How can I run a task that requires multiple containers? - tekton-pipelines

This is my first question so please presume ignorance and positive intent.
As part of our build pipeline I need to run what our dev team calls "unit tests." These unit tests are run via an ant target. Before running that ant target we must spin up, configure and partially populate (the ant target does some of the population) several containers including:
application server
ldap instance
postgres instance
It looks as if each task only supports a single container. Is there a straightforward way to get all of these running together? Ideally I could create a task that would allow me to specify a pod template with the commands running in one of the containers of that pod.
I realize that I could hack this together by using the openshift client or kubernetes actions but I was hoping for something a bit more elegant. I feel like using either of those tasks would require that I build out status awareness, error checking, retry logic, etc that is likely already part of the pipeline logic and then parse the output of the ant run to determine if all of the tests were successful. This is my first foray into tekton so accepted patterns or idioms would be greatly appreciated.
For greater context I see these tasks making up my pipeline:
clone git repo
build application into intermediate image
launch pod with all necessary containers
wait for all containers to become "ready"
execute ant target to run unit tests
if all tests pass build runtime image
copy artifacts from runtime image to external storage (for deployment outside of openshift)
Thank you for your time

Have a look at sidecars. The database must be up and running for the tests to execute, so start the database in a sidecar. The steps in the task will be started as soon as all sidecars are running.


Run test script in continuous integration using CircleCI?

We're using CircleCI for CI/CD. In the continuous integration process, I'd like to run a test script I wrote that generates some data for my app to use. Then another script will run and make sure the data was processed in a certain amount of time (performance test). Is there a way I can do this through CI/CD using CircleCI?
I have a Spark Streaming App that reads data from Kafka, processes and then puts it into a database.
I generate some data and send it to Kafka. Meanwhile, the Spark program is running (my script didn't start it I manually start it earlier). The Spark app processes this data. My script just waits about 1 minute after it initially generates the data then makes an API call to get some metrics on the data that Spark Processed, basically performance metrics.
I'd like CircleCI to take the code from Github, Build it, Deploy it to a "test" server that then runs my Spark App in the test environment which has Spark/Kafka installed. Then I'd like CircleCI to run my custom script. My script will give back some performance values in some variable say X. I'd essentially like to have CircleCI compare X against some value like assert(X < 60) and then I'd like CircleCI to say that this failed some test if X < 60 == False. Is this possible?
I realise this question has been asked a while ago, however if anyone has a similar requirement, this circleci pipeline runs a dockerised integration and performance test against a locally deployed API server.
Specific problems that needed solving:
wait for servers to start within circleci script on cli using pwt
run performance test against API using wrk with LUA script
Run locally using docker (OSX)
git clone
circleci local execute --job integration
circleci local execute --job performance
*Disclaimer: I'm involved with some of the linked github projects.

CI based on docker-compose?

I am currently building a little application that requires that some massively annoying software is installed and running in backround. To ease the pain of developing, I wrote a set of docker-compose files that runs the necessary daemons, creates some jobs, and throws in some test data.
Now, I'd like to run this in a CI-like manner. I currently have Jenkins check all the different repositories and execute a shell script that calles docker-compose up --abort-on-container-exit. That gets the job done, but it seems like a hack, and I'm not such a huge fan of Jenkins.
What I want to ask is: is there a more beautiful way of doing this? Specifically, is there a CI that will
watch a set of git repositories,
re-execute docker-compose (possibly multiple times with different sets of parameters), and
nicely collect and split the logs and tell me which container exactly failed how?
(Optionally) is not some cloud service but installable on my local server?
If the answer to this is "write a Jenkins module", then fine, so be it.
I'm aware that there are options like gitlab-ci, but I'd like to keep the CI script in a fashion that can also be easily executed during development, before pusing to a repo.

any library to check marathon deployment status

I have a bunch of marathon docker tasks that are run on our test deployment machines.
There is a Jenkins CI job, that triggers the deployment a whole bunch of docker containers that are run on marathon-mesos cluster. (3 mesos-slaves, 1 master and 1 marathon.)
There is another downstream jenkins job (a automated test suite) that is triggered after above job. Presently, we wait for sufficient time, so that deployment gets completed then only we proceed with this automation testsuite. I want to change this behavior. I know marathon exposes rest APIs using which I can determine if I am good to go - after all the containers are deployed and all health checks are passing - for running the automation test suite.
Question is: Is there any library already out there for marathon, that I can reuse to accomplish above task ? I do not want to reinvent the wheel.
When I posted this question, I had java library actually in mind, but forgot to mention that. I find #michael 's libraries are also very good. But this is what I settled upon. Marathon-client. I think I saw this, while browsing through mesosphere repositories but somehow missed it.
This is the library: marathon-client
I've successfully been using the two following libs:
Go: gambol99/go-marathon
Python: thefactory/marathon-python

Should Ansible compile and test code before deployment, or should it only deploy compiled, tested code

I'm used to having a single entity checkout, build, test, and deploy code, on every commit change (whether it be for a staging server or a production server). Now that we have started looking into Ansible, I'm beginning to think that there are isolated roles with these tools.
Basically I'm asking is it Ansible's responsibility to handle compiling and testing the code before deployment, or should it grab artifacts from a CI server such as Bamboo and trust that artifact is ready for deployment?
I'm not sure about the idea of using ansible to do the compiling, I rather just do that inside of CI as they have facilities done just for that. As for testing it depends on type of tests - if those are unit tests then they should be ran right after build (preferably inside of CI again) and either fail or pass a build.
But if those tests are of integration/functional nature (where they verify whether service actually works in the environment as we expect) then they for sure should be a part of post_tasks of the playbook, and if they don't pass you should mark the deployment as failed and act accordingly. This of course gives an idea of having a safe way to do that, before the service is exposed to production traffic, so if the tests do not pass, you can safely unroll the thing.
Nope, Ansible's responsibility is not to handle compiling and testing the code before deployment.
Yes it should grab artifacts from a CI server such as Bamboo and trust that artifact is ready for deployment.
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation engine that automates cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, intra-service orchestration, and many other IT needs.

How can Puppet fit into a Continuous Delivery tool chain?

I'm investigating Puppet as our future deployment and provisioning tool in our shop, but now I'm stuck at how to make a clever Continuous Integration/Delivery tool chain with deployment through Puppet.
In any of our environments (dev, test, qa, demo, prod) we have a range of components. We need to be able to deploy each component separately and possibly even concurrently.
I'd like a way to initiate (through script) a deploy of a single component package (=Puppet module) and gather the output and success status of that.
Simply waiting for a scheduled agent pull, or doing a 'puppet agent --test' on each node on the environment isn't good enough, because it may pick up other pending changes (I don't know if another component is also in the process of being deployed).
In my tool chain I would like the deployment output and status from component A and component B to be recorded separately and not mixed up.
So my question is: Can I use puppet to deploy one single named package (module) at a time?
And if not, where did I take a wrong turn when I drove down this path?
I realise a master-less Puppet set-up with modules and manifests replicated to each node perhaps could do it, but IMHO a master-less Puppet set-up kind of defeats the purpose of Puppet.
PS: I think what I'm trying to achieve is called 'Directed Orchestration' in Damon Edwards' very enlightening video at Integrating DevOps tools into a Service Delivery Platform (at timestamp around 22:30).
So my question is: Can I use puppet to deploy one single named package (module) at a time?
Yes, you can, via puppet apply. First you need to create a moduledir and a module that will contain your manifests. e.g. :
/scratch/user/puppet/local/ # This is your modulepath for local deployment
# Following contains the manifests for a module name "localmod"
# example content of init.pp
class localmod {
notify{"I am in in local module....":}
On that local machine you can test this module via puppet apply :
puppet apply -v --modulepath=/scratch/user/puppet/local -e "include localmod"
echo $? # Get the exit status of the above command
I watched the video at the point your video. There are two types of automation you can do.
Application build/deploy automation, which can be achieved via maven/ant (Build) and ant/capistrano/chrome/bash/msdeploy (Deploy) or as termed on that slide "Installer".
System/Infrastructure automation can be achieved via Chef/Puppet/CFEngine.
This question seems to be ... "How do I do applications build using puppet (implied as a system automation tool)"
So quite simply, oval tool in round hole. (I didn't say square)
At my company, we use Jenkins and the Build Pipeline Integration plugin to build massive multi component projects. As an example, a Java app will use ant in a build job, the next chained job will be a "deploy to dev" job which uses Capistrano to deploy the application, then the next job in the chain is "Configure Dev" which calls Chef to update the system configurations in the DEV environment. Chef is used to configure the application. Each of these jobs can be set to run automatically and sequentially.
a master-less Puppet set-up kind of defeats the purpose of Puppet.
Only if you discount
The rich DSL puppet has to offer
So many peer reviewed community modules
Otherwise, something like this gives you remote directed orchestration.
#update manifests etc (version control is the source of truth)
ssh user#host git pull
#run puppet
ssh user#host sudo puppet-apply
