Anypoint Studio Launch/Deployment Issues - java-8

Recently I downloaded Anypoint Studio 7.4 on my computer, but I've not been able to launch the same. I am running Java Version 8 Update 181 (build 1.8.0_181-b13) .When I try to launch, I get to the workspace selection screen and after that the Anypoint Studio 7.4 window just stays on screen frozen. Eventually, it crashes with this error:
After this, I see this long error message:
I used to run Anypoint Studio 6.6.4 projects without any issues, but now I'm not able to deploy any of my old projects. I get the following errors:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.mule.tooling.server.application.ApplicationDeployer
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=128M; support was removed in 8.0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256M; support was removed in 8.0
I have found several instances of such errors in this forum, but sadly none of them have helped me so far. My Studio 6.6.4 Java preferences is shown below:
In short, I now have 2 issues (both versions of Anypoint Studio)

Have you installed newer Java versions in your system as well? This error was common when Java 9 or 11 were installed along with 8. See this article for details on how to fix it.

The first error could be that the Java version used is 32 bits and the Studio version is 64 bits. Both should match. Be sure to use the matching version of Java and Studio. Not that if your Windows is 32 bits you will to install both as 32 bits.
PermSize and MaxPermSize are just ignored in Java 8 and cause no issues. The second problem is not finding the ApplicationDeployerclass which is strange. Is there a Mule Runtime version in the project tree?


Updating IBM Websphere and Java 1.7 on windows 2008 Server

I have a task to update web sphere to on a windows 2008 server. I have java 1.7 already installed (and java 6 as well) and all the profiles uses it.
How ever when i try to apply fix patch using IBM installation manager, by default it's installing Java 8 which is not supported on windows 2008.
Is there a way where i can by pass java 8 and install only the fix patch ( from installation manager.
Any pointer/help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
Installation Manager Screenshot:
No, WebSphere requires Java 8, and Java 8 is not supported on Windows 2008 Server. If you must stay with Windows 2008 you can't update WebSphere past More detail here: IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition 8.0 Minimum Supported Operating Systems
This is what IBM documentation ( ) says, I did some shortcuts to make key points easier to notice in a long article:
In and later, it is planned that (Java8) SDK will be required for all new installations and all updates (fixpacks).
In (...) prior operating system releases (such as Windows 2008 (...) ) will no longer be supported.
So unfortunately what you are trying to do is not supported:
Although Java7 is still fine as a runtime environment for your servers, for example if your business application is not yet Java8 compatible, you need to have Java8 installed as a default JVM for Websphere "internal" requirements.
You cant have IBM's Java8 installed in Windows2008, which is mandatory for Websphere, that means you cant install Websphere
In the end, I would like to remind you, that you can upgrade to a previous release: Version is 11 fixpacks newer than what you already have, maybe it will suffice for your needs.
Bottom line - upgrade windows to a current version that's not 11 years old. Or, better yet, put it on Linux. WAS is great on Linux! Red Hat, Suse, OpenSuse, Fedora, CentOS are good flavors.

Warning major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler

Basicly I'm super newbie and started internship in IT company. I installed VS with Xamarin. The problem that I'm facing is very frustrating. So even when i create empty project I can't compile it and get error like this :
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
I searched all over google and asked so many people and still no fix of my problem. If anybody can help me via skype or teamwiever i will APPRECIATE so much. My skype: toniterdal , feel free to add me.
I was having the same issue, and tearing my hair out. I had the JDK Version 8 installed, but these warnings wouldn't go away, and eventually they generated a build-breaking error.
When I went to Tools -> Options -> Xamarin, and looked at the Android Settings, the Java Development Kit Location was pointing to jdk.1.7.xxxx, in Program Files (x86).
I changed it to 1.8.0_101, in Program Files. Then I restarted Visual Studio, and the same error happened again. Somehow, Visual Studio was detecting Version 7 of the JDK and pointing it to that automatically.
So the solution turned out to be very simple. As well as installing Version 8 of the JDK, UNINSTALL Version 7 of the JDK. As soon as I did that, Xamarin turned out to be much better behaved. This step solved a whole bunch of seemingly unrelated problems.
That error is telling you that the Java Class version that is being loaded was compiled with Java 8 (52) but Java 7 (51) is trying to load that compiled class.
Java 7 uses major version 51
Java 8 uses major version 52
Check which Java version(s) are installed on your machine and review Xamarin's requirements and Java installation steps (linked below)
Installing the Java SDK (JDK)
For people having problems with setting the appropriate JDK version, you might want to try to override this setting in the vs2015 options dialog:
Delete bin folder and obj folder and run the project it will be work fine
You have a bad proguard.jar file, you need to replace this .jar by a correct version. The steps below describing how to do that. Some colleagues had the same problem here.
Go to Preferences => SDK locations and copy the Android SDK location.
Go to that folder (mostly /Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx) and go to the folder tools/proguard/lib.
Here you find a proguard.jar.
Rename this to proguard_OLD.jar.
Download the last proguard file (like this one
Unzip and place the proguard.jar in the tools/proguard/lib folder
Rebuild your Project
Everything should be fixed!
You can find more info about the bug here:
For me worked to change the SDK as well, but under Options->Xamarin->Android Settings, I don't have Cross Platform in Options for VS 2015Pro
Note for Windows 64 bit users, the JDK has to be the x86 version not the x64 version.
E.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_111
Kaloyan you can find the setting for the Java SKD under Tools->Options and the click on Xamarin in the Options list, then select Android Settings. I installed the latest Java version (8.0.111) and then did a clean on my project and it runs fine now with no errors. Thank you everyone for your posts!
In my case, i had to reinstall the JDK 8 (the last version) because other versions JDK 7 couldnt work even with new projects or clean up projects, and also i had to do a clean install of the android sdk.
This is how I solved the same issue I faced today:
From Control Panel > Uninstall a Program > uninstall the older Java versions which are on your system.
You should only have Jdk 1.8 and Jre 1.8 on your system.
Now go to C:/Program Files/Java and delete all older java versions.
If you have setup your JDK 1.8 and JRE 8 in C:/Program Files (x86)/Java then cut paste them into C:/Program Files/Java folder.
Then I restarted IntelliJ IDE which I am using. It automatically asked to update the path of SDK. Update the path to point to Jdk 1.8 and then I recompiled my files and things started working well.
Hope it works for you too!
In my case, I had just deleted .class files and worked fine.

Migrating driver project from VS2013 to VS2015 community

Long time reader first time poster here.
I'm a Linux developer trying to get started on Windows development in my new job. I knew it would not be trivial but the first thing I'm trying to do is complete and integrate a netvmini port driver (started by a co-op student) into one of their C++ apps. I am struggling to get the build environment going...
The project was started in Visual Studio 2013 with a Windows 7 target. When I now open it in Visual Studio 2015 and try to build the solution I get:
"Unknown or unsupported property value Win7 for TargetVersion"
for each project. This also happens if I set the configuration to Win8 (both release and debug). If I set it to Win 8.1 I get:
"An SDK corresponding to WDK version '8.1' was not found. Please install the SDK before building"
I have installed every WDK and SDK I can lay my hands on from Windows 7 to Windows 10 using both the web and the VS2015 installer. I have even installed Visual Studio 2013 again but I can't even seem to get the WDK to integrate with that.
The end goal here is to be able to build this (and hopefully debug remotely in kernel mode) from my Windows 10/VS2015 workstation for targets from Windows 7-10. Any advice or documentation that details how to integrate new build platforms into VS would be helpful (all the MS documentation just tells me what I can do if I install this or that, but not HOW to do it)
I also had the same problem after running the Project Upgrade tool.
I discovered when making new configurations that "Win7" and "Win8" TargetVersion are now "Windows7" and "Windows8".
The upgrade tool does not make that change for you but I was able to manually edit my upgraded project with those changes and got it to build for all targets.
I discovered that the installer doesn't install the windows 10 SDK by default. So all the installing of other SDK's was useless. I Also found out that by installing the Win 10 SDK through the VS 2015 installer it integrates and allows me to build for targets back to windows 7 in VS 2015.

Unable to install antlrworks2

I downloaded antlrworks2 from the tunnel vision labs website and tried to install it by running the antlrworks2.exe but getting the error "antlrworks2.exe is not a valid win32 application". I tried it on Win server 2003 as well as Win 7 32 bit but I got the same error.
I am using VS 2008 for development as the target language would be C#.
Is that the right way to install antlrworks? I believe antlrworks is a stand alone application or do I also need to install antlr? Has it got any dependency?
I know of an issue where the problem you describe appears on Windows XP, but haven’t heard of this on Windows Vista or later. The problem will be fixed for ANTLRWorks 2.0.1.
#7 Support running ANTLRWorks 2 on Windows XP
ANTLRWorks 2 requires you to install Java before running it. I am not sure whether or not it will work with just the JRE (runtime only) installed, so to be on the safe side I recommend installing the JDK (development kit). I recommend Java 7 for its performance advantages; the current release is 7u13.
Java SE Development Kit 7 Downloads

Warning - Targets a different processor than the application

My .NET 3.5 WPF application has started showing a bunch (14) of the the following warning (with different dlls):
Referenced assembly 'C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC_32\Microsoft.TeamFoundation
targets a different processor than the application.
I am running on a 32 bit machine. The only project in my solution is set to compile to "Any CPU". (A rebuild all does not fix it.)
I would rather not recreate my solution. Does anyone else know another fix/workaround for this issue?
NOTE: I am using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and Windows XP 32 bit.
Haven't seen that one specifically but the download samples for C++ by default build for Itanium - did you install the wrong version of those libs?
