Module moment not found after installing react-native-community/netinfo - xcode

I am facing the issue "react-native-community/netinfo" while running my react-native project.
I have reinstall this module but get the same error again.
Before I run my application, I run Yarn and pod install, that run successfully, but after that it is showing this error that I have shown in the in this image. How can I resolve this error to run my project?
I am attaching the error and followed the given steps but it did not work for me.
Unhandled JS Exception: #react-native-community/netinfo: NativeModule.RNCNetInfo is null. To fix this issue try these steps:
Run react-native link #react-native-community/netinfo in the project root.
Rebuild and re-run the app.
If you are using CocoaPods on iOS, run pod install in the ios directory and then rebuild and re-run the app. You may also need to re-open Xcode to get the new pods.
Check that the library was linked correctly when you used the link command by running through the manual installation instructions in the README.
If you are getting this error while unit testing you need to mock the native module. Follow the guide in the README


Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization flutter

Hello flutter developer i created app on flutter which running on simulator successfully but now i am trying to create archive for uploading app on apple store i am getting this erorr
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
Command CompileSwiftSources failed with a nonzero exit code
i tried everything all this steps.
in build setting swift-compiler code generation->compilation mode incremental
pod deintegrate and resinstall
pod update
delete all xcode drive data tried again but everything failed please help it is very frustrating for me
also check image below

Can't find React native project on iOS Simulator or Xcode project

I have deleted my project on Xcode may it be .xcworkspace or .xcodeproj.
Because of that, I had to delete IOS and android folders while downgrading, updating and re-upgrading my react version to re-install IOS and android folders.
Thanks to that the emulator is working but unfortunately the project isn't present in the emulator and is still absent with Xcode. One thing to point out is that the simulator only appears when ran in the integrated terminal and nor in general terminal after cd-ing in the project folder.
Can anyone please help re-integrating the project in the emulator and on Xcode, please.
Here is the error when the emulator is running in a general terminal:
Here is the error when the emulator is running in a general terminal:
error Command failed: xcrun instruments -s
xcrun: error: Failed to determine realpath of '/Applications/' (errno=No such file or directory)
xcrun: error: unable to find utility "instruments", not a developer tool or in PATH
Here is the error for building the project within emulator when ran from VS code integrated terminal:
error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65. To debug build logs further, consider building your app with, by opening project.xcodeproj
The process you need to follow is so similar to renaming a react native app. Basically you just need to run react-native upgrade in your root project directory. For further info you can check another question here. The instructions below explains how to create another react native project based on a copied one with a new name.
First copy the directory which your to-be-name-changed application exists. And go to your newly cloned directory.
Change the name at index.ios/android.js file which is given as a parameter to AppRegistry.
Change the name and version accordingly on package.json
Delete /ios and /android folders which are remaining from your older app.
Run $react-native upgrade to generate /ios and /android folders again.
Run $react-native link for any native dependency.
Finally run $react-native run-ios or anything you want.
Courtesy of

Can't run my React Native project

for some reason I can't run my project with npm run ios. I receive a Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist error.
The funny part is that I can build, and run my project with xcode (debug).
Anyone got any idea why npm run ios throw an error, BUT xcode run smoothly?

Unable to run app on simulator

When I try to run the project in simulator, I get the error:
Failed to create plugin placeholder for
The build is successful, but run gives me the error.
This happened after I started re-organising the files in my project.
I tried deleting the derived data, clean and restarting the Xcode but it didn't help.
Removing the CallerID.apex from the embed framework section in Build Settings fixed this error.
For me the issue was that the version and bundle version of my widget configuration intent target didn't match the versions of the widget and the app.

Cocoapods pod install as a target dependency

I've created an external build system target in my Xcode project and made it a dependency of the main target, so I want this target run before the main target starts building. In this external build system target I simply reference a bash script to run pod install from the SRCROOT dir.
As expected, my new target runs first and Pod install runs fine but then the build stops. It does not fail however, it just reports the Build stopped with no issues. The exit code from pod install is 0 so the script should return as successful yet the build stops.
Does anyone know why this may be happening?
I tried to implement the same functionality directly in CocoaPods and experienced the same behavior. I think that Xcode aborts the build as CocoaPods performs changes in the Pods project, which is recreated from scratch at the moment.
This approach might be viable once we start to edit in place the Pods project in CocoaPods.
