implenenting AMG8xx Infrared Camera Kernel Module and Video4Linux - linux-kernel

I have found, and forked(, a kernel module for the AMG8xx( it currently outputs to /sys/ as a text array of values which isn't the ideal output
and am looking at what would be necessary to get it to work with video4linux, i have found the documentation on SOC-camera drivers (, but its not clear what would be required to actually implement this
can anyone provide an outline or direct me towards documentation of how to do this ?


a question about omnet++ wireless node's source code

I want to see the source code for sending data packets wirelessly,but I try a lot ,such as refer to tutorials ,but I still can not find it.Who can help me that? very thanks!!
First of all I suggest doing the basic tutorial for OMNeT++ available in TicToc Tutorial.
The NED definitions as well as C++ source files of link layer are in src/inet/linklayer, for example src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211. Moreover, take a look at INET User's Guide.
I am also new to the OMNET++ and inet. I have exactly same problem as yours. When I search the "wlan" node, I found it was used as submodules in /inet/node/base/LinkLayerNodeBase.ned. The type of "wlan" in default is , which source code is under "/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/ieee80211Interface.ned". I suppose we are using same tutorial, then the omnetpp.ini has claimed that the "wlan" type is AckingWirelessInterface in this sentence
*.host*.wlan[0].typename = "AckingWirelessInterface". And this AckingWirelessInterface is actually another compound module "/inet/linklayer/acking/AckingWirelessInterface" that implement "IWirelessInterface". To find how it handle the packages, you should go to his submodules:. More specifically, you can check "inet/linklayer/acking/" and "inet/physicallayer/unitdisk/" to find module and module.

How to use PNG mask in segmentation object detection with Tensorflow

I am using tutorial from here.
I use mask_rcnn_inception_v2 detection model with my own dataset. I want to add PNG mask, i use some applications to do it. but I wonder how i put this data to be used in detection. I see the mention anywhere.
How to implement the PNG mask in object detection ? (where i put it, how to use it)
Do you know how to launch the evaluation and training in same time on tensorboard i see it is possible.
generally where i can ask all Tensorflow general question as configuration file explanations
On Github Tensorflow it is specified we have to ask question here because not a Tensorflow issue and great community here with some great guys!
thanks to guy on github he points a missing configuration in pipeline.config
number_of_stages: 3
and it changes all the result i can see the mask now. youpi !
For any further information, there's a good explanation here:
It explains how to prepare you masks and what to modify.

The system cannot find the file specified in uft 12.01

I was trying to use Insight feature of UFT to avoid using the build configuration of libraries from development side for a flex based application. When i tried using the method "GetVisibleText" UFT 12.01 returns "The system cannot find the file specified". But i was click on different buttons in the same page Example buttton x, Button y at my wish. So it means UFT is distinguishes the objects. My purpose is to check on the dynamic text objects in the page. Note : "GetRoProperty" returned nothing and there is only one property called "similarity" and its returning a constant value at all the times immaterial of different pages.
UFT's Insight technology uses images in order to identify objects, the fact that it identifies button x does not mean that it has any intrinsic understanding that it contains the text "x".
In Insight the similarity property is used in order to decide how dissimilar a control has to be from the captured image in order for it not to constitute a match. Similarity isn't a regular identification property as we are used to. This is why you get the same value for each test object (it doesn't mean that the specific object supports this property).
Regarding GetVisibleText, UFT uses OCR in order to extract the text. You can specify which language you're expecting in the last parameter.
In any case none of these things should fail due to not being able to find a file. I have two thoughts on the matter:
Are you using descriptive programming to identify the InsightObject (see link further on) if so perhaps the image file you specified isn't found?
What OCR Mechanism are you using? (Tools ⇒ Options ⇒ GUI Testing ⇒ Text Recognition), perhaps the mechanism you're using isn't installed correctly and this is causing the failure, try using a different OCR mechanism.
You can read a bit more about Insight here.

Assigning my own file path in reverse engineering

I am working on reverse engineering and i wanted to give my own file path without using open dialog box like writing a fixed file path and read a file from that every time the software start.i tried to give the file name in a .data section of the software but it retrieve only the hex number not the string.
Is there any way hooking windows API for file open?or any way to write in memory and to read it every time the software starts?Any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated.
I think that what you may be looking for is "intercepting system call", quick google search came up with this link: so it should be possible and not too difficult.
Basically if you manage to intercept a call to GetOpenFileName and replace it with custom implementation you should be able to do what you want (that is put hardcoded file path to appropriate buffer in LPOPENFILENAME structure)
As for your attempt to modify compiled code (I assume that what you are referring as reverse engineering is disassembling and modifying binaries) it should be possible to do, but it will require deep knowledge of windows binary architecture and assembly language.

How to find out what an Image is about

Is there a way to understand what an image is about? I mean, if I scann a picture, how can I tell that the picture is about a spesific object? I am thinking that if I have some shape in mind, say the shape - pattern of a spesific object that meets its requirements against the object I am searhcing for, then it must be what I am looking for. Anyway I am thinking of an algorithm to scann a picture database and figure out the pictures I am actually looking for,Is there a known way to accomplish such operation?.
If I am reading your question correctly...
This is a very daunting task even for full-fledged corporations like Google, though they are attempting to create something along these lines.
Take a look at Google Goggles for Android if you'd like to see how this sort of system behaves. You'll also notice that it requires very specific circumstances to be even slightly reliable, but the base technology is there.
