User cannot see DevOps organisation - visual-studio

I have a new DevOps organisation which is connected to AAD for authentication. I have added a user to the organisation but he cannot see it in Visual Studio. The first time he signed into DevOps via browser it configured a new personal organisation for him and he can see this organisation in Visual Studio. When he signs into DevOps with his account he can only see his personal default organisation but not the business organisation. If he browses directly to he can see the project and access this.
Please could you advise how we can correct this so he can see our org from his login and VS

The first time he signed into DevOps via browser it configured a new
personal organisation for him.
This is more like that this user's directory is not correct.
Let this user page, and then confirm he is locating in the correct directory which is your AAD owned.
For example, Microsoft is the directory that my company's AAD owned. Then I must located in this directory so that I can access the work organizations successfully:
he cannot see it in Visual Studio
Similar with above, please ensure the account is login succeed in Visual Studio.
As he has been added as a member of your AAD and org, then the account icon showed in VS should same like the red one which shown below:
The account he signed in VS must be the one added in AAD, then he would succeed to see the organizations from visual studio.
If all of above does not work for this account. Since stackoverflow is a open forum and not secure to share some org and account info here, I'd suggest you share your issues here. Then attach your organization name, AAD name, issue account there.


Can't sign out of TFS in Visual Studio 2017

I am trying to sign out of TFS from Visual Studio 2017. I am connected to two VSTS online accounts. Here are the lists of the things I did:
Removing my username from Visual Studio => Help => Register Product => All Accounts
Deleting the entire entries in Credential Manager (all items from Web and Windows)
Removing entries from TeamExplorer.config
Using Team => Disconnect from Team Foundation Server
And when I open Visual Studio, one VSTS account is still accessible, while the other is not. It's so frustrating and imposes an important security threat. Even using Connection Manager windows from Team Explorer I can see that no account exists there and no TFS URL is listed there. But I can still do everything with one of my accounts.
Any ideas to help me sign out?
Update: I don't login anywhere, but this entry keeps coming back in Credential Manager:
If it is VSTS account, you should be able to sign out by the steps below:
Click on your profile in the up-right corner of VS.
Click "Account Settings".
Remove the credential that you have already signed in.
And you can also clear the .IdentityService folder under %localappdata%. VS2017 stores VSTS Account credential there.

Visual Studio - Publish Web App to Azure "Reenter your credentials" does not work

I can't publish an app to Azure Web App in Visual Studio 2015. It asks me to reenter my credentials, which I do, and then get the same "renter your credentials" screen.
I have two Azure accounts, one is my synced Azure AD identity (, and the other as a cloud-only identity ( When trying to log in with either of these accounts, Visual Studio still says "Reenter your credentials" and does not show any subscriptions or resource groups.
Looking at a Fiddler, I can see Azure return a list of all of my subscriptions, yet Visual Studio does not populate and thinks my credentials are invalid (Fiddler screenshot below)
I had the same problem
In the Acount settings of your visual studio top right..
Delete all acounts an then sign in with the proper azure account.
Then when you go to publish you can add the account
I have experienced exactly what you describe here, however when I ensured that I was connected to Visual Studio using the same account as I wished to publish with, the "reenter credentials" message disappeared.
Go to Options > Accounts,
On the "Add and reauthenticate accounts using:" field select Device code .
Login in the browser with the provided code and then you are able to publish without re-entering credentials.
I had this issue with visual studio 2019, my Microsoft account was linked with my gitHub account. I unlinked my github account by logging into my windows account going into security and unlinking the account
Same issue here with VS 2019 and 2022 (preview), but the account settings in Visual Studio only showed my 'Home Organization'. Deleting and re-adding didn't help.
Finally, I fixed it by removing an external organization that I was a member of from my account.
Go to and login. On the left panel, select Organizations and delete all, except your Home Organization.
Of course, if you actually need the external organization(s), this isn't going to help you.

Visual Studio can't switch accounts when connecting to Team Foundation Server

I have different accounts with different VSO subscriptions. I'm trying to connect to a different account (from the one I'm logged in VS-2015) so that I can check in code in the repository that I have in that account. But when trying this, Visual Studio brings me to the profile website, from which is basically a dead end - what am I supposed to do from there?
The "Connect to Team Foundation Server screen sometimes just freezes after authentication, and doesn't go anywhere from there.
So clearing the settings file, which is named CurrentSettings usually in the folder C:\Users\your user name \Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Settings (Windows) - helped get passed this issue.
Also, when you are brought to the VSO Profile page (the one I showed in my picture question) you have to select the project you are trying to open.

tfs unable to browse projects

I'm using Visual Studio Team Services (was TFS Online) server {MyProject} I'm able to connect to the server, map the project, even receive a review request, but I can't see my team projects under DefaultCollection.
Currently when I'm opening the Source Control Explorer I'm only seeing
underlying projects are missing, but my user is in project team members list.
What I missed, what I should do else to be able to browse my projects, get and work with them?
Note: My account was not a microsoft account. I received an email to join the visual studio after tfs administrator added my email as the project team member. I follow to the link and I create a new account during VS sign up using that email and then successfully signed in.
Thanks a lot
This is usually caused by the "Access Level" that the Admin assigned to your account.
When your account is assigned as "Stakeholder", you can only access to "Work" section, cannot access to "Code". If you want the access to "Code", you need to ask your Admin to change the access level of your account.
Have the TFS Admin review your user's rights to the code in the team project. Generally we add users to the Contributor role for the project.
You should also try hitting the Refresh button (third from the right) on the Source Control Explorer window.
I had similar problem and as usual Microsoft has not useful error. Here is step by step tutorial to fix it.
The problem
This is related to user permissions. Note two things
If you are using 5 user free version, make sure to select user as "Basic user". Free version allows only basic membership.
Then go to Security setting, expand to see "Team Foundation Administrators" and add the new user this. This should resolve the browe project issue.

Automate TFS logon from Visual Studio

My main domain account does not have local admin privileges and I start Visual Studio using RunAs and another account that has local admin privileges.
Our Team Foundation Server (2008) is configures to recognise the main domain accounts not the local admin accounts. This means I have to log into TFS after starting VS with the admin account. Note that TFS is on our domain and it's VS that is prompting for credentials.
Is there any way I can automate the logon to TFS to use my main domain account?
Pro tip: Log into the TFS server's website with IE. Check remember password. Now it will remember it from VS :)
I would suggest that either you have the local-admin-wielding account added to TFS (if it isn't a shared account, that is), or you log in as local admin, and add your main domain account to local administrators. It's either that, or you'll need to log in to TFS every time, I believe.
Also, it's not Visual Studio that is prompting you for credentials, it is Team Foundation Server. Basically, when TFS tries to make the connection to TFS, it tries to log on with your current network credentials. If that doesn't work, it will bring up the appropriate dialog(s) to prompt for user id and password.
Have you tried
Login to the machine as the administrative user.
Then either login to the TFS webserver, or (on win7) go to:
Control Panel -> User Accounts -> User Accounts -> Manage you credentials
add the information here.
