How to verify TPS is achieved from Aggregate Summary report in JMeter - jmeter

I need to verify one of API TPS.
6TPS is Requirement.
I have given 6 user load , 1s pacing and runned for 1hr.
Output snap attached.
From the Output how do i verify that API is achieved 6TPS.
Thanks in advance enter image description here

In your case the number of TPS for Get_id transaction is 1.9 per second so my expectation is that you either need to remove pacing or increase the number of users or both.
You can reach 6 TPS with 6 users only if response time is 1 second (or less), looking at your results it can be as high as 5.6 seconds so either your server cannot server 6 transactions per second of you just need to add more users.
If you want to check the throughput automatically and fail the test if the expected number of transactions per second is not met you can consider running your JMeter test using Taurus tool as a wrapper, Taurus provides flexible and powerful Pass/Fail criteria subsystem which can check multiple metrics and return non-zero exit status code in case if throughput will be lower than your expectations.
More information: Failure Criteria


How to set the 4000 users and 1 hour duration using JMETER

In Jmeter I have a scenario like
Load tested with 4000 users and 1 hour duration
759965 requests made and out of which one request failed on an average 18894.13 requests made per second.
This was the earlier scenario and I want to make the same scenario again with the above information. Can someone guide me how to set up the environment and also the results. I have designed my script using Co-relation with the help regular expression extractor.enter image description here
For the normal Thread Group the configuration would be something like:
It would also be a good idea to use some ramp-up period so the load would increase gradually and you could correlate increasing load with other metrics like response time or transactions per second.
You might also want to use one of Custom Thread Groups which can be installed as JMeter Plugins, they provide easy visual way to define the number of threads, test duration, ramp-up, ramp-down, time to hold the load, eventual spikes, etc.
Once you define your desired workload you should run your test in command-line non-GUI mode, with regards to the test results the easiest option is to generate HTML Reporting Dashboard

Is there a specific way to achieve the below scenarios in JMeter ? if yes how?

Can someone guide how can I achieve below scenarios via JMeter
1.Check if system is able to process 1,00,000 random searches per hour
2.Check if system can accept 1,00,000 transaction's per minute- this is more like form submissions
First of all you need to implement your test scenarios (search and submitting forms) using HTTP Request samplers
The HTTP Request samplers can be:
Recorded using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Recorded using JMeter Chrome Extension
Created manually basing on your application/endpoint specifications
Once you have test project skeleton and perform necessary correlation of dynamic values and parameterization of dynamic parameters like usernames you can start defining the workload, i.e. see Building a Web Test Plan user manual chapter
Add as many virtual users as needed, run your test and see whether your application can handle the anticipated load.
Suggested scenario:
Increase the load gradually, i.e. start with 1 user and increment the number of users till the projected amount
Look at Transactions per Second chart and Active Threads Over Time chart. On well-behaved system the throughput (number of requests per second) should increase as the number of users increase.
If you detect the point when you increase the load but the throughput doesn't increase - it means that the system reached the maximum performance. If it is sufficient - you can report the test as passed, otherwise you will need to investigate the root cause and either report or fix it if you're capable of doing this.

How much load it is?

I have tried but have a doubt that whether the below-mentioned specification is equivalent to 4000load or not.
the number of threads-100,
ramp-up period-10 secs,
loop count- 40, then
which is equal to how much load??
You are loading 100 concurrent threads, the loops just adds more execution time.
So it isn't equivalent to 4000 concurrent threads hitting your server
I don't know what do you mean by 4000load, your test will send 4000 requests per each Sampler which is in your Thread Group as fast as it can. The actual test duration will depend on your application response time but will not be less than 10 seconds.
You might want to take a look at Transactions per Second and Server Hits per Second charts to see how many requests your configuration delivers, both charts can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
Also you can generate HTML Reporting Dashboard which will have consolidated aggregate view of your test results.

How to test 7 customer transaction per second?

I am using jmeter for my performance test. The website needs to perform 7 customer transaction per second with the average TPS of 22.19 and maximum TPS of 25.01. So I have defined my test plan with 7 threads to run with 3 loops and asserted the response with 200 and 204. I also asserted the response with duration response for 2 second since it is needed.
but I am pretty confused how to assert this average TPS and maximum TPS ?. I am also not sure how to test 7 customer transaction per second. ? Thanks for you help.
Put all requests which belong to a customer transaction under the Transaction Controller and rename it to customer-transaction
Download and install Taurus tool
Create Taurus YAML config file for running your JMeter test looking like:
- scenario: simple
script: test.jmx
- module: passfail
- hits for customer-transaction>7 for 1s, stop as failed
That's it, if you will be receiving less than 7 hits per second the test will be automatically stopped as failed and have non-zero exit status code

Webservice testing using Jmeter

I am new to JMeter and I have been tasked to do a POC where I need to load test the webserivce. I learnt the basics like adding the test plan, adding threads, adding SOAP/RPC Requestsampler and I got the response as well. But, I am not sure how to achieve the below scenario using JMeter.
I need 600 users to hit the service per request/second (this should run for 10 minutes) and the 2nd scenario is about 2000 users to hit the service at 5 request/second (again this should run for 10 minutes)
Also, would it be possible for JMeter to handle this many number of threads/users?
Any inputs would be deeply appreciated.
Given you properly configure JMeter it shouldn't be a problem to simulate 2k users, actually you may need more as if your web service response time will exceed 1 second - you won't be able to achieve 2k requests per second.
Configuring JMeter:
Run test in non-GUI mode
Disable all Listeners (if any)
Increase JVM Heap size
See 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure for detailed explanation and instructions
Simulating 600 / 2000 requests per second.
Set "Loop Count" to Forever or -1 in Thread Group
Tick "Scheduler" box and set desired duration (600 seconds)
Add Constant Throughput Timer and specify the desired throughput in requests per minute
It is recommended to use HTTP Request sampler for web services testing, you can set Content-Type and SOAPAction headers using HTTP Header Manager
