quite understand.

How to check the account created in Brain tree is set country US or not?

I have created braintree sandbox test account.I want to use Braintree MarketPlace feature, In Order to user that functionality account must created US account. How to check and change my account to Us, or i have to create new one ?
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact
You cannot change the country associated with a Braintree Sandbox. If you would like to test the Marketplace functionality within a Sandbox, though, you'll have to sign up for a new Sandbox account, this time ensuring that you choose the United States for your country.

Marketplace - Are apps tied to a specific google account?

We are currently attempting to publish an App on the Google Marketplace (aka Chrome Web Store).
My boss has paid the $5 developer fee using his Gsuite account, and when I log in to publish the app, it keeps requesting the $5 fee to be paid. We are both part of the same GSuite domain ( I'm guessing this means the payment is tied to his account specifically? Is there any way to get this tied to our Gsuite domain?
As a result of the way this works, if I end up publishing using my account can anyone delegated from my domain modify it? If I was to go on vacation/sick leave/move on to another company then noone in my organization would be able to modify the App details?
Would adding a shared mailbox account specifically for marketplace registration alleviate this issue?
You can create a Google Group and use that as the owner of your app.
Any member of that group will then be able to publish. (when they have paid the 5$ fee)

Square E-commerce Api integration to clients website

Sorry if this is a simple question but I am trying to understand the best way to do this and I am new to Square development. I have a customer who has the Square chip card reader device on their cell phone and they are taking credit cards today. They also have a website which is using a oscommerce shopping cart and gateway for processing orders on their website. What they want to do is just use Square and change the website so it integrates with their existing Square account. I understand the basic process of how to do this with the E-commerce API but I am a little confused on the developer / merchant Credentials.
This is a one off development for them so I do not think I want to use the oAuth method.
If they are a merchant today do they have to sign up under the developer area and create a app using the Application Dashboard so that they have a personal access token and application ID that I would use on their website? ( I already signed up and have a developer account)
What information about a sale is shown on their Square account once I integrate the secure SqPaymentForm payment form onto their website? Today all the details on the order are in the shopping cart such as what the customer ordered, the shipping address etc. Is this now going to appear on the Square account for them or do I still need to maintain this information in the shopping cart? It would be good if they could use a single interface such as the Square account.
thanks for your help.
If you don't to use OAuth, you'll have to have the merchant go to the Square Developer Portal and give you their personal access token and application id.
There are many different ways you can implement an online store, so where the information lives is all up to you. You probably want to keep your existing shopping cart functionality and just implement square for the payments, as that will likely be easiest and ensure you have all the data you want.

Google Play Store Private Channel and own domain

I just register and paid $25 USD to be able to upload an app in the Google Play Store. I used my personal email address, something like The app that I am uploading is for a different domain, e.g. I uploaded the app and started to configure all the settings. The problem is that I did not realize that to make the app private (Private Channel) my developers email account must be the same domain as the app, e.g. So I added a new user with administrator permissions to the app, this new user using the correct domain, e.g. I logged with this new user account and I cannot see the Private Channel section. Then I logged with my personal email address user and also I couldn't see the option. Then I discovered that to see that section my setup account (the one that paid $25 USD) must be the app domain. But that is not possible. So I tried to transfer the app from my personal account to the new user domain account, BUT at this stage I doubt that is going to work. For what I have read, it seems to enable the private channel, I must have a Goggle Apps account and that is not free. Does anyone know if it is possible to setup the private channel for the play store without having to pay a Google Apps subscription and if yes what's the correct process? Unfortunately I already paid $25 USD but I can't manage to get the private channel :(, thanks a lot
Based off the documentation, it seems there is no getting around having a Google Apps for Work, Education, or Government account.
This work around may not work for you, but what you can do is publish to aplha/beta testers. This will allow you to grant access to whatever users or groups of your choosing. You do not need a production APK for aplha/beta testing, but I'm not sure if you'll be able to get other production information (analytics, ratings, etc).
