How to test 7 customer transaction per second? - jmeter

I am using jmeter for my performance test. The website needs to perform 7 customer transaction per second with the average TPS of 22.19 and maximum TPS of 25.01. So I have defined my test plan with 7 threads to run with 3 loops and asserted the response with 200 and 204. I also asserted the response with duration response for 2 second since it is needed.
but I am pretty confused how to assert this average TPS and maximum TPS ?. I am also not sure how to test 7 customer transaction per second. ? Thanks for you help.

Put all requests which belong to a customer transaction under the Transaction Controller and rename it to customer-transaction
Download and install Taurus tool
Create Taurus YAML config file for running your JMeter test looking like:
- scenario: simple
script: test.jmx
- module: passfail
- hits for customer-transaction>7 for 1s, stop as failed
That's it, if you will be receiving less than 7 hits per second the test will be automatically stopped as failed and have non-zero exit status code


How to verify TPS is achieved from Aggregate Summary report in JMeter

I need to verify one of API TPS.
6TPS is Requirement.
I have given 6 user load , 1s pacing and runned for 1hr.
Output snap attached.
From the Output how do i verify that API is achieved 6TPS.
Thanks in advance enter image description here
In your case the number of TPS for Get_id transaction is 1.9 per second so my expectation is that you either need to remove pacing or increase the number of users or both.
You can reach 6 TPS with 6 users only if response time is 1 second (or less), looking at your results it can be as high as 5.6 seconds so either your server cannot server 6 transactions per second of you just need to add more users.
If you want to check the throughput automatically and fail the test if the expected number of transactions per second is not met you can consider running your JMeter test using Taurus tool as a wrapper, Taurus provides flexible and powerful Pass/Fail criteria subsystem which can check multiple metrics and return non-zero exit status code in case if throughput will be lower than your expectations.
More information: Failure Criteria

What jmeter configuration I should use when running load test of 25 threads

I need to run a load test of 25 threads, what will be the most efficient configuration to use? (ramp-up period....). I ran the load test with the below configuration and some of the threads failed but pass if I just ran the script individually.
Your configuration will mean that:
JMeter start with 1 thread and add another thread each 4 seconds
Once started each thread will begin to execute Samplers upside down (or according to the logic controllers)
When the thread executes the last sampler it will be shut down
When the last thread executes the last sampler the test ends
Depending on the number of samplers and application response time you may or may not achieve 25 users concurrency, you might want to check the actual number of concurrent users using Active Threads Over Time listener
If you want to make sure to have 25 online users set "Loop Count" to Infinite and "Specify Thread Lifetime" duration to be more than your ramp-up period. See JMeter Test Results: Why the Actual Users Number is Lower than Expected article for more details.
With regards to the failures - we cannot state anything meaningful without seeing request and response details, make sure to save them using i.e. View Results Tree listener and inspect response body for the failed requests

Running tests in JMeter concurrently

I want to run the with 100 Users concurrently doing two requests. Between the two requests I have a gaussian ranom timer of 1 second +/- 300 milliseconds. I want to run the test for 10 minutes.
Is my configuration right?
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
The test runs over 10 Minutes and sends about 12k requests but the results I am getting is seems not to be realistic when considering that 100 Users request information at the same time.
If your test configuration looks like:
then you don't have the timer "between the two requests", you have the timer before each request, if you need to have the timer "between the two requests" - you need to make it the child of the "Request 2". See JMeter Scoping Rules - The Ultimate Guide article for more detailed information
100 users are not concurrently doing 100 requests, each user is:
waiting for the time defined by the timer
executing request 1
waiting for the time defined by the timer
executing request 2
repeat for 10 minutes
If you need to execute 2 requests at exactly the same time - put them under the Parallel Controller

Jmeter- How many sample requests are created with this config?

I have a question related to JMeter, I have thread with config below:
Number of Threads (Users): 5
Ram-Up Period (In second): 5
Loop: Forever
Duration(seconds): 2
How many sample request are created with above config ?
I am using the JMeter version 5.0.
We don't know. It mostly depends on your application response time which is the main factor of Elapsed Time in JMeter.
The only way to get the number is to measure it
Run your test in command-line non-GUI mode as:
jmeter -n -t your-test.jmx -l result.jtl
Once test is finished open JMeter GUI, add a Listener of your choice, i.e. Aggregate Report to your Test Plan and open result.jtl file using "Browse" button - you should see the number of executed samplers as well as other metrics (response time, throughput, latency, etc.)
No of Threads=5 and Ramp up time =5 seconds.
So after every 1 second, next thread will be active.
So ideally it will process maximum 3 samples.
In jmeter Summary report, you could check the sample requests.

Webservice testing using Jmeter

I am new to JMeter and I have been tasked to do a POC where I need to load test the webserivce. I learnt the basics like adding the test plan, adding threads, adding SOAP/RPC Requestsampler and I got the response as well. But, I am not sure how to achieve the below scenario using JMeter.
I need 600 users to hit the service per request/second (this should run for 10 minutes) and the 2nd scenario is about 2000 users to hit the service at 5 request/second (again this should run for 10 minutes)
Also, would it be possible for JMeter to handle this many number of threads/users?
Any inputs would be deeply appreciated.
Given you properly configure JMeter it shouldn't be a problem to simulate 2k users, actually you may need more as if your web service response time will exceed 1 second - you won't be able to achieve 2k requests per second.
Configuring JMeter:
Run test in non-GUI mode
Disable all Listeners (if any)
Increase JVM Heap size
See 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure for detailed explanation and instructions
Simulating 600 / 2000 requests per second.
Set "Loop Count" to Forever or -1 in Thread Group
Tick "Scheduler" box and set desired duration (600 seconds)
Add Constant Throughput Timer and specify the desired throughput in requests per minute
It is recommended to use HTTP Request sampler for web services testing, you can set Content-Type and SOAPAction headers using HTTP Header Manager
