Upgraded Visual Studio, now I get hundreds of errors - visual-studio-2010

Just installed WebMatrix and upgraded Visual Studio 2012 to Version 4.5.50709 SP1Rel. Now when I open my webapplication I get a bunch of errors of this type:
'IIf' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
'IsNothing' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
'IsNumeric' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
I get so many errors that I even get this:
Error 104 Maximum number of errors has been exceeded.

It turned out that during WebMatrix installation or Visual Studio upgrade MySql Connector version was also installed.
Somehow MySql Connector v. 5.1.5, which my project were referring was uninstalled in the process.
Reinstalling MySql connector 5.1.5 solved the issue. Changing the reference to the new MySql connector would probably also solve the issue.

I just ran into the same problem in VS 2012 when attempting to copy over an old version of a program I received from another colleague.
As muleskinner says, it is not a reference issue to Microsoft.VisualBasic...
When you try to add that as a reference it will tell you that it is already automatically referenced by the build system.
It turns out that even though Microsoft.VisualBasic is automatically referenced, the project didn't actually have the namespace imported.
You can add it by going to the properties of your project -> References -> And then make sure that Microsoft.VisualBasic is checked in the list of namespaces at the bottom.
At least that worked for me and cleared up all my errors. Wasn't relishing trying to change all my IIf statements into the more traditional format...


Visual Studio Could not load assembly

I have a C# project using MySql.Data and EntityFramework, and have used the Data Entity Model Wizard to create code based on an existing database. I created the project on a machine running MySql Server 8.0.25 (where I cannot control the installed version), so all my references for MySql packages are also version 8.0.25.
When I moved the project onto my own machine, running MySql Server version 8.0.31, the project successfully builds but has an error message, which Visual Studio says comes from a .edmx file:
Error 4: Could not load file or assembly 'MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) ... ScheduleModel.edmx 7
The file in question only contains the text "MySql.Data" in one place, and that's an un-versioned reference to "MySql.Data.MySqlClient", on line 7.
Since the project builds and appears to run correctly, I don't know if this error affects anything. Regardless, I would like to understand it and why it happens and ideally make it go away.
Here's what I've learned form searching for an answer and trying to investigate/fix the error:
There are no references to version 8.0.31 anywhere in my project, as using Visual Studio to search the entire project for "8.0.31" found no results.
Answers to others' questions tell me the version number in the error message specifies the version of a file that Visual Studio DID find. (Whereas I would have thought the given version number is the one that it is LOOKING for.)
Several places said that the found version is probably in the GAC. Originally, the error message said MySql.Data.EntityFramework (not just MySql.Data), and I did find MySql.Data.EntityFramework in the GAC. (No idea how it got there.) After removing it, the error message changed to just MySql.Data. However, MySql.Data is not in the GAC, and no MySql.Data.* are still there either.
There's a tool called fuslogvw.exe that supposedly can help with this issue, but I could not get it to work. When I run it, there is nothing in the log. When I click on options, all options are grayed out. The one person's recommended registry edit did not work either. (I tried closing and re-opening Visual Studio after said edit, then re-building.)
Process Monitor tells me that, during the build process, no processes accessed any files that include "MySql.Data" in the name except those under packages/MySql.Data.8.0.25 and the project's output directory; all files are version 8.0.25. This appears to conflict with #1, because how can Visual Studio have found version 8.0.31 if it never accessed any such file?
I tried using bindingRedirect in App.config to redirect from 8.0.31 to 8.0.25, which had no apparent effect.
Cleaning the solution and re-building ends up putting MySql.Data version 8.0.25 back into the output directory, so Visual Studio clearly is finding the correct version.
Deleting the packages folder results in everything being replaced (with the right version, again) but the error message persists. (The rebuild was strangely fast; I'd have thought everything would have to be re-downloaded, but it was too fast to have done that.)
How would I diagnose this issue? What might be causing Visual Studio to look for or to find a version that I cannot find any reference to, or any .dll file for?
I'm using Visual Studio Community 2019, Version 16.11.2.

VS 2017 15.3 Yellow Triangles on References

This morning I upgraded to VS 2017 15.3 and now am getting yellow triangles for most of my references. The project runs fine (build is good in CLI and VS and restore has been run multiple times) that I can tell (and even better on dotnetcore 2.0 actually) but these remain. Has anyone else had this happen or have a suggestion? Thanks.
Link to project.assets.json file --> https://www.dropbox.com/s/c85yuyjiu4pnget/project.assets?dl=0
Also issue of greyed out usings and red references although everything builds and runs fine.
Update: VisualStudio twitter account responded to me to note that this is a bug and they are working on a fix for the future on this....
I have two responses to my post:
1) The using issue noted with things greyed out was actually a ReSharper issue. If you upgrade to VS 2017 15.3 and use R# make sure you update it as well to 2017.2.
2) The Yellow triangles issue is being looked at by the Visual Studio team but honestly I believe it to be linked to warnings in the build that those references are being coerced to either lower dependencies (ie Newtonsoft at different levels) or previews. The quickly evolving .NET 2.0 world may have exacerbated this issue. Yellow triangles have traditionally meant missing but check your warnings to see if that is related and then review the dependency chain. I will update this answer once I hear back from VS team (shout out to them and Damian Edwards + Scott Hanselman for helping me with this on Twitter).
I was experiencing the yellow triangle on references issue after updating the projects in my (.NET 4.6.1) solution to the new .NET Standard .csproj format that comes with VS2017. The references I was getting warnings for were ProjectReference type (although it seemed to spill over into PackageReference for common packages in the projects in question).
I did not have any build warnings and there was nothing in the verbose build output to indicate what the cause could be.
I could follow all warnings back to a single project in my solution. I was able to solve by removing that project from my solution and then adding it back and re-adding only the necessary project references.
It seems the issue was related to unnecessary project references (or possibly circular) caused by the new transitive dependencies support. After removing the project and adding it back with only the minimum ProjectReferences and relying on transitive dependencies support to propagate the dependency, the warnings all disappeared.
This also solved an issue where the project in question was failing compilation during a command line msbuild initiated build on my CI server which only has VS2017 build tools installed (not the full IDE).
I had the same issue, some of the references were marked with the yellow triangle. However, I was able to build and run my project.
I managed to remove these warning by following steps from this answer:
.Net 2015 References with yellow triangle for Nuget packages on portable libraries
I turned on tracing for Visual Studio, I had next warnings in log files for all uncorrectly loaded references:
Encountered conflict between 'Reference:Microsoft.Win32.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=MSIL' and 'Reference:C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Studio\MSBuild\Microsoft\Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions\net461\ref\Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll'. Choosing 'Reference:C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Studio\MSBuild\Microsoft\Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions\net461\ref\Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll' because AssemblyVersion '' is greater than ''.
To be precise, I did next steps:
Removed error condition from my .csproj file
Removed <Private>true</Private> parameter for not-loaded references in .csproj file
Deleted not-loaded packages from \lib and \ref folders in corresponding MSBuild folder.
Deleted packages from \packages folder in solution.
Restored nuget packages.
I'm not sure all these steps are necessary, but it worked for me.
You could check my answer on relative topic here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59704420/7969733
Just for documentation purpose for new person with this issue try
this and you will rememberme :D
If you go to: Tools > NuGet Administrator > Configurations. and you
have "Allow nuget...." and "automatically check...." cheked.
The only thing than you have to do is click con the button "Clear
All NuGet Cache(s)"
That's it, you don't have to edit manual thinks than can be dangerous,
believe me, I use to need to done some of the steps than describe here
a lot of time, and try more than 5 steps of the official Microsoft
documentation for that issue you could check it here:
But just cleaning the cache solve all the problems
To "Clear All NuGet Cache(s)" in Visual Studio 2019
Tools->NuGet Package Manager->Package Manager Setting
Mismatched Windows SDK Version between the referencing project and the references will cause it. In the vcxproj file it is "<WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>SDK Version</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>"
I was upgrading from VS2012 to VS2017. Everything was good, then I upgraded to a new version of libtomcrypt and libtommath. Rather than tweak my existing projects, I up-converted the projects from the distributions from VS2008 -> VS2012 -> VS2017. In the process, I picked up Windows SDK Version 10.0.17763.0 in both the new projects. However, all of the projects that referenced those were 8.1, and thus the warning.
I know that this was ready to solve it, and one of my answers was ready to say something about that, but, maybe some of you present the same error and none of this solution listed here solves the problem... I don't know why this problem comes with the global installation of .net 6, but, if you present this issue again, you need to go to
And delete all the content, don't be afraid, that's a cache generator than will be created again if is need it.
I had a similar issue with visual studio 2017. And discovered that, if when I changed the dependency settings of the package I wanted to install (from lowest dependency to highest) everything worked fine.
Today faced the same issue with an imported project.
FAILED ATTEMPTS: Tried updating nougat packages, checking improper imports and everything imaginable. No help.
SOLUTION: At last just tried building the solution and it worked!
PS: Try building the project first. If it does not work then go for solution hunting.

Issues when creating using oracle_fdw extension in windows

I'm trying to install and use oracle_fdw in postgresql 9.6, however I keep receiving the same issue every time that I run the following command:
create extension oracle_fdw;
ERROR: could not load library "D:/PostgreSQL/pg96/../pg96/lib/postgresql/oracle_fdw.dll":
The specified module could not be found.
Two things are very strange here:
the folder that it's looking for the dll, has a ".." in the middle, so it seems it should look into D:\PostgreSQL\pg96\lib only, but I do have the folder D:\PostgreSQL\pg96\lib\postgresql as well.
I set the following variables in the system, but it seems not to reflect in the command:
Path: D:\PostgreSQL\pg96\lib\;C:\Program Files\Oracle Instant Client\instantclient_12_2;
Are you guys able to help me? I really need specific instructions on how to make it work.
This looks like an issue with the Postgres distribution you are using rather than oracle_fdw itself. It might be a better idea to reach out to the distribution packagers.
Looking at the paths in your errors I am assuming you are using the Bigsql distribution. You can try posting the question on their feedback page, they are generally quite responsive.
The .. in your path is strange, but should not be a problem. What is the value of the parameter dynamic_library_path?
Is oracle_fdw.dll in D:/PostgreSQL/pg96/lib/postgresql?
I assume that oci.dll is in C:\Program Files\Oracle Instant Client\instantclient_12_2.
Did you check that all programs involved (PostgreSQL, oracle_fdw and Oracle) are either all 32-bit or 64-bit?
If all that is ok, the problem must be that oci.dll is not on the shared library search path of the PostgreSQL server.
Are you sure that the PostgreSQL service has got the PATH setting you show? Did you restart PostgreSQL after you changed the PATH environment variable?
Many are running into this issue and I got it resoved in most cases.
Oracle Client libraries are compiled using specific version of Visual C++. So we need to have Visual C++ redistributable package of that particular version of Visual Studio is required in the system.
Second dependancy is coming from oracle_fdw.dll. Lastest community version of oracle_fdw.dll is prepared using Visual C++ 2013. So we need to have Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package to be present in the system.
Once all such dependanices are solved, it works.
Alaternatively, you can use oracle_fdw.dll prepared by BigSQL project. Since the project is built using MSYS2, there is no dependancies to Visual C++. However the dependancy created by Oracle client libraries cannot be avoided.

VS 2013 error: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Security' or one of its dependencies

I'm getting this error in Nuget Package Manager Console window, please see image attached. I think because of this I can not install an older version of package I need (Umbraco CMS) - during installation similar strange error arises with a bit different messages. I've checked this on different computer - without this error older package is being installed properly.
Tried re-installing Visual Studio 2 times - no effect. I could not achieved clean re-install, new VS instance inherits many plugins and features from previous instance.
Please somebody help me with this issue. Thanks in advance!

Missing Method exception "System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary System.Web.WebPages.TypeHelper.ObjectToDictionaryUncached(System.Object)

I've created a new project in Visual Studio 2013.2 with WebAPI and MVC enabled. Right out of the box, compiling the generated project and running gives me the exception. Looking around here, I've come across the following two questions:
Mvc 5.1 MissingMethodException System.Web.WebPages.TypeHelper.ObjectToDictionaryUncached
Both these answers involve assembly redirects; however, in my case the assembly redirects are present and I'm still getting an issue. My problem is that the GAC is loading version 3.00.11001.0 which is listed under assembly version and my application wants 3.20.20520.0 which is also listed as assembly version (Note that in diagnosing the project I installed the 5.2 pre-release nuget package, but I had the same problem with the original versions, I just don't have those readily available)
Since the GAC is preferred over the bin directory, it seems that my development machine will always pull the wrong file.
Is it safe to remove these files from the GAC? It appears that these are required for Visual Studio to produce Razor intellisense
Removing the Assemblies from the GAC did behave exactly as expected. The Razor intellisense for the project stopped working; however, the application began functioning properly.
You have to add the reference of System.Web to get it working.
