Postgres not installing properly on my windows - windows

I downloaded Postgres 12.2 a couple of days ago, when installing it could not install fully at a point it said database cluster installation failed. I have tried all I could but to no avail. I really need help so I can continue on my project. A screenshot of the error can be seen

Check in enviroment variables if you don't have incorrect
value for COMSPEC ending with trailing semicolon, instead


{"init terminating in do_boot",{'cannot get bootfile','start_clean.boot'}} init terminating in do_boot ({cannot get bootfile,start_clean.boot})

when I run command rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management in windows 10. I got below error
{"init terminating in do_boot",{'cannot get bootfile','start_clean.boot'}}
init terminating in do_boot ({cannot get bootfile,start_clean.boot})
. I have windows 10.
. ERLANG is installed and ERLANG_HOME varaible is set
Please help me in resolving this
I also faced this issue and solved it by reinstalling it. Steps I followed on Windows 10:
Uninstall RabbitMQ
Delete the folder %APPDATA%\RabbitMQ
Delete folder RabbitMQ Server from C:\ProgramFiles
Reinstall RabbitMQ via administrator account
Assuming you installed ERLANG via administrator account as well. If not then first reinstall Erlang before reinstalling RabbitMQ.
For me, the problem was that I was installing the latest (version 23) of ERLANG... which has the bin folder one level deeper and that caused issues for RabbitMQ... even if I set the ERLANG_HOME environment variable that one level deeper.
What worked was installing the latest of version 22 (22.3 at the time of this post) of ERLANG.
1.when you specify the installation path and do not follow the default path
2.the installer will create a C:Program Files\rabbitmq_server-3.11.1\Rabbit MQ\plugins folder,the path you specified will be missing these files
merge the files in C:Program Files\Rabbit MQ\rabbitmq_server-3.11.1\plugins into the directory you specify,likeD:\RabbitMQ\rabbitmq_server-3.11.1\plugins

Could not get PostgreSQL 11.2 to start. Tried deleting everything, and now PostgreSQL 11.2 Refuses to install with an error

I tried installing PostgreSQL 11.2 on Windows through this link:
but the program would not start no matter what I tried. A quick black window would appear for a tenth of a second, disappear, and then absolutely nothing would happen.
Thus, I uninstalled it and deleted the directory and tried to install PostgreSQL 11.2 on Windows through this link:
It installed properly, but when I opened my file explorer to C: where the directory should have been installed I was given an error "PostgreSQL could not be found". I thought my previous installation was causing issues, so I did a 'Search Local C:' in file explorer and found over 9,000 files involving PostgreSQL. I 'Ctrl+A' deleted all of them and skipped the exceptions saying 'You need permission to delete this file', 'This file is in use', 'Unable to locate file', etc.
I then tried to reinstall PostgreSQL 11.2 via this link (same as second link):
However, after saying yes to 'permission to make changes on this computer', I immediately get the error box "There has been an error. Error reading file C;/Program Files/PostgreSQL/11/data/postgresql.conf", and I can no longer install PostgreSQL.
How do I fix this?
Thank you to Mike from the comments. Here is what I did:
1) I found all the old PostgreSQL stuff, including the program files directory tree, and deleted all of it using the uninstall function when I could.
2) Next, I reset my postgresql system environment variables and restarted my computer.
3) I deleted all top level directories for PostgreSQL and downloaded the PostgreSQL distributed by I was finally able to install PostgreSQL again.
4) PGAdmin4 works, and if I use the command line type 'cmd.exe /c chcp 1252' and then type something like 'psql -U postgres postgres" and enter your password.

Mongo shell "this app can't run on your pc, to find a version for your pc, check with the software publisher."

today I tried to run mongo shell command and it throws me an error: "this app can't run on your pc, to find a version for your pc, check with the software publisher."
I also use clients for Mongodb like Compass and it works fine. Have you any idea what is wrong with the shell? I am on 64bit Win 10 and the Mongo server version is 4. THX
As I found here the problem is in mongo.exe file which has 0 bytes. Yesterday it worked properly and today it has 0 bytes. Miracle.
I was getting this issue, when attempting to start the "mongod" service. For me this was being caused due to ambiguity around multiple mongod.exe binaries, even though the PATH environment variable is set in Windows.
To resolve this all I did is, in terminal/cmd-prompt, changed directory (CD) into the folder where mongod.exe resides, e.g.:
cd \Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin
After which, tried to start the mongod service and voila :)
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin>mongod --config E:\\Mongo\\mongo.config --serviceName "MongoDB" --serviceDisplayName "MongoDB-Fin-Server" --serviceDescription "MongoDB primarily for xxx process."
This resolved the issue for me, hope this helps others.

XAMPP Errors on Mac OS X Mojave

I am running MacOS Mojave 10.14 with XAMPP 7.2.5
Earlier today, I tried to start up XAMPP after a crash/restart. XAMPP Manager was unable to start the MYSQL Server. Apache did start correctly.
Figuring there was a potential corruption, I used my Time Machine to restore my XAMPP folder (to a 36-hour old file) in Applications.
Now when I try to run XAMPP Manager, I get a "Cannot find any readable ctl script" error message.
I've tried to run MYSQL Server directly from CLI. I receive the following message:
./mysql.server: line 200: my_print_defaults: command not found
Starting MariaDB
ERROR! Couldn't find MariaDB server (/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysqld_safe)
Any thoughts on how to resolve?
The issue has to do with a quirk with Time Machine - it does not completely regenerate all recorded folders/files. A bit of a pain.
I was able to run XAMPP from the command line:
-> cd /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles
-> sudo ./xampp start
To check on MYSQL status:
-> mysql status -u [username] -p [password]
Issue resolved
I spend a day on this and the solution in my case was:
Uninstall XAMPP
Delete all files except my databases folders from ⁨Applications/XAMPP⁩/xamppfiles/var⁩/mysql (there was some .err and log files if I remember well)
Reinstall XAMPP
Reconfigure it. If you use different user than root to access your databases you need to recreate it.
I got the "Cannot find any readable ctl script" error after a Time Machine restoration, too. I'm on 10.12.6 and XAMPP 5.6.
You are correct that it appears to be a TM issue, but I was able to resolve it by entering TM and specifically selecting the directories in XAMPP/xamppfiles/ that TM would not copy over by just selecting XAMPP/xamppfiles/. (In your case, you would not want to copy over /var/mysql, assuming you want to keep your data.)
Relief. There's nothing worse than realizing your trusty backup is not so trusty.

installing appflower on xampp for linux

I've been trying to figure out this problem for a while now and I thought I'd ask it here on stackexchange in case somebody out there has tried this and successfully got it to work.
I'm trying to install a RAD webapp tool called AppFlower through Xampp for Linux.
I am also experiencing issues with the command below:
symfony afs:init
symfony: command not found
This is the final command used to start up the AppFlower Studio dev environment, but this command doesn't work.
I have tried using:
./symfony afs:init
Same error as above
php ./symfony afs:init
gives a php error saying it isn't installed, but this is Xampp for Linux, so that command won't apply
/opt/lampp/etc/php.ini ./symfony afs:init
it will give a permission denied error, but even with 'sudo' in front, it says 'command not found'
The solution posted on the appflower forum is for xampp itself, but the problem I have is that they use the php.exe command to run the 'symfony afs:init' command, which xampp for linux doesn't have. The closest thing I could think of was to use the php.ini file, but (as seen above) that doesn't work.
Hopefully somebody can assist regarding this issue.
Note. The process to run appflower on a manual version of lamp (one in which php, mysql, apache are all downloaded separately) is a lot more complex and the xampp installation is supposed to be much easier (in fact it is) but at the last point of this installation, this 'symfony afs:init' command is the only problem.
If you are already using Linux, why not install AppFlower directly. It's pretty straightforward, maybe i lost something on the way, understanding why you use XAMMP for Linux.
Installation instructions for AppFlower on Ubuntu,
