Spring Cloud Stream - #StremListener condition - spring-boot

According to documentation: https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud-stream/3.0.3.RELEASE/reference/html/spring-cloud-stream.html#_using_streamlistener_for_content_based_routing
I can route the incoming message to a handler based on a condition like below:
public static class TestPojoWithAnnotatedArguments {
#StreamListener(target = MySink.INPUT, condition = "headers['type']=='bogey'")
public void receiveBogey(#Payload BogeyPojo bogeyPojo) {
// handle the message
#StreamListener(target = MySink.INPUT, condition = "headers['type']=='bacall'")
public void receiveBacall(#Payload BacallPojo bacallPojo) {
// handle the message
#StreamListener(target = MySink.ANOTHER_INPUT, condition = "headers['type']=='bacall'")
public void receiveBacall(#Payload BacallPojo bacallPojo) {
// handle the message
How do I provide a handler that's called when none of the conditions match?
If I have 2 handlers, first one with a condition and second one without any, both the handlers are called when the first one's condition matches. How do i avoid this?

We probably need to modify the section you're referring to as it is somewhat outdated.
Also, we can not (should not) do any kind of routing based on the payload type, since the data comes in from the wire in the serialised form such as byte[]. I discuss it in details in this old post.
But you can definitely use other parts of the incoming Message as routing condition. The recommended best practice is to rely on Message Headers.
So let's look at the sample:
public Function<String, String> uppercase() {
return v -> v.toUpperCase();
public Function<String, String> lowercase() {
return v -> v.toLowerCase();
public Function<String, String> reverse() {
return v -> new StringBuilder(v).reverse().toString();
. . .and indeed a single routing-expression property. You only need one expression, since however complex or simple your condition is it can be encoded with standard Spring SpEL
--spring.cloud.function.routing-expression=headers['type'] == 'upper' ? 'uppercase' : (headers['type'] == 'lower' ? 'lowercase' : ''reverse)
What will happen is, the incoming Message's header with the name type will be evaluated. And if its value is 'upper' it will go to 'uppercase' function; if 'lower' to 'lowercase' function and default to 'reverse'.
Hope that helps.


Reactive Programming: Spring WebFlux: How to build a chain of micro-service calls?

Spring Boot Application:
a #RestController receives the following payload:
"cartoon": "The Little Mermaid",
"characterNames": ["Ariel", "Prince Eric", "Sebastian", "Flounder"]
I need to process it in the following way:
Get the unique Id for each character name: make an HTTP call to "cartoon-characters" microservice, that returns ids by names
Transform data received by the controller:
replace character names with appropriate ids that were received on the previous step from "cartoon-characters" microservice.
"cartoon": "The Little Mermaid",
"characterIds": [1, 2, 3, 4]
Send an HTTP POST request to "cartoon-db" microservice with transformed data.
Map the response from "cartoon-db" to the internal representation that is the controller return value.
The problem that I got:
I need to implement all these steps using the paradigm of Reactive Programming (non-blocking\async processing) with Spring WebFlux (Mono|Flux) and Spring Reactive WebClient - but I have zero experience with that stack, trying to read about it as much as I can, plus googling a lot but still, have a bunch of unanswered questions, for example:
Q1. I have already configured reactive webClient that sends a request to "cartoon-characters" microservice:
public Mono<Integer> getCartoonCharacterIdbyName(String characterName) {
return WebClient.builder().baseUrl("http://cartoon-characters").build()
.uri("/character/{characterName}", characterName)
As you may see, I have got a list of cartoon character names and for each of them I need to call getCartoonCharacterIdbyName(String name) method, I am not sure that the right option to call it in series, believe the right option: parallel execution.
Wrote the following method:
public List<Integer> getCartoonCharacterIds(List<String> names) {
Flux<Integer> flux = Flux.fromStream(names.stream())
return StreamSupport.stream(flux.toIterable().spliterator(), false)
but I have doubts, that this code does parallel WebClient execution and also, code calls flux.toIterable() that block the thread, so with this implementation I lost non-blocking mechanism.
Are my assumptions correct?
How do I need to rewrite it to having parallelism and non-blocking?
Is it technically possible to transform input data received by the controller (I mean replace names with ids) in reactive style: when we operate with Flux<Integer> characterIds, but not with the List<Integer> of characterIds?
Q3. Is it potentially possible to get not just transformed Data object, but Mono<> after step 2 that can be consumed by another WebClient in Step 3?
Actually it's a good question since understanding the WebFlux, or project reactor framework, when it comes to chaining micro-services requires a couple of steps.
The first is to realize that a WebClient should take a publisher in and return a publisher. Extrapolate this to 4 different method signatures to help with thinking.
Mono -> Mono
Flux -> Flux
Mono -> Flux
Flux -> Mono
For sure, in all cases, it is just Publisher->Publisher, but leave that until you understand things better. The first two are obvious, and you just use .map(...) to handle objects in the flow, but you need to learn how to handle the second two. As commented above, going from Flux->Mono could be done with .collectList(), or also with .reduce(...). Going from Mono->Flux seems to generally be done with .flatMapMany or .flatMapIterable or some variation of that. There are probably other techniques. You should never use .block() in any WebFlux code, and generally you will get a runtime error if you try to do so.
In your example you want to go to
As you said, you want
The second part is to understand about chaining Flows. You could do
Which would chain p1->p2->p3, but I always found it more understandable to make a "Service Layer" instead.
o2 = p1(object);
o3 = p2(o2);
result = p3(o3);
This code is just much easier to read and maintain and, with some maturity, you come to understand the worth of that statement.
The only problem I had with your example was doing a Flux<String> with WebClient as a #RequestBody. Doesn't work. See WebClient bodyToFlux(String.class) for string list doesn't separate individual values. Other than that, it's a pretty straightforward application. You'll find when you debug it that it gets to the .subscribe(System.out::println) line before it gets to the Flux<Integer> ids = mapNamesToIds(fn) line. This is because the Flow is setup before it is executed. Takes a while to understand this but it is the point of the project reactor framework.
public class DemoApplication implements ApplicationRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);
Map<Integer, CartoonCharacter> characters;
public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception {
String[] names = new String[] {"Ariel", "Prince Eric", "Sebastian", "Flounder"};
characters = Arrays.asList( new CartoonCharacter[] {
new CartoonCharacter(names[0].hashCode(), names[0], "Mermaid"),
new CartoonCharacter(names[1].hashCode(), names[1], "Human"),
new CartoonCharacter(names[2].hashCode(), names[2], "Crustacean"),
new CartoonCharacter(names[3].hashCode(), names[3], "Fish")}
.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(CartoonCharacter::getId, Function.identity()));
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
CartoonRequest cr = CartoonRequest.builder()
.cartoon("The Little Mermaid")
.body(Mono.just(cr), CartoonRequest.class)
WebClient localClient() {
return WebClient.create("http://localhost:8080/demo/");
WebClient thisLocalClient;
Flux<CartoonCharacter> getDetails(#RequestBody Mono<CartoonRequest> cartoonRequest) {
Flux<StringWrapper> fn = cartoonRequest.flatMapIterable(cr->cr.getCharacterNames().stream().map(StringWrapper::new).collect(Collectors.toList()));
Flux<Integer> ids = mapNamesToIds(fn);
Flux<CartoonCharacter> details = mapIdsToDetails(ids);
return details;
// Service Layer Methods
private Flux<Integer> mapNamesToIds(Flux<StringWrapper> names) {
return thisLocalClient
.body(names, StringWrapper.class)
private Flux<CartoonCharacter> mapIdsToDetails(Flux<Integer> ids) {
return thisLocalClient
.body(ids, Integer.class)
// Services
Flux<Integer> getIds(#RequestBody Flux<StringWrapper> names) {
return names.map(name->name.getString().hashCode());
Flux<CartoonCharacter> getDetails(#RequestBody Flux<Integer> ids) {
return ids.map(characters::get);
public class StringWrapper {
private String string;
public class CartoonRequest {
private String cartoon;
private List<String> characterNames;
public class CartoonCharacter {
Integer id;
String name;
String species;

Use JSON transformer in Spring Integration

I have a problem that seems unaddressed in any of the examples I can find.
My application reads an ActiveMQ topic of JSON messages. It will build a completely new outbound REST call based on this data. Note that this is not a "transformation". It is given "X" produce "Y" i.e. ServiceActivator.
My flows thus far are
public IntegrationFlow splitInputFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("inboundJmsChannel")
.route(Message.class, m -> m.getHeaders().get("x-bn-class").equals("Healthcheck.class") ? "healthcheckChannel" : "metricChannel")
public IntegrationFlow healthcheckFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("healthcheckChannel")
.handle("healthcheckActivator", "process")
There are dozens of examples on how to use spring transformers. I have even considered trying a MessageConverter. But I don't see why it would help and it doesn't seem to be the normal approach.
The main problem here is that Integration calls healthcheckActivator.process(String payload). The payload itself is the expected valid JSON string.
I am a little surprised it does not call healtcheckActivator.process(Message payload) but But that wouldn't help so it doesn't much matter.
The real question is why does it not call healtcheckActivator.process(Healthcheck healthcheck)?
Well actually I understand "why". It is because DSL generates an internal channel to tie the steps together and as far as I understand anything on a channel is a spring.messaging.Message.
I can easily instantiate my Healthcheck object once I get inside the SA. But that leaves the nagging question: What possible good is the entire transform step? If it always "serializes" the object back into a Message -- what's the point.
Like I said I think I'm missing something fundamental here.
My new (and probably last) idea is maybe I'm publishing it wrong.
To publish it I am using
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(topicName, healthcheck, messagePostProcessor -> {
messagePostProcessor.setStringProperty("x-bn-class", "Healthcheck.class");
messagePostProcessor.setStringProperty("x-bn-service-name", restEndpoint.getServiceName());
messagePostProcessor.setStringProperty("x-bn-service-endpoint-name", restEndpoint.getEndpointName());
messagePostProcessor.setLongProperty("x-bn-heathcheck-timestamp", queryDate);
messagePostProcessor.setStringProperty("x-bn-healthcheck-status", subsystemStatus.getStatus(subsystemStatus));
messagePostProcessor.setIntProperty("httpStatus", httpStatus.value());
return messagePostProcessor;
What arrives in the SI process(String payload) method is:
LoggingHandler - GenericMessage [payload={"healthcheckType":"LOCAL","outcome":"PASS","dependencyType":"DB","endpoint":"NODE TABLE","description":"Read from DB","durationSecs":0.025}, headers={x-bn-service-name=TG10-CS2, x-bn-service-endpoint-name=TG Q10-CS2 Ready Check, jms_destination=topic://HEALTH_MONITOR, _type=com.healthcheck.response.Healthcheck, x-bn-heathcheck-timestamp=1558356538000, priority=4, jms_timestamp=1558356544244, x-bn-healthcheck-status=SEV0, jms_redelivered=false, x-bn-class=Healthcheck.class, httpStatus=200, jms_type=TextMessage, id=b29ffea7-7128-c543-9a14-8bab450f0ac6, jms_messageId=ID:39479-1558356520091-1:2:1:1:1, timestamp=1558356544409}]
I hadn't noticed the _type parameter in the jms_destination header before. But before I started screwing around with this (because it didn't work) that is the correct class name for what the other team provided.
I have not implemented a JMS message converter. But the supplied SimpleMessageConverter seems that it should do exactly what I want.
Your understanding is correct; works fine for me, so something else is going on...
public class So56169938Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So56169938Application.class, args);
public IntegrationFlow flow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(() -> "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}", e -> e.poller(Pollers.fixedDelay(5000)))
.handle("myBean", "method")
public MyBean myBean() {
return new MyBean();
public static class MyBean {
public void method(Foo foo) {
public static class Foo {
private String foo;
String getFoo() {
return this.foo;
void setFoo(String foo) {
this.foo = foo;
public String toString() {
return "Foo [foo=" + this.foo + "]";
Foo [foo=bar]
Foo [foo=bar]
Foo [foo=bar]
Foo [foo=bar]
Foo [foo=bar]
Foo [foo=bar]
Well, Spring Integration is a Messaging framework. It transfers messages from endpoint to endpoint via channels in between. That's already the target endpoint responsibility to deal with consumed message the proper way. The framework doesn't care about the payload. It is really a business part of the target application. That's how we can make framework components as generic as possible leaving the room for target business types for end-users.
Anyway the Framework provides some mechanisms to interact with payloads. We call it POJO method invocation. So, you provide some business with arbitrary contract, however following some Spring Integration rules: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/#service-activator.
So, according your description it is really a surprise that it doesn't work for healtcheckActivator.process(Healthcheck healthcheck). Your transform(Transformers.fromJson(Healthcheck.class)) should really produce a Message with Healthcheck object as a payload. The framework consults a method signature and tries to map a payload and/or headers to the method invocation arguments, having the whole message as a container for data to delegate to the method call.
From here it would be great to see your healtcheckActivator.process() method to determine why the transform(Transformers.fromJson(Healthcheck.class)) result cannon be mapped to that method arguments.

Micrometer filter is ignored with CompositeMeterRegistry

I use Spring Boot 2.1.2.RELEASE, and I try to use Micrometer with CompositeMeterRegistry. My goal is to publish some selected meters to ElasticSearch. The code below shows my sample config. The problem is, that the filter is completely ignored (so all metrics are sent to ElasticSearch), although I can see in the logs that it was processed ("filter reply of meter ..." lines).
Strangely, if I define the MeterFilter as a Spring bean, then it's applied to ALL registries (however, I want it to be applied only on "elasticMeterRegistry").
Here is a sample configuration class:
public class AppConfiguration {
public ElasticConfig elasticConfig() {
return new ElasticConfig() {
public String get(final String k) {
return null;
public MeterRegistry meterRegistry(final ElasticConfig elasticConfig) {
final CompositeMeterRegistry registry = new CompositeMeterRegistry();
registry.add(new SimpleMeterRegistry());
registry.add(new JmxMeterRegistry(new JmxConfig() {
public Duration step() {
return Duration.ofSeconds(10);
public String get(String k) {
return null;
}, Clock.SYSTEM));
final ElasticMeterRegistry elasticMeterRegistry = new ElasticMeterRegistry(elasticConfig, Clock.SYSTEM);
elasticMeterRegistry.config().meterFilter(new MeterFilter() {
public MeterFilterReply accept(Meter.Id id) {
final MeterFilterReply reply =
? MeterFilterReply.NEUTRAL
: MeterFilterReply.DENY;
log.info("filter reply of meter {}: {}", id.getName(), reply);
return reply;
return registry;
So, I expect ElasticSearch to receive only "logback" metrics, and JMX to receive all metrics.
I have played with filters and found a "solution", but I don't really understand why the code above doesn't work.
This works:
elasticMeterRegistry.config().meterFilter(new MeterFilter() {
public MeterFilterReply accept(Meter.Id id) {
final MeterFilterReply reply =
? MeterFilterReply.ACCEPT
: MeterFilterReply.DENY;
log.info("filter reply of meter {}: {}", id.getName(), reply);
return reply;
The difference is: I return ACCEPT instead of NEUTRAL.
Strangely, the following code does not work (ES gets all metrics):
MeterFilter.accept(id -> id.getName().startsWith("logback")));
But this works:
MeterFilter.accept(id -> id.getName().startsWith("logback")));
So, it seems that instead of NEUTRAL, the filter should return ACCEPT. But for meters not starting with "logback", my original filter (with NEUTRAL) returns DENY. Then why are those metrics published to ElasticSearch registry?
Can someone explain this?
This is really a composite of questions. I'll just point out a few points.
For the MeterRegistry bean you defined, Spring Boot will auto-configure an ElasticMeterRegistry bean as there's no ElasticMeterRegistry bean. Instead of creating a CompositeMeterRegistry bean on your own, just define a custom ElasticMeterRegistry bean which is applied the MeterFilter you want and let Spring Boot create one (CompositeMeterRegistry bean) for you.
For MeterFilterReply, ACCEPT will accept the meter immediately, DENY will deny the meter immediately, and NEUTRAL will postpone the decision to next filter(s). Basically meters will be accepted unless there's any DENY.

Why is Observable functionality getting executed twice for a single call?

Complete structure of the program
public #interface UserAnnotation {
Then created a Interceptor:
public class UserInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserInterceptor.class);
UserService userService; // this is not working
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
logger.info("UserInterceptor : Interceptor Invoked");
Object result = invocation.proceed();
Observable<List<User>> observable = (Observable<List<Sample>>) result;
observable.flatMap(Observable::from).subscribe(object -> {
User user = (User)object
SampleSender sender = new SampleSender();
logger.info("Pushing Data into Sender");
userService.insert(String.join("_", "key", "value"), sender);
return result;
Then I created a GuiceModule as below:-
public class UserModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
SampleInterceptor interceptor = new SampleInterceptor()
bindInterceptor(Matchers.any(), Matchers.annotatedWith(SampleAnnotation.class), interceptor);
Class in which I am using the above annotation is
// This class also have so many method and this was already declared and using in another services, I created a sample class here
class UserClassForInterceptor {
AnotherClass anotherClass;
// this userMethod() is not a new method, its already created,
// now I am adding annotation to it, because after finishing this functionality,
// I want something should be done, so created annotation and added here
public Observable<List<Sample>> userMethod() {
logger.info("This is printing only once");
return anotherClass.getUser().flatMap(user ->{
logger.info("This is also printing twice");
// this logger printed twise means, this code snippet is getting executed twise
public class AnotherClass{
public Observable<User> getUser(){
Observable<Sample> observableSample = methodReturnsObservableSample();
logger.info("Getting this logger only once");
return observableSample.map(response-> {
logger.info("This logger is printing twice");
//here have code to return observable of User
If I remove annotation loggers inside the observable are printing only one time but when I use annotation those loggers are getting printed twise. Why it is behaving like this I dont know.
I have a RestModule using which I am binding UserClassForInterceptor as follows
public final class RestModule extends JerseyServletModule {
// other classes binding
// other classes binding
install(new SampleModule());
Now I have a bootsrap class in which I am binding RestModule
public class Bootstrap extends ServerBootstrap {
binder.install(new RestModule());
public class SampleRS {
UserClassForInterceptor userClassForInterceptor;
public void someMethod() {
You created an annotation, #UserAnnotation, and an interceptor class to go with the annotation. You attach the annotation to a method, userMethod().
The first thing your interceptor routine does is invoke userMethod() to get the observable that it returns and then the interceptor subscribes to the returned observable, causing the first log messages to appear. Eventually, the interceptor returns the observable to the original caller. When something else subscribes to the returned observable, the observer chain is activated a second time, hence the log messages appear twice.
RxJava Has Side Effects
While RxJava is an implementation of the "functional reactive programming" concept, the observer chains that you construct (in a functional manner) only work when they are subscribed to, and those subscriptions have side effects. Logging output is one side effect, and probably the most benign; changes to variables or invocations of methods that have side effects have a wider impact.
When an observer chain is constructed (properly), it acts as a potential computation until there is a subscriber. If you need to have more than one subscriber, as you might for your problem domain, then you have to decide whether the observer chain needs to be activated for each subscription, the normal case, or only once for all overlapping subscriptions.
If you want all overlapping subscriptions to share the same observable, then you can use the share() operator. There are a number of related operators that affect the lifetime of observables and subscriptions. Here is an overview: How to use RxJava share() operator?
Aspect Oriented Programming: Interceptors And Guice
Your code is using Guice to provide a capability called "aspect oriented programming". This allows you to introduce code into your program to address cross-cutting concerns, or to enhance its functionality by setting up controlled gateways. Using Guice, or similar AOP approaches, requires discipline.
In your case, you used the interception process to cause unexplained (until now) side effects by subscribing to an observer chain that has non-trivial side effects. Imagine that the method you intercepted set up a one-time connection and that your interceptor used up that connection doing its work, leaving the original caller unable to use the connection.
The discipline you need is to understand the rules that the interceptor must follow. Think of rules such as "First, do no harm".
Doing Things The FRP Way
If you need to add an extra step when handling user information, then you should construct a new observable in your interceptor that does that, but only when the original caller subscribed to the observable:
Object result = invocation.proceed();
Observable<List<User>> observable = (Observable<List<Sample>>) result;
Observable<List<User>> newObservable = observable
.doOnNext( sampleList ->
Observable.fromIterable( sampleList )
.subscribe(object -> {
User user = (User)object
SampleSender sender = new SampleSender();
logger.info("Pushing Data into Sender");
userService.insert(String.join("_", "key", "value"), sender);
return newObservable;
By returning a modified observer chain, you don't introduce side effects from the original observer chain, and ensure that the side effects you introduce in your own code will only be triggered when the original observer chain is subscribed to.
This code also helped me
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
Object result = null;
logger.debug("Interceptor Invoked");
result = invocation.proceed();
Observable<List<User>> observable = (Observable<List<User>>)result;
return observable
catch(Exception ex){
logger.error("Error: ",ex);
return result;
private void updateUser(List<User> users) {
if(CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(users)) {
for(User user: users) {
SampleSender sender = new SampleSender();
logger.info("Pushing Data into Sender");
userService.insert(String.join("_", "key", "value"), sender);

Add camel route at runtime in Java

How can I add a camel route at run-time in Java? I have found a Grails example but I have implement it in Java.
My applicationContext.xml already has some predefined static routes and I want to add some dynamic routes to it at run time.
Is it possible?
Because the only way to include dynamic route is to write the route.xml and then load the route definition to context. How will it work on existing static routes?
Route at runtime
you can simply call a few different APIs on the CamelContext to add routes...something like this
context.addRoutes(new MyDynamcRouteBuilder(context, "direct:foo", "mock:foo"));
private static final class MyDynamcRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
private final String from;
private final String to;
private MyDynamcRouteBuilder(CamelContext context, String from, String to) {
this.from = from;
this.to = to;
public void configure() throws Exception {
see this unit test for the complete example...
Please take a look at dynamicroute options (in other words routing slip) that may help you dynamically route to different 'destinations' based on certain condition.
Check the dynamic router help link in camel site;
// use a bean as the dynamic router
.dynamicRouter(method(DynamicRouterTest.class, "slip"));
And within the slip method;
* Use this method to compute dynamic where we should route next.
* #param body the message body
* #return endpoints to go, or <tt>null</tt> to indicate the end
public String slip(String body) {
if (invoked == 1) {
return "mock:a";
} else if (invoked == 2) {
return "mock:b,mock:c";
} else if (invoked == 3) {
return "direct:foo";
} else if (invoked == 4) {
return "mock:result";
// no more so return null
return null;
Hope it helps...
One such solution could be:
Define route:
private RouteDefinition buildRouteDefinition() {
RouteDefinition routeDefinition = new RouteDefinition();
routeDefinition.from(XX).to(ZZ); // define any route you want
return routeDefinition;
Get Model Context and create route:
CamelContext context = getContext();
ModelCamelContext modelContext = context.adapt(ModelCamelContext.class);
There are more way of getting camel context. To name few:
In processor, you can use exchange.getContext()
Through RouteBuilder reference, you can use routeBuilder.getContext()
