How should I deploy the result of the CI/CD pipeline on my production server - continuous-integration

I am having this GitLab CI/CD which builds then tests and pushes my projects container to GitLab container register successfully. But now I am wondering how I can do the deployment stage automated too. currently, I am doing it manually and after each successful pipeline, I SSH to my server and run several commands to pull the latest images from the container registry and then run them. But I would like to make this step automated as well. Yet, I don't know how?
Actually I have seen some examples of opening an ssh session from CI/CD pipeline but it doesn't feel secure enough. So I was wondering is there a better way for this or I have to actually do this.
Not that I am using so the GitLab server is not installed on my machine and I can't share assets between them directly

There are many ways to achieve this, depending on your setup, other requirements, scale etc.
I'll just give you two options.
I. Kubernetes
create cluster (ie control plane) somewhere
add your cluster to GitLab (now GitLab can even create cluster for you in AWS and GCP, check this page)
attach your target machine as a worker node to the cluster
create Kubernetes YAML files \ Helm chart for your application and deploy via usual ways, e.g. kubectl apply -f ... or helm install ..., or rely on Auto DevOps to do this step for you
This is quite complex but sort of "right" way of doing things.
II. Private GitLab runner
go to Settings > CI/CD > Runners of your GitLab project or group
obtain the registration token
install your own GitLab runner right on the target machine, and register it on the GitLab server using registration token, see example
give runner some specific tag
use that tag in your .gitlab-ci.yml file, see documentation
then deployment process is just a local process of docker pull... and docker run ... for your image
This is a lot simpler, but is a "wrong" way, as you are mixing CI\CD infrastructure with target environment.


How can I run a task that requires multiple containers?

This is my first question so please presume ignorance and positive intent.
As part of our build pipeline I need to run what our dev team calls "unit tests." These unit tests are run via an ant target. Before running that ant target we must spin up, configure and partially populate (the ant target does some of the population) several containers including:
application server
ldap instance
postgres instance
It looks as if each task only supports a single container. Is there a straightforward way to get all of these running together? Ideally I could create a task that would allow me to specify a pod template with the commands running in one of the containers of that pod.
I realize that I could hack this together by using the openshift client or kubernetes actions but I was hoping for something a bit more elegant. I feel like using either of those tasks would require that I build out status awareness, error checking, retry logic, etc that is likely already part of the pipeline logic and then parse the output of the ant run to determine if all of the tests were successful. This is my first foray into tekton so accepted patterns or idioms would be greatly appreciated.
For greater context I see these tasks making up my pipeline:
clone git repo
build application into intermediate image
launch pod with all necessary containers
wait for all containers to become "ready"
execute ant target to run unit tests
if all tests pass build runtime image
copy artifacts from runtime image to external storage (for deployment outside of openshift)
Thank you for your time
Have a look at sidecars. The database must be up and running for the tests to execute, so start the database in a sidecar. The steps in the task will be started as soon as all sidecars are running.

How to prevent GitLab CI/CD from deleting the whole build

I'm currently having a frustrating issue.
I have a setup of GitLab CI on a VPS server, which is working completely fine, I have my pipelines running without a problem.
The issue comes after having to redo a pipeline. Each time GitLab deletes the whole folder, where the build is and builds it again to deploy it. My problem is that I have a "uploads" folder, that stores all user content, that was uploaded, and each time I redo a pipeline everything gets deleted from this folder and I obviously need this content, because it's the purpose of the app.
I have tried GitLab CI cache - no luck. I have also tried making a new folder, that isn't in the repository, it deletes it too.
Running my first job looks like so:
As you can see there are a lot of lines, that says "Removing ..."
In order to persist a folder with local files while integrating CI pipelines, the best approach is to use Docker data persistency, as you'll be able to delete everything from the last build while keeping local files inside your application between your builds, while maintains the ability to start from stretch every time you start a new pipeline.
Bind-mount volumes
Volumes managed by Docker
GitLab's CI/CD Documentation provides a short briefing on how to persist storage between jobs when using Docker to build your applications.
I'd also like to point out that if you're using Gitlab Runner through SSH, they explicitly state they do not support caching between builds when using this functionality. Even when using the standard Shell executor, they highly discourage saving data to the Builds folder. so it can be argued that the best practice approach is to use a bind-mount volume to your host and isolate the application from the user uploaded data.

What are the best gitlab-ci.yml CI/CD practices and runners configs?

This is a bit theoretical, but I'll try to explain my setup as much as I can:
1 server (instance) with a self-hosted gitlab
1 server (instance) for development
1 server (instance) for production
Let's say in my gitlab I have a ReactJs project and I configured my gitlab-ci.yml as following:
job deploy_dev Upon pushing to dev branch, the updates will be copied with rsync to /var/www/html/${CI_PROJECT_NAME} (As a deployment to dev server)
The runner that picks up the job deploy_dev is a shared runner installed on that same dev server that I deploy to and it picks up jobs with the tag reactjs
The question is:
If I want to deploy to production what is the best practice should I follow?
I managed to come up with a couple of options that I thought of but I don't know which one is the best practice (if any). Here is what I came up with:
Modify gitlab-ci.yml adding a job deploy_prod with the same tag reactjs but the script should rsync with the production server's /var/www/html/${CI_PROJECT_NAME} using SSH?
Set up another runner on production server and let it pick up the jobs with tags reactjs-prod and modify gitlab-ci.yml to have deploy_prod with the tag reactjs-prod?
You have a better way other than the 2 mentioned above?
Last question (related):
Where is the best place to install my runners? Is what I'm doing (Having my runners on my dev server) actually ok?
Please if you can explain to me the best way (that you would choose) with the reasons as in pros or cons I would be very grateful.
The best practice is to separate your CI/CD infrastructure from the infrastructure where you host your apps.
This is done to minimize the number of variables which can lead to problems with either your applications or your runners.
Consider the following scenarios when you have a runner on the same machine where you host your application: (The below scenarios can happen even if the runner and app are running in separate Docker containers. The underlying machine is still a single point of failure.)
The runner executes a CPU/RAM heavy job and takes up most of the resources on the machine. Your application starts experiencing performance problems.
The Gitlab runner crashes and puts the host machine in an inoperable state. (docker panic or whatever).
Your production app stops functioning.
Your app brakes the host machine (Doesn't matter how. It can happen), your CI/CD stops working and you can not deploy a fix to production.
Consider having a separate runner machine (or machines. Gitlab runner can scale horizontally), that is used to run your deployment jobs to both dev and production servers.
I agree with #cecunami's answer.
As an example, in our Org we have a dedicated VM only for the runner, which is explicitly monitored by our teams.
Since first creating the machine, the CPU, RAM and storage demand has grown massively, thus why the infrastructure is to be separated.

Deploy code from gitlab on ec2 WITHOUT.gitlab-ci.yml file

I am using gitlab as repository and want to push my code on ec2 whenever any commit is done on gitlab. The gitlab CD/CI documentation states that I have to add a file .gitlab-ci.yml at the root directory of my repo. This is actually a problem for me because, I want project repo to have only code and not any configuration related info like build and deploy etc. Also when anybody clones the repo, they would have access to location where my code is pushed/deployed on ec2. Is there any work around for this problem ?
You'll need to use a gitlab-ci.yml filke to deploy your application. The file provides instructions and a pipeline "infrastructure" which, if properly configured, will build, test and automatically deploy your code.
If you are worried about leaking credentials, you should use the built-in instance variables to mask your important bits, like a "$SERVERNAME" or "$DB_PASSWORD" for instance.
Lastly, you can use the power of gitignore, in order to not publish all of your credentials or sensitive bits to your projects' servers or instances.

How can Puppet fit into a Continuous Delivery tool chain?

I'm investigating Puppet as our future deployment and provisioning tool in our shop, but now I'm stuck at how to make a clever Continuous Integration/Delivery tool chain with deployment through Puppet.
In any of our environments (dev, test, qa, demo, prod) we have a range of components. We need to be able to deploy each component separately and possibly even concurrently.
I'd like a way to initiate (through script) a deploy of a single component package (=Puppet module) and gather the output and success status of that.
Simply waiting for a scheduled agent pull, or doing a 'puppet agent --test' on each node on the environment isn't good enough, because it may pick up other pending changes (I don't know if another component is also in the process of being deployed).
In my tool chain I would like the deployment output and status from component A and component B to be recorded separately and not mixed up.
So my question is: Can I use puppet to deploy one single named package (module) at a time?
And if not, where did I take a wrong turn when I drove down this path?
I realise a master-less Puppet set-up with modules and manifests replicated to each node perhaps could do it, but IMHO a master-less Puppet set-up kind of defeats the purpose of Puppet.
PS: I think what I'm trying to achieve is called 'Directed Orchestration' in Damon Edwards' very enlightening video at Integrating DevOps tools into a Service Delivery Platform (at timestamp around 22:30).
So my question is: Can I use puppet to deploy one single named package (module) at a time?
Yes, you can, via puppet apply. First you need to create a moduledir and a module that will contain your manifests. e.g. :
/scratch/user/puppet/local/ # This is your modulepath for local deployment
# Following contains the manifests for a module name "localmod"
# example content of init.pp
class localmod {
notify{"I am in in local module....":}
On that local machine you can test this module via puppet apply :
puppet apply -v --modulepath=/scratch/user/puppet/local -e "include localmod"
echo $? # Get the exit status of the above command
I watched the video at the point your video. There are two types of automation you can do.
Application build/deploy automation, which can be achieved via maven/ant (Build) and ant/capistrano/chrome/bash/msdeploy (Deploy) or as termed on that slide "Installer".
System/Infrastructure automation can be achieved via Chef/Puppet/CFEngine.
This question seems to be ... "How do I do applications build using puppet (implied as a system automation tool)"
So quite simply, oval tool in round hole. (I didn't say square)
At my company, we use Jenkins and the Build Pipeline Integration plugin to build massive multi component projects. As an example, a Java app will use ant in a build job, the next chained job will be a "deploy to dev" job which uses Capistrano to deploy the application, then the next job in the chain is "Configure Dev" which calls Chef to update the system configurations in the DEV environment. Chef is used to configure the application. Each of these jobs can be set to run automatically and sequentially.
a master-less Puppet set-up kind of defeats the purpose of Puppet.
Only if you discount
The rich DSL puppet has to offer
So many peer reviewed community modules
Otherwise, something like this gives you remote directed orchestration.
#update manifests etc (version control is the source of truth)
ssh user#host git pull
#run puppet
ssh user#host sudo puppet-apply
