Elasticsearch: search word forms only - elasticsearch

I have collection of docs and they have field tags which is array of strings. Each string is a word.
"id": 1,
"tags": [ "man", "boy", "people" ]
}, {
"id": 2,
"tags":[ "health", "boys", "people" ]
}, {
"id": 3,
"tags":[ "people", "box", "boxer" ]
Now I need to query only docs which contains word "boy" and its forms("boys" in my example). I do not need elasticsearch to return doc number 3 because it is not form of boy.
If I use fuzzy query I will get all three docs and also doc number 3 which I do not need. As far as I understand, elasticsearch use levenshtein distance to determine whether doc relevant or not.
If I use match query I will get number 1 only but not both(1,2).
I wonder is there any ability to query docs by word form matching. Is there a way to make elastic match "duke", "duchess", "dukes" but not "dikes", "buke", "bike" and so on? This is more complicated case with "duke" but I need to support such case also.
Probably it could be solved using some specific settings of analyzer?

With "word-form matching" I guess you are referring to matching morphological variations of the same word. This could be about addressing plural, singular, case, tense, conjugation etc. Bear in mind that the rules for word variations are language specific
Elasticsearch's implementation of fuzziness is based on the Damerau–Levenshtein distance. It handles mutations (changes, transformations, transpositions) independent of a specific language, solely based on the number if edits.
You would need to change the processing of your strings at indexing and at search time to get the language-specific variations addressed via stemming. This can be achieved by configuring a suitable an analyzer for your field that does the language-specific stemming.
Assuming that your tags are all in English, your mapping for tags could look like:
"tags": {
"type": "text",
"analyzer": "english"
As you cannot change the type or analyzer of an existing index you would need to fix your mapping and then re-index everything.
I'm not sure whether Duke and Duchesse are considered to be the same word (and therefore addresses by the stemmer). If not, you would need to use a customised analyzer that allows you to configure synonyms.
See also Elasticsearch Reference: Language Analyzers


Elasticsearch: Multiple partial words not scored high enough

so I'm trying to get good search results out of an Elasticsearch installation.
But I run into problems when I'm trying to make a fuzzy search on some very simple data.
Somehow multiple (some of them partial) words are scored too low and only get scored higher, when more letters of the word are present in the search query.
Let me explain:
I have a simple index built with two simple documents.
"name": "Product with good qualities and awesome sound system"
"name": "Another Product that has better acustics than the other one"
Now I query the index with this parameters:
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"fields": ["name"],
"query": "product acust",
"fuzziness": "auto"
And the results look like this:
"hits": [
"_index": "test_products",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "1",
"_score": 0.19100355,
"_source": {
"name": "Product with good qualities and awesome sound system"
"_index": "test_products",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "2",
"_score": 0.17439455,
"_source": {
"name": "Another Product that has better acustics than the other one"
As you can see the product with the ID 2 is scored less than the other product even though it has possibly more similarity with the given query string than the other product because it has 1 full word match and 1 partial word match.
When the query would looke like "product acusti" the results would start to behave correctly.
I've already fiddled around with bool search but the results are identical.
Any ideas how I can get the wanted results back faster than having to have almost the whole second word typed in?
As far as I know, Elasticsearch does not do partial word matching by default, so the term acust is not matched in neither of your documents.
The reason you are getting a higher score in the first document is that your matched term, product, appears in a shorter sentence:
Product with good qualities and awesome sound system
But as for the second document, product appears in a longer sentence:
Another Product that has better acoustics than the other one
So your second document is getting a lower score because the ratio of your match term (product) to the number of terms in the sentence is lower.
In other words in has lower Field length normalization:
norm = 1/sqrt(numFieldTerms)
Now if you you want to be able to do partial prefix matching, you need to tokenize your term into ngrams, for example you can create the following ngrams for the term "acoustics":
"ac", "aco", "acou", "acous", "acoust", "acousti", "acoustic", "acoustics"
You have 2 options to achieve this, see the answer by Russ Cam on this question
use Analyze API
with an analyzer that will tokenize the field into tokens/terms from
which you would want to partial prefix match, and index this
collection as the input to the completion field. The Standard analyzer
may be a good one to start with...
Don't use the Completion Suggester here and instead set up your field (name) as a text datatype with
that include the different ways that name should be analyzed (or not
analyzed, with a keyword sub field for example). Spend some time with the Analyze API to build an analyzer that will
allow for partial prefix of terms anywhere in the name. As a start,
something like the Standard tokenizer, Lowercase token filter,
Edgengram token filter and possibly Stop token filter would get you
You may also find this guide helpful.

Add custom comparatorClass class in Solr

I am newbie in Solr. I want to add a custom comparatorClass in Solr. I also need to use fields - term and count in my custom class which I have defined in my schema.xml.
Structure of indexing document :
"docs": [
"count": 98,
"term": "age",
"count": 6,
"term": "age assan",
"count": 5,
"term": "age but",
"count": 10,
"term": "age salman",
I have stored ngrams with term and their count but solr gives frequency by own that I don't need. I want my count frequency which I have defined for each term. And that term and count, I need to use and want to sort with frequency(count) and then edit distance which I need to implement by creating own class in comparator class or there is something else which helps me. Please share..
How can I do this. Any help please.
You should be able to do this without implementing a custom similarity class. The first requirement is (from your description) a straight forward sort on the count value, while the latter can be implemented by sorting on the value from the strdist() function. You can also multiply or weight these values against each other in a single sort statement by using several functions.
If you really, really need to build your own scorer (which I don't think you need to do from your description) - these are usually written to explore other ranking algorithms than tf/idf, bm25 etc. for larger corpuses, a search on Google gives you many resources with pre-made, easy to adopt solutions. I particularly want to point out "This is the Nuclear Option" in Build Your Own Custom Lucene Query and Scorer:
Unless you just want the educational experience, building a custom Lucene Query should be the “nuclear option” for search relevancy. It’s very fiddly and there are many ins-and-outs. If you’re actually considering this to solve a real problem, you’ve already gone down the following paths [...]

Elasticsearch count terms ignoring spaces

Using ES 1.2.1
My aggregation
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"cities": {
"terms": {
"field": "city","size": 300000
The issue is that some city names have spaces in them and aggregate separately.
For instance Los Angeles
"key": "Los",
"doc_count": 2230
"key": "Angeles",
"doc_count": 2230
I assume it has to do with the analyzer? Which one would I use to not split on spaces?
For fields that you want to perform aggregations on I would recommend either the keyword analyzer or do not analyze the field at all. From the keyword analyzer documentation:
An analyzer of type keyword that "tokenizes" an entire stream as a single token. This is useful for data like zip codes, ids and so on. Note, when using mapping definitions, it might make more sense to simply mark the field as not_analyzed.
However if you want to still perform analysis on the field to include for other searches, then consider using the field setting of ES 1.x As described in the field/multi_field documentation. This will allow you to have a value of the field for searching and one for aggregations.
There are 2 approaches to solve this.
The not_analyzed way - But this wont consider different capital and small cases
The keyword tokenizer way - Here we can map different terms with
different case as one.
These two concepts with working code examples are illustrated in this blog.

Django-Haystack elasticsearch queries

Haystack generates elasticsearch queries to get results from elasticsearch. The queries get prepended with a filter containing the following query:
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "django_ct:(customers.customer)"
What is the meaning of the django_ct(..) query? Is this a function that haystack installs in elasticsearch? Is it some caching magic? Can I get rid of this part altogether?
The reason why I'm asking is that I have to build a custom query to use an elasticsearch multi_field. In order to change the queries I want to understand first how haystack generates its own queries.
Haystack uses Django's content types to determine which model attributes to search against in Elasticsearch. This is not really best practice, but it's how it's done in HS.
Basically, the code in HS looks something like this:
app_name, model_name = django_ct.split('.')
ct = ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key(app_name, model_name)
model = ct.model_class()
# do stuff with model
So, you really don't want to ignore it when using haystack, if you are indexing more than one model in your index.
I have a couple other answers based on elasticsearch here: index analyzer vs query analyzer in haystack - elasticsearch? and here: Django Haystack Distinct Value for Field
EDIT regarding multi-fields:
I've used Haystack and multifields in the past, so I'm not sure you need to write you own backend. The key is understanding how haystack creates searches. As I said in one of the other posts, everything goes into query_string and from there it creates a lucene based search string. Again, not really best practice.
So let's say you have a multi-field that looks like this:
"some_field": {
"type": "multi_field",
"fields": {
"some_field_edgengram": {
"type": "string",
"index": "analyzed",
"index_analyzer": "autocomplete_index",
"search_analyzer": "autocomplete_search"
"some_field": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
In haystack, you can just search against some_field and some_field_edgengram directly.
For example SearchQuerySet().filter(some_field="cat") and SearchQuerySet().filter(some_field_edgengram="cat") will both work, but the first will only match tokens that have cat exactly and the second will match cat, cats, catlin, catch, etc, at least using my edgengram analyzers.
However, just because you use haystack for indexing and search doesn't mean you have to use it for 100% of your search solutions. In the past, I've used PYES in some areas of the app and haystack in others, because haystack lacked the support for more advanced features and the query_string parsing was losing some of the finer grained accuracy we were looking for.
In your case, you could get results from the search engine via elasticutils or python-elasticseach directly for some more advanced searches and use haystack for the other more routine searches.

How can I query/filter an elasticsearch index by an array of values?

I have an elasticsearch index with numeric category ids like this:
"id": "50958",
"name": "product name",
"description": "product description",
"upc": "00302590602108",
"**categories**": [
"price": "15.95"
I want to be able to pass an array of category ids (a parent id with all of it's children, for example) and return only results that match one of those categories. I have been trying to get it to work with a term query, but no luck yet.
Also, as a new user of elasticsearch, I am wondering if I should use a filter/facet for this...
I ended up using a terms query (as opposed to term). I'm still interested in knowing if there would be a benefit to using a filter or facet.
As you already discovered, a termQuery would work. I would suggest a termFilter though, since filters are faster, and cache-able.
Facets won't limit result, but they are excellent tools. They count hits within your total results of specific terms, and be used for faceted navigation.
