How can i convert this sql query in a eloquent laravel command? - laravel

in sql query this commando do exactly i wanted:
SELECT sv.status_id
FROM status_viagem sv
WHERE sv.viagem_id =
ORDER BY sv.created_at DESC LIMIT 1 ) AS status_id
FROM viagens v
Here is the sql results:
But i have no idea how can i do this using Laravel eloquent
Basically, a viagem entry can has a lot of status, but i need to get each viagem and their last status entry from status_viagem table (the pivot table)
by the way viagem/viagens means travel.
My class mapping:
class Viagem extends Model
public function status()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Status')->withTimestamps();
class Status extends Model
public function viagens()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Viagem')->withTimestamps();
The belongsToMany at both classes gets me a many-to-many:
can someone help me? thanks
---------- Temporary Solution -------
Thanks for all help guys. In fact i can't find a nice solution using only eloquent.
Step 1/3 - To bypass this situation i first execute the above sql to grab only the viagens under the desired status_id (last status_viagem entry):
$viagens_ids = DB::select(
"SELECT viagem_id FROM (
SELECT AS viagem_id,
SELECT sv.status_id
FROM status_viagem sv
WHERE sv.viagem_id =
ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1 ) AS status_id
FROM viagens v
) AS tt
WHERE tt.status_id = {$status->id}"
Step 2/3 - then i used the array_map to organize my viagens ids
$a = array_map(
function($obj) { return $obj->viagem_id; },
Step 3/3 - And at last i used elequent whereIn to fetch my viagens:
Viagem::with( 'status')->whereIn('id', $a)->get();
In fact i have solved the problem by a-old-sashion-way but i not happy with it because i wish i learn how to do it using eloquent. what bad to me.

There are many ways to query in laravel. I have created a test project for you to try. The gist are:
1. Eloquent ORM
Eloquent ORM is Laravel's magic which have some limitations in eager loading - which i just come across while contemplating your question for hours. It wont play nicely with first(), last(), and some more functions in the constrained eager loading closure.
In your case, our almost there can be fixed:
App\Models\Viagem::with(['status' => function($query){
return $query->orderBy('pivot_created_at', 'desc');
It will return entire field for Viagem and Status including its pivot table (the status_viagem).
However, if you wanted to retrieve only and status_viagem.status_id, you can map() it as such:
App\Models\Viagem::with(['status' => function($query){
return $query->orderBy('pivot_created_at', 'desc');
$o = new stdClass();
$o->id = $data->id;
$o->status_id = $data->status->first()->id;
return $o;
Please take note that the statement above require sql query to be ran twice. Eager loading basically works by querying all the Viagem first then queries the Status and map them in memory based on the foreign keys. You can observe that replacing get with toSql will only give you the first query. Please enable Query Logging to see the second query.
2. Query Builder
Embarking from Ryan Adhitama Putra answer, you could do something like:
App\Models\Viagem::join('status_viagem', '', '=', 'status_viagem.viagem_id')
->orderBy('status_viagem.created_at', 'desc')
->groupBy(['status_viagem.status_id', ''])
->select(['', 'status_viagem.status_id'])
This query builder approach guaranteed to be ran only once, you can replace the get() with toSql() to see the resulting query.
3. Raw Queries
Throwing DB::raw() can help sometime, but i really did not want to mention it.

I am not sure what viagens and viagem represent, but I think one of the relationships has to be belongsToMany() and the other hasMany().
then after you set relationships correctly, you can use Eloquent like this :
$status_id = Viagem::with('status')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first()->pluck('status_id');

Try this.
$status_id = Viagem::join('status','','status_viagem.viagem_id')


Laravel - Get records between two dates from second table

I have something like this:
Table 1: Training Name, created_at, user_id (Plan_Treninga)
Table 2: user_id, created_at, expire_at (InvoiceUser)
I want to pull all from Table 1 where created_at is between Table 2 created_at and expire_at.
This is something what i am trying to..
$plan = Plan_Treninga::whereBetween(function($q) use ($id){
$inv = InvoiceUser::where([
I haven't finished it yet, but my brain stopped working so I have to ask here.
If I understand what you want clearly is. you want to query all from table 1 which created exist between table 2 created and expire_at right? if so you can use where exist query to achieve this.
// assume your table name is plan_treningas & invoice_users
Plan_Treninga::whereExists(function ($query) {
->whereRaw('plan_treningas.created_at BETWEEN invoice_users.created_at AND invoice_users.expire_at'); // add more query depend your logic
for more you can take a look at docs
or if you want to use raw query
FROM plan_treningas
SELECT 1 FROM invoice_users WHERE plan_treningas.created_at BETWEEN invoice_users.created_at AND invoice_users.expire_at
Take a look at joins
I am not saying this is the exact solution but I have something similar that I have changed to point you in the right direction.
With joins you can do lots of things.
$results = DB::table('table1')
->join('table2', function ($join) {
$join->on('table1.user_id', '=', 'table2.user_id')
->where('table2.status', '=', 'paid')
->where('table2.created_at', '>', 'table1.created_at');
Also look at relationships. There is some good answers for setting up many to many relationships.

How to get sum along with this Laravel Eloquent query

Database Structure:
Table: sales_payments
columns: id, payer_id, payment_status, amount , ...
Please see this eloquent query. it's working fine but now i need the sum of amount key along with this given eloquent query and where conditions.
$query = SalesPayment::with([''])
->whereHas('', function ($query) use ($options) {
$query->where(['key3' => key3(), 'payment_status' => PAYMENT_STATUS_SUCCESS]);
$query->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
return $query->paginate(config('constants.PAGE_LIMIT'));
Possible Solution
Just put a select as mentioned below
$query = SalesPayment::select('*', \DB::raw('SUM(amount) AS total_sale_amount')->with ....
I have tested this solution it's working fine.
Please let me know if there is a better solution than this. And I'm looking for some other solutions Also.
Edit: But there is one problem with this solution that it returning me only one record when i put aggregate function (sum) in select otherwise it was returning more than one records.
You could use the sum method on the query.
$amount = $query->sum('amount');
A new query with the same conditions will be executed to calculate the sum of a column.

How can I write this query using the laravel query builder?

I'm on laravel 5.1 using postgres as the DB. I have a fiddle here in case it helps understand my issue:
with properties as (
json_agg(property_fields.*) as property_fields
left join fields as property_fields
on property_fields.parent = 'property' and property_fields.parent_id =
group by, properties.deal_id, properties.address
json_agg(properties.*) as deal_properties,
json_agg(deal_fields.*) as deal_fields
from deals
left join properties on = properties.deal_id
left join fields deal_fields on deal_fields.parent = 'deal' and deal_fields.parent_id =
group by,
order by
Writing most of this is fairly straight forward. The problem I'm having is with the with properties as (...) block. I've tried something like:
DB::statement('WITH properties AS ( ... )')
->select(' deals.*, json_agg(properties.*) as deal_properties, ')
But I notice the execution stop after DB::statement()
Is there a method in the Query Builder that I'm missing? How can I prefix my query with the WITH properties AS (...) statement?
I think it should also be noted that I'm trying to implement a Repository Pattern and I can't just wrap a DB::statement() around the whole query.
I've created a package for common table expressions:
$query = 'select properties.*, [...]';
->withExpression('properties', $query)
You can also provide a query builder instance:
$query = DB::table('properties')
->select('properties.*', [...])
->withExpression('properties', $query)
if you want some data fetch from a table you can use this type of code
$user = DB::table('table name')->where('name', 'John')->where('height','!>',"7")->select('table fields which you want to fetch')->get();
Or try using the larevel Eloquent ORM which will make things easier with the database.
for more example or reference
I think you can actually do this with eager loading,
assuming that the relationships are set up correctly.
(More reading here:
So I think you'd be able to add something like
->with(['properties' => function ($query) {
->leftJoin('join statement')
->groupBy('field1', 'field2');

"Order by" when querying relation

I have a Project table and a pivot table "like_project" which has 2 columns : user_id and project_id, so users can like Projects
I'm trying to list all the Projects and order them by number of likes, by using the "has" method, like this :
$projects = Project::has('likes')->paginate(10);
the issue is that I don't know how to order by number of likes, I have a function on my Project model to count the number of likes for a project :
public function getTotalLikes(){
return sizeof($this->likes()->getRelatedIds()); //I could use $this->likes()->count()
Unless you want to write out a long SQL query to run an GROUP/ORDER BY command I'd just run the eloquent collection's sort method once you get the projects back.
$projects->sort(function($project) {
return $project->likes->count();
It depends on how your likes are stored exactly, but most straightforward way is simple join (suppose MySQL):
$projects = Project::join('like_project as lp', 'lp.project_id', '=', '')
->orderByRaw('count(lp.project_id) desc')
->select('projects.*') // and if needed: DB::raw('count(lp.project_id) as likesCount')

Doctrine: how to return the row count of a records in a groupby statement

Seems like such a simple thing, but I can't get my query to return the number of records in a group. Here's my statement:
public function getGroupCount($user_id)
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('SalarySurvey ss')
->where('ss.user_id=?', $user_id)
return $q->rowCount();
rowCount() does not work in the above query.
It might also be helpful to know that this is being used in a foreach statement.
As CappY suggested, this is not possible in Doctrine 1.2, as far as I know. As a work-around, I was able to finally get a count for each grouping by adding another field to the table and setting that field the same for each group at save time. Then I changed my query to pull that field and just did a simple:
Never work with Doctrine 1.2, but can't U use php's count function or SELECT COUNT() AS 'cnt' ?
return count($q);
