a question about omnet++ wireless node's source code - omnet++

I want to see the source code for sending data packets wirelessly,but I try a lot ,such as refer to tutorials ,but I still can not find it.Who can help me that? very thanks!!

First of all I suggest doing the basic tutorial for OMNeT++ available in TicToc Tutorial.
The NED definitions as well as C++ source files of link layer are in src/inet/linklayer, for example src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211. Moreover, take a look at INET User's Guide.

I am also new to the OMNET++ and inet. I have exactly same problem as yours. When I search the "wlan" node, I found it was used as submodules in /inet/node/base/LinkLayerNodeBase.ned. The type of "wlan" in default is , which source code is under "/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/ieee80211Interface.ned". I suppose we are using same tutorial, then the omnetpp.ini has claimed that the "wlan" type is AckingWirelessInterface in this sentence
*.host*.wlan[0].typename = "AckingWirelessInterface". And this AckingWirelessInterface is actually another compound module "/inet/linklayer/acking/AckingWirelessInterface" that implement "IWirelessInterface". To find how it handle the packages, you should go to his submodules:. More specifically, you can check "inet/linklayer/acking/AckingMac.cc" and "inet/physicallayer/unitdisk/UnitDiskRadio.cc" to find module and module.


In Omnet++, where can find different values of parameters?

If anyone know where can see different values (settings) of a parameter? For example, if we need to change a default value, which other options do we have to set.
The default settings are located in the according .ned file of your module. If you have a setup for your simulation you're usually changing your parameters in the omnetpp.ini file.
The TicToc tutorial gives you all information according to this, especially TicToc 7 might be useful for you.

Generate lang files dynamically

I have a situation that I had to sync my array with language files, so every time I had to generate & translate it.
I was looking for a package like laravel-langman it has an option to sync. But now that I am looking, it doesn't allow me to create a key with the value using artisan commend directly without asking for input.
Any Help will be appreciated.
You should check out this page maybe, it mentions multiple packages that solve your problem. We currently use a combination of 2 packages. I think the first one has what you want.
We use 2 packages to solve this issue, one is for the basic translations that don't get added dynamically, for this we used: waavi/translation
Now you still need it working for dynamically created or removed translations which you need if you want your models to contain multi language descriptions or something similar. For this we used: dimsav/laravel-translatable
With both of those you are all set, but you can also see if you like another package over the ones i listed.

Overflow after using "FillSampleValues()" in Teechart(VC++6.0,Teechart8.ocx environment)

I'm a very beginner of TeeChart.
When I add a member variable called m_chart for the chart,it looks okay.
Then I add "m_chart.Series(0).FillSampleValues(50);" in CMy312Dlg::OnInitDialog()......
and overflow ocurred.
What's wrong?
So sad to find that I don't describe my question well.(Well I'm a freshman on StackOverflow,and cannot add image for my poor reputation.)
But if you need more details,I will try to describe for you.:)
Before adding data to a series you must create this series and add it to the chart to access it the way you do. You'll find examples at the Visual C++ sections in the tutorials and examples folders. If the problem persists please send us an example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here.

Assigning my own file path in reverse engineering

I am working on reverse engineering and i wanted to give my own file path without using open dialog box like writing a fixed file path and read a file from that every time the software start.i tried to give the file name in a .data section of the software but it retrieve only the hex number not the string.
Is there any way hooking windows API for file open?or any way to write in memory and to read it every time the software starts?Any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated.
I think that what you may be looking for is "intercepting system call", quick google search came up with this link:
http://jbremer.org/intercepting-system-calls-on-x86_64-windows/ so it should be possible and not too difficult.
Basically if you manage to intercept a call to GetOpenFileName and replace it with custom implementation you should be able to do what you want (that is put hardcoded file path to appropriate buffer in LPOPENFILENAME structure)
As for your attempt to modify compiled code (I assume that what you are referring as reverse engineering is disassembling and modifying binaries) it should be possible to do, but it will require deep knowledge of windows binary architecture and assembly language.

Using wildcards in Selenium IDE

I'm somewhat new to automation, and am learning everything auto-didactically, so forgive me if my terminology is a bit off. I've searched hi and low for an answer to this question, and I can't seem to find anything. I presume it's my small vocabulary when it comes to this stuff... anyway...
I'm attempting to write a test that performs all the actions necessary to complete a tutorial by using the recorder. However, for one particular step, the element ID changes. For example, the ID I'm trying to click is this:
However, for each new user that is performing the tutorial "quest", the number of the id changes.
Is there anyway to get Selenium to recognize, or use, wildcards? Example:
Of course, the example above does not work.
Any advice would be immensely helpful. Thank you!!
You can use starts-with() for this:
//li[starts-with(#id, 'message_')]/div[2]/div[2]/a/img
It's one of the examples mentioned in Locating Techniques in Selenium's docs for starts-with().
In Target field of the command in Selenium IDE where you can see message_123123 click on a dropdownlist and choose an option which is related to xpath:idRelative or if this one doesn't work then try another options which do not include that annoying message_123123 so this way you'll identify webpage element by it's location but not id. I solved my issue this way
