Laravel IOC not calling the constructor - laravel

I have binding in the service provider
class InvoiceService implements IInvoiceService
protected $repo;
public function _construct(){
$this->app = App::getFacadeRoot();
$this->repo = $this->app['repo'];
public function Create()
In one of the classes in Injected the IInovoice Service.
I am getting the concrete implementation of IInovoice . but the Constructor of the InvoiceService is never getting called

Try the following
class InvoiceService implements IInvoiceService
protected $app;
protected $repo;
public function _construct($app, $repo) {
$this->app = $app;
$this->repo = $repo;
public function Create() {
public function register() {
public function boot(ResponseFactory $response) {
//uncomment this line to debug InvoiceService Resolving event
//$this->app->resolving(App\Models\Subscription\Impl\InvoiceService::class, function ($invoiceService, $app) {
//dump('resolves InvoiceService', $invoiceService);
Then run
php artisan clear-compiled
php artisan config:clear


Resource Api laravel 9 return null

I have this project that uses Laravel 9 framework and I'm using resource Api method. It worked fine for index and store function but it returns null when it comes update, show ,delete methods. I have my code down below:
My Model:
class Re14 extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $fillable=['re14002'];
My Migration:
return new class extends Migration
public function up()
Schema::create('re14s', function (Blueprint $table) {
public function down()
MY Controller:
class Re14Controller extends Controller
public function index()
return Re14Resource::collection(Re14::all());
public function store(Re14Request $request)
return new Re14Resource($re14);
public function show(Re14 $re14)
return new Re14Resource($re14);
public function update(Re14Request $request, Re14 $re14)
return new Re14Resource($re14);
public function destroy(Re14 $re14)
return response("Deleted Successfully!");
MY Resource
public function toArray($request)
return [
My Request
class Re14Request extends FormRequest
public function authorize()
return true;
public function rules()
return [
MY Route
I use Postman to test my Api. It worked fine for index and store but got stack when it comes update, show, delete
"data": {
"id": null,
"re14002": null

How to share $request variable between other function from other url in same controller on laravel

I want to share $request variable between other function from other url in same controller on laravel like below but how ?
class ABCController extends Controller
public function validation(Request $request)
public function save()
What I tried
class ABCController extends Controller
public function validation(Request $request)
Session::put('data', $request)
session(['data' => $request]);
public function save()
I tried above but Log::debug in save function show me null in log.
Please give me advice.
Create a global variable
class ABCController extends Controller
private $data;
public function validation(Request $request)
$this->data =$request;
public function save()
echo $this->data;

PHPUnit test for Laravel Artisan command without calling external API in inner instance (dependency injection)

I am trying to write a phpunit test with laravel 5.2 for a console command.
Few resources seems promising, but so far I failed making it work. I am trying to follow info given here:
stackoverflow - PHPUnit test for Laravel Artisan command that calls an external API without calling that API physically?
Laravel binding
The test is calling a command that 'binds' ExternalAPI class in its constructor.
In the test, I mock the ExternalAPI.
The ExternalAPI class:
Class ExternalAPI {
protected $lang;
public function __construct($lang)
$this->lang = $lang;
public function call_api($myparam){
//do the api stuff here
The command:
class MyCommand extends Command
protected $signature = 'check:mycommand';
protected $externalAPI ;
public function __construct(ExternalAPI $externalAPI)
$this->externalAPI = $externalAPI;
public function handle()
$res = $this->externalAPI->call_api('test');
The test:
class MyCommandTest extends TestCase
public function setUp()
$methods_to_stub = ['call_api'];
$mock = $this->getMockBuilder('\ExternalAPI')
$this->app->instance(ExternalAPI::class, $mock);
public function test1()
$output = new BufferedOutput;
Artisan::call('check:mycommand', [],$output);
echo "output:$output\n\n";
The error is:
Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [
$myparam]] in class App\MyLibrary\ExternalAPI
I managed to get it to work using mockery
This is the corrected code that works for me:
The ExternalAPI class (I removed the param from the constructor because right now I didn't check if and how it can be done):
Class ExternalAPI {
protected $lang;
public function __construct()
public function init($lang)
$this->lang = $lang;
public function call_api($myparam){
//do the api stuff here
The command:
class MyCommand extends Command
protected $signature = 'check:mycommand';
protected $externalAPI ;
public function __construct()
$this->externalAPI = app(ExternalAPI::class);
public function handle()
$res = $this->externalAPI->call_api('test');
The AppServiceProvider:
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{
public function boot()
return new \App\MyLibrary\ExternalAPI();
The test:
class MyCommandTest extends TestCase
public function setUp()
$mock = Mockery::mock('ExternalAPI');
$this->app->instance(ExternalAPI::class, $mock);
public function test1()
$output = new BufferedOutput;
Artisan::call('check:mycommand', [],$output);
echo "output:$output\n\n";

How can I solve Target [App\Repositories\NewsRepository] is not instantiable while building [App\Http\Controllers\Member\NewsController].?

My controller like this :
use App\Repositories\NewsRepository;
class NewsController extends Controller
protected $repository;
public function __construct(NewsRepository $repository)
$this->repository = $repository;
public function store(NewsCreateRequest $request)
$news = $this->repository->create($input);
My interface like this :
namespace App\Repositories;
use Prettus\Repository\Contracts\RepositoryInterface;
interface NewsRepository extends RepositoryInterface
My class like this :
use App\Repositories\NewsRepository;
class NewsRepositoryEloquent extends BaseRepository implements NewsRepository
public function model()
return News::class;
public function boot()
My repository service provider like this :
class RepositoryServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
$this->app->bind(\App\Repositories\NewsRepository::class, \App\Repositories\NewsRepositoryEloquent::class);
If the method store on the controller executed, there exist error :
(1/1) BindingResolutionException Target
[App\Repositories\NewsRepository] is not instantiable while building
How can I solve the error?
You have to add constructor to your repository and call parent constructor for setup model like this:
public function __construct(Permission $model)

laravel can't retrieve session when redirect

in laravel 5.4
class AdminController extends Controller
public function checkLogin(Request $request)
return redirect('mobiles');
class MobilesController extends Controller
public function __construct()
if( ( Session::has('admin') ) )
{ dd('admin');}
{ dd('not admin'); }
it prints 'not admin' so what happen to the session , if i prints the admin session in class checkLogin it prints normally
Since L5.3, you cannot a access to the session in the controller's constructor. You have to use a closure :
public function __construct()
$this->middleware(function ($request, $next) {
echo Session::has('admin') ? 'admin' : 'not admin';
return $next($request);
you have to use laravel flashed-session-data
return redirect('mtest2')->with('admin','yes');
so modify your code like this
class AdminController extends Controller {
public function checkLogin(Request $request){
return redirect('mobiles')->with('admin',true);
class MobilesController extends Controller {
public function __construct() {
if( session()->has('admin') ){
dd('not admin');
Here is updated code if you do not want to use Flashed data
class AdminController extends Controller {
public function checkLogin(Request $request){
return redirect('mobiles');
it should work.
