What is the ProviderManifestToken value for Oracle.ManagedDataAccess 19.3? - oracle

Just installed ODAC for Visual Studio 2017 version 19.3 from here: https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/dotnet-odacmsi-vs2017-downloads.html to replace ODT for Visual Studio 2017 NuGet Package. Then I noticed my Oracle NuGet packages were gone in my VS solution, and I had to re-add them. But this time I used Oracle.ManagedDataAccess 19.3 (previously had used 12.2.1100), and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework 19.3 (previously used 12.2.1100).
Now my EDMX gets an error when I try to open it: "Error 168: The provider did not return a ProviderManifest instance. The type initializer for 'OracleInternal.Common.ProviderConfig' threw an exception."
I found an interesting answer by Mitaka here: Entity Framework: The provider did not return a providermanifest instance, so I opened my EDMX with XML Text Editor and found my ProviderManifestToken="12.1". So just for grins, I tried "19.3" and "19.1" but neither worked.
Anybody know the magic value? I'm just hoping that is how to solve the error. Thanks.

Got it. "18.0"
It actually updated itself after I got a bunch of other kinks worked out including "There is a duplicate 'oracle.manageddataaccess.client' section defined." Turns out the definition for Oracle.ManagedDataAccess was in my WebAPI web.config and also the machine config. Had to update THIS specific machine.config:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config - do a search on "managed" and comment out in 3 places.
Then it let me create a connection in Visual Studio 2017 Server Explorer and open the EDMX. Finally the EDMX update wizard is no longer aborting on the Data Connection screen. Back in business.


Entity Framework not appearing in Add New Item list in Visual Studio 2017

I created a new MVC project in Visual Studio 2017. I wanted to add an EDMX file (I will be doing database-first) so right clicked on the project and selected Add|New Item.
However, I cannot find the Entity Framework components that were available in the previous versions of Visual Studio. Does anyone know where they went?
I had a similar issue today after i updated my VS to the latest 2017 version. I tried to open an .edmx file in VS2017 and it didn't show the designer view. So i realised i forgot to select Entity Framework tools during the installation:
Everything is back to normal :)
In .NET Framework-based projects, the Entity Framework 6 templates are still there. However, for .NET Core-based projects, I believe you're expected to use the dotnet ef commands. This includes a means of scaffolding a code-first DbContext from an existing database. See ASP.NET Core - Existing Database.
To verify this, I setup a demo project with the following structure:
The New Item/Data dialog for the .NET Framework project:
Note that there is also an EF POCO Generator template available in the Online templates section that may be of interest to you:
I know this is late, but I ran into the same exact issue. After reading some of the other answers, I realized I had created a .Net project with Standard library instead of the Framework library.
I faced this issue, while creating an MVC application on my latest installation of VS2017.
Tried installing Entity Framework using Nuget package manager[Install-Package EntityFramework], but failed to show Ado.NET Entity data model
1. open programs under control panel and select Visual Studio 2017
2. select Change the installation
3. Select Modify installation
4. Select Individual components
5. If SQL server data tools already installed, deselect/uninstall this component and reinstall the same again.
6. uninstall and reinstall SQL Server Data tools
Note: with one component change, other components may also be deleted. You have to recheck while reinstalling

Error: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc, Version='

I am using VS 2013 and SQL SERVER 2014 and I am trying to use entity framework to connect to the DB from VS 2013. I am getting test connection succeeded when adding the Entity data model but getting the above error.
Error :Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc, Version='
System cannot find the file specified
I tried so many solution, I re-installed SQLSysClrTypes.msi,
SharedManagementObjects.msi, DB2OLEDBV5_x64.msi and vcredist_x64.exe to resolve this ; but it did n't works.
Could any one please suggest me solution?
Just to stamp as the answer, let me rewrite in the answer block from my comments.
Install the right Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc version 11's SharedManagementObjects.msi from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35580, because it seems like the entity is using the previous SQL Server (2012).
Problem: (Sql server 2012) This issue happens when assembly Microsoft.SqlServer.management.sdk.sfc version not found by visual studio.
Solution: just go to http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35580 and download:
ENU\x64\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X64 OS or
ENU\x86\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X86 OS,
then install it, and restart visual studio.

SSIS error in Visual Studio 0xC0010009

I've run into an issue with an SSIS package in Visual Studio 2010 and 2012. When I try to open the package I get the following error:
"Microsoft Visual Studio is unable to load this document
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0010009"
No other information is provided. I have multiple SSIS packages in the solution and the others open. This package opened until I checked it into TFS and then it broke. Any ideas where I could get more information on the error? Or how to solve it?
Don't know if this is related, but thought I'd throw it out there.
Using SSIS Version 12.0.21005.1 REL, I received the same error and was able to solve it by editing the .dtsx with a good xml editor (hat tip to notepad++).
Basically, ensure it is well formed and all references agree. For example, in a simple ETL package with OLE DB Source, Transformation, and Output steps in a DataFlow, I found 24 references to each column involved. For one column, one reference somehow disagreed with the other 23 (it ended up being misspelled; not sure how that happened). Fixing that solved the error.
Hope that helps.

"Object reference not set ..." error on accessing VS solution properties

I get error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" as soon as I try to access solution properties in Visual Studio 2012. It can be temporally solved by uninstalling Nuget, which is described here: Visual Studio - Error when clicking on Solution -> Properties (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
If I uninstall NuGet it starts working fine, but as soon as I add NuGet back again same issue occurs again immediately. Nuget update to new version did not help. I wonder if anybody knows reliable solution for this problem.
I have Ver.2012.3.41009 of VS, other than NuGet package I have the following installed packages: MS ASP.NET Web Tools, VS 2012 Color Theme Editor, VS Extensions for Windows Library for JavaScript
UPDATE: Full info about the exception (Not too much: inner exception is null, stack trace consists of single line):
System.NullReferenceException occurred
Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.CodeAnalysis.SdkUiUtilities.GetService[S,T]
(IServiceProvider provider)
UPDATE 2: I've just found out this error is solution-dependant. On some solutions it persists while on others does not
Looks like a known issue of visual studio. SeeMicrosoft Connect issue for the status of the issue. As mentionned by others, disabling the NuGet package manager seems to be the only known workaround for the moment.
Nuget is a extension and "Properties access in a solution" should have nothing to do with Nuget theoretically. How do you access the properties in the soultion. Can you post some sample code ? Is it through the Automation model or VSSDK ?

Upgraded Visual Studio, now I get hundreds of errors

Just installed WebMatrix and upgraded Visual Studio 2012 to Version 4.5.50709 SP1Rel. Now when I open my webapplication I get a bunch of errors of this type:
'IIf' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
'IsNothing' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
'IsNumeric' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
I get so many errors that I even get this:
Error 104 Maximum number of errors has been exceeded.
It turned out that during WebMatrix installation or Visual Studio upgrade MySql Connector version was also installed.
Somehow MySql Connector v. 5.1.5, which my project were referring was uninstalled in the process.
Reinstalling MySql connector 5.1.5 solved the issue. Changing the reference to the new MySql connector would probably also solve the issue.
I just ran into the same problem in VS 2012 when attempting to copy over an old version of a program I received from another colleague.
As muleskinner says, it is not a reference issue to Microsoft.VisualBasic...
When you try to add that as a reference it will tell you that it is already automatically referenced by the build system.
It turns out that even though Microsoft.VisualBasic is automatically referenced, the project didn't actually have the namespace imported.
You can add it by going to the properties of your project -> References -> And then make sure that Microsoft.VisualBasic is checked in the list of namespaces at the bottom.
At least that worked for me and cleared up all my errors. Wasn't relishing trying to change all my IIf statements into the more traditional format...
