Is it possible to marshal/unmarshal Prometheus state in go-client? - go

I'd like to be able to save the save the state of various Prometheus metrics (CounterVec, HistogramVec, ...) to a file from my app, and resume it later when necessary. Would that be possible?
I see that there is the Write method in metric.go, but can't find the Read one.

No Prometheus client library supports this, nor should you need this. Client libraries are designed to work entirely in memory, and functions like rate() will gracefully handle the counter resets due to a process restarting.


Is there a way to update cached in-memory value on all running instance of a serverless function? (AWS,Google,Azure or OpenWhisk)

Suppose I am running a serverless function with a global state variable which is cached in memory. Assuming that the value is cached on multiple running instances, how an update to the global state would be broadcasted to every serverless instance with the updated value?
Is this possible in any of the serverless framework?
It depends on the serverless framework you're using, which makes it hard to give a useful answer on Stack Overflow. You'll have to research each of them. And you'll have to review this over time because their underlying implementations can change.
In general, you will be able to achieve your goal as long as you can open up a bidirectional connection from each function instance so that your system outside the function instances can send them updates when it needs to. This is because you can't just send a request and have it reach every backing instance. The serverless frameworks are specifically designed to not work that way. They load balance your requests to the various backing instances. And it's not guaranteed to be round robin, so there's no way for you to be confident you're sending enough duplicate requests for each of the backing instances to have been hit at least once.
However, there is something also built into most serverless frameworks that may stop you, even if you can open up long lives connections from each of them that allow them to be reliably messaged at least once each. To help keep resources available for functions that need them, inactive functions are often "paused" in some way. Again, each framework will have its own way of doing this.
For example, OpenWhisk has a configurable "grace period" where it allows CPU to be allocated only for a small period of time after the last request for a container. OpenWhisk calls this pausing and unpausing containers. When a container is paused, no CPU is allocated to it, so background processing (like if it's Node.js and you've put something onto the event loop with setInterval) will not run and messages sent to it from a connection it opened will not be responded to.
This will prevent your updates from reliably going out unless you have constant activity that keeps every OpenWhisk container not only warm, but unpaused. And, it goes against the interests of the folks maintaining the OpenWhisk cluster you're deploying to. They will want to pause your container as soon as they can so that the CPU it consumed can be allocated to containers not yet paused instead. They will try to tune their cluster so that containers remain unpaused for a duration as short as possible after a request/event is handled. So, this will be hard for you to control unless you're working with an OpenWhisk deployment you control, in which case you just need to tune it according to your needs.
Network restrictions that interfere with your ability to open these connections may also prevent you from using this architecture.
You should take these factors into consideration if you plan to use a serverless framework and consider changing your architecture if you require global state that would be mutated this way in your system.
Specifically, you should consider switching to a stateless design where instead of caching occurring in each function instance, it occurs in a shared service designed for fast caching, like Redis or Memcached. Then each function can check that shared caching service for the data before retrieving it from its source. Many cloud providers who provide serverless compute options also provide managed databases like these. So you can often deploy it all to the same place.
Also, you could switch, if not to a stateless design, a pull model for caching instead of a push model. Instead of having updates pushed out to each function instance to refresh their cached data, each function would pull fresh data from its source when they detect that the data stored in their memory has expired.

Is there a way to update the number of concurrency in ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer?

I developing an application which using the spring-kafka package and changing the amount of data it handled in run time.
I want to let the system the ability to change in run time the number of concurrency depend on the pressure the system feel (something that I will defined).
Right now the my solution is to doStop and doStart the ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer explicitly but I look for a clean way which not damage the stream and not touch an internal methods of the ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer explicitly
You don't need to interact with these internal methods; use stop() and start(), which are public, instead.
You cannot change the concurrency dynamically, only by stopping and starting the container, changing the concurrency while stopped.

VAADIN: Size of UI.access() push queue

I would like to monitor my pushs' to the clients with the famous
UI.access() ... sequence on the server side.
Background is that I have to propagate lots of pushs to my client and I
want to make sure, nothing gets queued up.
I found only client RPCQueue having a size(), but I have no idea if its the correct items searching for now how to access this.
Thanks for any hint.
If you want to know the size of the queue of tasks that have been enqueued using UI.access but not yet run, then you can use VaadinSession.getPendingAccessQueue.
This will, however, not give the full picture since it doesn't cover changes that have been applied to the server-side state (i.e. the UI.access task has already been executed) but not yet sent to the client. Those types of changes are tracked in a couple of different places depending on the type of change and the Vaadin version you're using.
For this kind of use case, it might be good to use the built-in beforeClientResponse functionality to apply your own changes as late as possible instead of applying changes eagerly.
With Vaadin versions up to 8, you do this by overriding the beforeClientResponse method in your component or extension class. You need to use markAsDirty() to ensure that beforeClientResponse will eventually be run for that instance.
Wit Vaadin 10 and newer, there's instead a UI.beforeClientResponse to which you give a callback that will be run once at an appropriate time by the framework.

Multi-threaded Windows Service - Erlang

I am going to tell the problem that I have to solve and I need some suggestions if i am in the right path.
The problem is:
I need to create a Windows Service application that receive a request and do some action. (Socket communication) This action is to execute a script (maybe in lua or perl).This script models te bussiness rules of the client, querying in Databases, making request in websites and then send a response to the client.
There are 3 mandatory requirements:
The service will receive a lot of request at the same time. So I think to use the worker's thread model.
The service must have a high throughput. I will have many of requests at the same second.
Low Latency: I must response these requests very quickly.
Every request will generate a log entries. I cant write these log entries in the physical disk at same time the scripts execute because the big I/O time. Probably I will make a queue in memory and others threds will consume this queue and write on disk.
In the future, is possible that two woker's thread have to change messages.
I have to make a protocol to this service. I was thinking to use Thrift, but i don't know the overhead involved. Maybe i will make my own protocol.
To write the windows service, i was thinking in Erlang. Is it a good idea?
Does anyone have suggestions/hints to solve this problem? Which is the better language to write this service?
Yes, Erlang is a good choice if you're know it or ready to learn. With Erlang you don't need any worker thread, just implement your server in Erlang style and you'll receive multithreaded solution automatically.
Not sure how to convert Erlang program to Windows service, but probably it's doable.
Writing to the same log file from many threads are suboptimal because requires locking. It's better to have a log-entries queue (lock-free?) and a separate thread (Erlang process?) that writes them to the file. BTW, are you sure that executing external script in another language is much faster than writing a log-record to the file?
It's doubtfully you'll receive much better performance with your own serialization library than Thrift provides for free. Another option is Google Protocol Buffers, somebody claimed that it's faster.
Theoretically (!) it's possible that Erlang solution won't provide you required performance. In this case consider a compilable language, e.g. C++ and asynchronous networking, e.g. Boost.Asio. But be ready that it's much more complicated than Erlang way.

multiple processes writing to a single log file

This is intended to be a lightweight generic solution, although the problem is currently with a IIS CGI application that needs to log the timeline of events (second resolution) for troubleshooting a situation where a later request ends up in the MySQL database BEFORE the earlier request!
So it boils down to a logging debug statements in a single text file.
I could write a service that manages a queue as suggested in this thread:
Issue writing to single file in Web service in .NET
but deploying the service on each machine is a pain
or I could use a global mutex, but this would require each instance to open and close the file for each write
or I could use a database which would handle this for me, but it doesnt make sense to use a database like MySQL to try to trouble shoot a timeline issue with itself. SQLite is another possability, but this thread
Suggests that it is not a good choice either.
I am really looking for a simple approach, something as blunt as writing to individual files for each process and consolidating them accasionally with a scheduled app. I do not want to over engineer this, nor spend a week implementing it. It is only needed occassionally.
Try the simplest solution first - each write to the log opens and closes the file. If you experience problems with this, which you probably won't , look for another solution.
You can use file locking. Lock the file for writing, write the message, unlock.
My suggestion is to preserve performance then think in asynchronous logging. Why not send your data log info using UDP to service listening port and he write to log file.
I would also suggest some kind of a central logger that can be called by each process in an asynchronous way. If the communication is UDP or RPC or whatever would be an implementation detail.
Even thought it's an old post, has anyone got an idea why not using the following concept:
Creating/opening a file with share mode of FILE_SHARE_WRITE.
Having a named global mutex, and opening it.
Whenever a file write is desired, lock the mutex first, then write to the file.
Any input?
