Can you hook an existing Elasticsearch index to Elastic App search - elasticsearch

I want to integrate App Search in my project. App search runs fine out of the box. But I have an application that is running on Elasticsearch, I was wondering if I could use this existing index as a backend for App search? If No, is it because documents are indexed differently for App Search engine compared to Elasticsearch? Also, why can't I access App search documents on my elasticsearch cluster (localhost:9200)?


Elastic Search Vs Django elastic Search

I just started learning Elastic Search and doing so I came across Django Elastic Search . SO my question is that whether they both are same or different. Also if you can give a little detail about both . Thnaku
Elasticsearch is an search engine buit on top of Apache Lucene, it allows you to index and search for data using REST and JSON, you can read more about it in the official site.
Django Elasticsearch is a django package to integrate with elasticsearch, it is a client built on top of the official elasticsearch python client, it allows you to integrate your application with elasticsearch, you can read more about it here.
To resume, Django Elasticsearch is a client to integrate Django applications with Elasticsearch.

Can Kibana be synced to Elastic App Search?

So I have Kibana set up with my data in it. About 3 indices.
Recently I've deployed Elastic Enterprise Search And im testing out Elastic App Search, but I have no data in it.
My question therefore is, can I somehow migrate or sync my data inside Kibana into Elastic App Search?
Sorry, migration of Elasticsearch indices to Elastic App Search is not available as of now.
Even though it looks like Kibana is holding the data, but actually Elasticsearch is the datastore behind it. App Search is a layer on top of Elasticsearch which manages the indexes, schema, documents etc.
If you're directly ingesting data into Elasticsearch, at this moment it is not possible to automatically migrate to Elastic App Search.

how to implement elasticsearch

can kibana's console (in Dev Tools) be used for writing and implementing elasticsearch ? I am new to elasticsearch and very confused when it comes to doing hands-on it. thank you in advance.
kibana Dev tools makes calling elastic search API's easier so you can develop what ever you want in kibana Dev tools to make aggregation call or make query string to call the API's.
on the other hand you should use it with an SDK in your application like Elasticsearch JS for javascript so you can use the developed queries and aggregations in kibana to be used in your application and more you can monitor your shards health or put mapping for your indexes and more of functionality which can be found in Documentation, Although, you can find JS API's Documentation here
You can use Kibana Dev Tools to invoke REST API commands to perform cluster level actions such as taking snapshots, restore etc and also index simple documents. But, if you are looking to writing data to Elastic on a regular basis like ingesting server/ app logs or server metrics (CPU, memory, Disk usage etc) you should look at installing filebeats or metricbeats.

Ideas on making a Java Application with Nutch/Elastic Search and Kibana

I have an idea for an application make a search engine using tools Nutch, ES and Kibana. Nutch for crawling, ES for indexing and Kibana for the visualisation.
Currently, I have all the programs fine and I can successfully use them in terminal. My question is, is it possible to make a Java Application which incoporates Nutch, Es and Kibana all in one?
My idea for the application is that it will accept a URL for nutch to crawl, after crawling it will then accept terms to index. Finally, it will make a visualisation page with Kibana of the data.
Any pointers on how to do this?
Why do you want to have them as a single application? ES and Kibana are services and meant to run continuously. If you had StormCrawler (see comment above) that would be another continuous service. All you'd need to do is build a UI to send the URLs to a queue.

Azure Search Instead of Elasticsearch

The existing application is running in elasticsearch. The functionality of the application covers.
MLT search
synonym search
multilingual search
Filtered search
kibana dashboard uses aggregations to show the metrics in the dashboard.
Is it possible to achieve all these functionality in azure-search ?
Azure Search doesn't integrate with Kibana and doesn't support aggregations. All the other functionalities you mentioned are supported in Azure Search. Hope that helps.
