How to read data from UART in MikroC - pic

Anyone here using MikroC to implement UART?
I'm trying to connect a PIC18F4550 and SIM900. I want to use UART1_Read_Text(variable, delimiter, attempts). But since there is no specific length of the text that will be received, I'm trying to use NULL as the delimiter but none seems to work. I tried putting "\0", "0"," enter code here" but the microcontroller is stuck in that line of code. Here is the sample code i tried.
UART1_Read_Text(variable,"\0",255) //255 means the PIC will continuously find the NULL
Just so you know, I'm expecting to receive either "OK" or "ERROR". The PIC will then repeat a certain line of code if it receives "ERROR".


53C94 SCSI IC as target - Cannot handle WRITE(10) command from Initiator

I am building a SD card/SCSI adapter using NCR 53CF94 IC and STM32.
All goes pretty well, even manged to make my device work to some degree, i.e. accepting all basic commands and even booting from it to DOS. BUT i have a problem, when asking initiator (PC) to write something to my device , all goes well i get the block address and the data. Then i write the data to SD card and finally responding with status=0 and message=0 to complete the write command, but the initiaor never increasing the secoor number to continue to write proccess and always tries to write the first one, then after few attempts it gives error on the PC (Error writing to drive...). I can't figure it out why the initiaor is not satisfied with the GOOD status and message. Do i need to send some specific data back to the initiator ? Linke CRC ? Or there is some specific command i need to issue for 53C94 ?
Banging my head for few days now.
Need your assistance please.
Thanks !
I figured it out. I was writing 512 byte blocks to a 256 byte array. I'm not sure how this is related to the issue, but after fixing the size everything started to work.

^RFR,^FN1,^HV1 not sending output to computer

I'm attempting to read the TID bank of the current (Class 1 Generation 2) RFID tag sitting under the print-head in a Zebra RZ400 (running the latest firmware V53.17.22Z). I'm connected via USB.
I'm using the "Direct Communication" program in the Zebra Setup Utilities tool.
This is my program, annotated:
^XA Start program
^RS8 Set RFID mode to Class 1 Gen 2
^RFR,H,0,8,2 Read the first 8 bytes of the TID bank as a Hexadecimal string
^FN1 Store the data into Memory Field #1
^FS End Field
^HV1,,Foo Transfer the contents of Memory Field #2 to the Host PC
^FS End Field
^XZ End program
When I run this, I do not get any output in the "Data received" window.
However, if I append a command like ^HH to the end (after the ^XZ) and re-run the program then the previous expected output will appear (followed by the output of ^HH). I need to keep on re-running the commands to get the previous output, making it impossible to see the current TID value.
It's as though the printer isn't flushing its output buffer until I run ^HH - other commands work temperamentally. The ^HH command isn't appropriate for my application because of the sheer amount of data it produces.
Is there some command that forces a flush?
I need to learn to read the documentation.
The ^HV command has 5 parameters. The sample code I based my program off only provides the first 3 parameters and I didn't think that the other parameters were relevant - mostly because Zebra gave the key parameter the nonobvious name "command applies to":
While I had set fieldNumber, byteCount, and header correctly (I ignored terminator) I completely overlooked the commandAppliesTo parameter, which states:
When ^PQ is greater than 1 or if a void label occurs, send one
response for a label format or one for every label printed.
Accepted Values:
F = Format
L = Label
Default Value: F
So when you don't specify a value it defaults to F which means it will return the data only when the entire job has completed, by changing it to L I get a response for each label that is printed.
Here's my final working command:
Which gets me output like this:
Sorted :)

Replace Max 7456 EEPROM w/ ASCII Table

I have a a Sparkfun Max 7456 breakout board that I am trying to rewrite the character table to an ASCII format. I have been following the Arduino + MAX7456 OSD thread but cannot seem to load the .mcm file to the breakout board. I have tried hyper terminal and tera term. Tera term allows me to "transfer" the mcm file but I do not get any type of confirmation in the terminal window. When I try simple sample code like "Hello World.ino" I get no response and the default character set is still displayed. Hyper terminal tells me there is a COM port conflict with the Arduino IDE. I know the steps are available in the above mentioned thread but the picture/ code resources have mostly been removed. I don't know if I'm missing something in the code or if I am not using the terminal program correctly. I have the following connections between the breakout board and the Uno and have been trying Arduino code provided at the start of the thread;
Breakout/ Uno;
SDIN--> D11
SCK--> D12
SDOUT--> D13
I have tried using wires that are <5cm and >=10cm and I am using NTSC. Can anybody determine what I am doing wrong or point me in the right direction please. Thanks in advance,
I figured out my issue. Using Google translate I was able to get code from;
Previously, I was only making the connections listed in the code when the full list is;
D13--> SCLK
D12--> SDOUT
D11--> SDIN
D10--> CS
+5VDC must be applied to the +5V pin on the board as well as a 1k resistor in series with LOS and a 10k with RESET.
As for using tera term. First shutdown the Arduino IDE and open the connection in the terminal program. The code provided in the above link will indicate it is ready for file transfer and will prompt you with a transfer complete message.
All in all, simple solutions but I was a newcomer to a very old thread. Hope this helps anyone else having the same issues in the future.

Siemens MC35 + ATcommand

I would like to do 2 things.
Recognize when someone is calling - In terminal will appear RING and to answer I have to send command ATA. But How can I recognize it when I am doing something else. Should I use new thread and read port until send RING? Is there any beter solution?
What is a symbol of end of response? I'm reading char using for(), but I do not know number of signs. Example below doesn't work properly
while(readCharUART()!=10) {};
getchar() = ..
You are on the right track.
For RING then yes, the correct way to do it is to have one thread just read modem responses until you get the Unsolicited result code RING. If you from time to time want to run AT commands (say ATA), then you should let this thread do that as well, e.g. you have one thread that takes care of both issuing AT commands and monitor for UR codes.
Regarding formatting of responses from the modem, this is well described in chapter 5.7.1 Responses in the ITU V.250 standard. Short summary (reading the spec is highly recommended!):
where header and trailer is both "\r\n" (unless the modem is configured strangely).

Arduino serial sometimes gives random values

I am using a MMA7361 accelerometer from sparkfun that is connected to my arduino uno and it is in turn connected to my pc.
I am simply reading the values from each axis(x,y,z) and sending them straight through the serial port to my pc with a series of Serial.print and Serial.write. From there I have set up a program to read and display the info with myPort.readString();
Now it works fine 80% of the time and it gives the right results and all, but sometimes I get some random value sent through the serial port and it messes up the receiving program making me unable to use the signal properly.
I am pretty sure its not the sensor itself sending the disturbing signal because I have tried to save 10 different readings and then sending an average to minimize the effect with no luck. The receiving pc still got the weird value spikes around 0-200 (from what I saw as output).
I tried with pulling out the cable that connects from the sensor to the analog in port and weirdly it gave out some random value instead of the expected 0, I'm not sure but for me it seems like that has something to do about my problem.
I have read about some kind of pull down resistor but that only works for buttons, right?
I just got my arduino and I'm trying to learn how to use sensors and what you can do with them and what can go wrong so I'd appreciate if someone could help me with this :)
Heres an example of the random value messing up the output:
2 <-- this is where it begins
4:144:142 <-- messing up the order of the values
If you want I got the code for sending and recieving too:
I'd really like the sending to be just one line of code but I haven't been able to join all numbers and strings to a one line string on the arduino.
if ( myPort.available() > 0) {
result = myPort.readString();
Looking at your output, it seems that the values are all received, but somehow a CR and/or LF character is added to the output. And that comes from the println statement:
if ( myPort.available() > 0) {
result = myPort.readString();
What happens is that the receiving end gets some characters (not necessarily all), it prints them, adding a linefeed character then exits the function.
Then it enters the if statement again and prints the available characters in the buffer. And so it goes.
If you wish to ensure a consistent output you have to either
1. build a packet of the data or
2. Count the received bytes and print them when all are received.
As to 1. it would be my preferred method, add a start- and end-character to the data. The receiving end will then know that all data between the start- and end-character is the data to be printed.
I seem to have fixed this by using readChar and checking if the current character inputted is the delimiter. It is a bit slower but it works.
