Right Side Space & Overflow-x hidden problem - overflow

I used overflow-x: hidden to get rid of the the right side space problem,it fixed but another problem is came with overflow-x hidden,that is my animated icon tag is hidden,button is hidden. How to use it to fix right side space problem without hidden the other elements?
Thanks In Advance.


The panel where the packages are listed and the panel with my data sets are invisible

I could not understand where I clicked, but suddenly the part on the bottom right with my data sets and packages disappeared. What can I do?
You may have accidentally collapsed the frames to the right. If you mouse-over the right border, then click and drag-left, you will probably be able to see them again.
My problem was solved when I click on the below

mix-blend-mode scroll lag issues

Just using 'mix-blend-mode:overlay' on a text element and it causes my browser to scroll really slow while the text is in the screen view. As soon as you scroll past the text item, the scroll goes back to butter smooth.
The lag effect, which affects both chrome and firefox is solved if I remove the mix-blend-mode.
Has anyone else had a similar problem with mix-blend-mode?
Not sure if this will help you in your case, but I had a 'transform: scale(-1);' set on element that had 'mix-blend-mode' enabled. When I removed the transform the performance was silky smooth! So, if you're using any sort of 'transform' I'd remove it and look for an alternative solution if possible.
It may also help if you set 'isolation' property to the layer beneath, as per example here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/mix-blend-mode#HTML_example

How to find the widest element(s) on a web page?

When working on a pre-existing fixed-width web design to try to make it responsive, what I find when I narrow the view / screen size during testing is that at some point a horizontal scroll-bar appears, indicating that some element or combination of adjacent elements on the site have a combined width that is higher than the width of the view. I need to identify what that element is so I can figure out what to do about it.
My question is, what is the best way to determine what the widest element(s) are on the page - ie, the reason why it won't narrow any further? Using the browser's built-in inspector tool this is just a guessing game on any long page, and is very inefficient for accomplishing this.
Thanks for any suggestions.
I don't see any special instruments for this, but in my work I use next way:
In the web inspector you choose some html node and apply overflow: hidden for this node, If horizontal scrollbar is hidden, whoa :) So the widest element is in this node, you delete for current node overflow: hidden and choose next node inside current node and again apply overflow: hidden and etc
In my case helped to write "di" to the style of some or another node. After detools popups list "display:" options just scroll for them. Wanted width immediately shows.

wmd-editor breaks in IE8

We have recently started using WMD editor and found that in IE 8, it just goes on increasing the scroll size of the page by simply increasing the size of the textarea endlessly. The only option left is to close the browser after that causing lot of frustration. you can check wmd-editor demo here. does anybody know of any solution to this issue ?
after a lot of trial & error, we finally found the issue and fixed it ourselves. None of the parent container of the div in which the wmd editor is placed into should have the css property position defined. else, it will break the editor in IE8.

Win32 List-View Control SubItem padding for custom-drawn SubItems?

When using custom-draw (NM_CUSTOMDRAW) to draw the entire contents of a ListView SubItem (in Report/Details view), it would be nice to be able to apply the same left and right
padding in my custom paint method that is applied by the control itself for non-custom-drawn items.
Is there a way to programmatically retrieve this padding value? Is it
related to the width of a particular character (" " or "w" or something?) or
is it a fixed value (6px on left and 3px on right or something) or...?
EDIT: To clarify, I want to add the same padding to my NM_CUSTOMDRAWn SubItems that the control adds to items that it draws, and the metric that I'm looking for, for example, is the white space between the beginning of the 2nd column and the word "Siamese" in the following screenshot (Note: screenshot from MSDN added to help explain my question):
(source: microsoft.com)
Note that the word "Siamese" is aligned with the header item ("Breed"). I would like to be able to guarantee the same alignment for custom-drawn items.
use ListView Header message HDM_GETBITMAPMARGIN
see link text
Despite what the documentation says I suspect LVIR_LABEL returns just the returns the bounding rectangle of the item text, as per ListView_GetItemRect.
(This just kept niggling me as I though I had actually seen an answer somewhere when playing with NM_CUSTOMDRAW).
Edit After Comment 2:
I imagine you have seen NMLVCUSTOMDRAW which if you are willing to use Version 6.0. has rcText. I wouldn't since I use Win2K.
Given what you have found I would go back to the suggestion of using
ListView_GetItemRect to get LVIR_LABEL and compare that with LVIR_BOUNDS and use the difference.
the way for doing this is retrieving the format of the corresponding column with
then check the retrieved myLVCOLUMN.mask
then when we draw the corresponding label belonging to that column
DrawText(x,x,x,x, DT_CENTER | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS );
else if (myLVCOLUMN.fmt & LVCFMT_RIGHT)
DrawText(x,x,x,x, DT_RIGHT | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS );
DrawText(x,x,x,x, DT_LEFT | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS );
I would assume that GetSystemMetrics() is that you need to look at. I think that SM_CXEDGE and SM_CYEDGE are probably the values you want, but don't quote me on that. ;-)
Can only guess without seeing your output.
A few suggestions: If you are using the DrawTextEx function, have you have experimented with DT_INTERNAL et al?
Are you accidentally putting in a blank image/icon.
Does it look ok in classic screen mode? If so I would look at XP Theme functions to see if some thing is going on.
Late edit after first comment:
I wonder if the size of rectangle matches the space required for the LVN_ENDLABELEDIT edit box around the text so the text doesn't move (or for a focus rectangle)?
I guess you could compare the result of LVM_GETITEMRECT with LVIR_LABEL on the first column and use the difference as your left border.
