Unable to run app on simulator - xcode

When I try to run the project in simulator, I get the error:
Failed to create plugin placeholder for
The build is successful, but run gives me the error.
This happened after I started re-organising the files in my project.
I tried deleting the derived data, clean and restarting the Xcode but it didn't help.

Removing the CallerID.apex from the embed framework section in Build Settings fixed this error.

For me the issue was that the version and bundle version of my widget configuration intent target didn't match the versions of the widget and the app.


Xcode: Error Build failed while building on iPhone

I am trying to run my application on my iPhone and receiving the following error. It is working fine on Simulator and release builds are also getting built.
error build: Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/mdjavedakhtar/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/baa-ejkeyxidrdwrgyctzidcxyrfemfc/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension.appex/OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension'. Did you forget to declare this file as an output of a script phase or custom build rule which produces it?
Faced with the same issue after updating macOS to 13.2 and Xcode 14.2. Deleting of the project and cloning repo with install whole the project again helped me.
In my case removing arm64 value from Excluded Architectures > Debug solved the problem. (+ it should be removed from all targets including OnesignalNotificationService)

Error archiving or generating signed bundle of my App whereas it works fine in debug mode

I am using react-native 0.61.5. For all the previous versions of my App, everything worked fine: I was running expo publish and then archiving the App on Xcode and generating a signed bundle on Android Studio. But spontaneously, now I cannot archive or generate a signed bundle (the App is still working fine in debug mode).
this is the error I get on iOS
and on Android
I also try to re-open previous versions that I was able to publish fine but now they also have the same error.
Would someone understand what is happening? :)
Thanks in advance!
Trying cleaning your build folder and trying again.
Sometimes there may be some form of file corruption or mismatch of data within the build folder, if not cleaned for a while.
Use cd android
Then ./gradlew clean
For APK ./gradlew assembleRelease
For AAB ./gradlew bundleRelease
Try the equivalent for iOS within xCode.

FBSDKCoreKit.modulemap not found in XCode with Cocoapods

I'm using Cocoapods to add FaceBook and Google platforms to my iOS app in XCode 12. Trying to build, I get the error below.
iphonesimulator/FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.modulemap not found
I've run all the steps to import the pods and they seem to all be in place. In fact, the missing modulemap is here:
..ProjectName/Pods/Target Support Files/FBSDKCoreKit
So it appears XCode simply can't locate the file during the build process. I'm definitely opening the workspace created by the Pod install and not the standalone project. Any thoughts on how to make this connection?
On Xcode 12 you got the error: FBSDKCoreKit.modulemap not found because you are opening file with extension .xcproject which will causing no dependencies to your projects.
So quit Xcode and open project again by opening file with extension .xcworkspace (beer in mind you should do this while working with React Native)
Then Product > Clean and Product > Build

Run react native app on Xcode 10

I get this error when i want to run my react native app hello world app on Xcode 10 (new beta version), can you help me?
The error :
error: Build input file cannot be found:
Screen shot from my Xcode
This helped me:
Remove and add again libfishhook.a from Xcode and the path issue will resolve.
This issue is caught by the stricter xcode 10 new build system.
A temporary fix while react-native really fix the issue is to switch back to using the old build system
In Xcode, Select File -> Project/Workspace Setting. You will see a Build System option to select the Legacy Build System as shown below
Clear your project and "Derived Data" Build and Run your project
BONUS Point: If you are using a CI/CD pipeline you can also add the xcodebuild argument -UseNewBuildSystem='NO' to the cli or via fastlane xcargs: "-UseNewBuildSystem='NO'"
Manually copypasting libfishhook.a into the correct folder, as suggested here, worked for me:
For a solution, I copied the file from my ios/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/libfishhook.a and pasted it into ../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/WebSocket/ and got the build. I hope it helps.
Daniel's answer helped me to solve problem. Just note that if it's tvOS, then the same action of removing and adding should be done of RCTWebSocket-tvOS.a

Phonegap Build is failing due to dependency error

Im building the Phonegap App using Phonegap Build.
Phonegap Build cant create Android APK, build is failing with below error, Morning I was able to create the APK but now below error is thrown. Note that there is no config file changes between morning and now.
Please help
App Id: 2074580
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':_debugCompile'.
Could not find com.android.support:support-v4:23.4.0.
Searched in the following locations:
file:/android-sdk/extras/android/m2repository/com/android/support/support-v4/23.4.0/suppo rt-v4-23.4.0.pom
file:/android-sdk/extras/android/m2repository/com/android/support/support-v4/23.4.0/suppo rt-v4-23.4.0.jar
file:/android-sdk/extras/google/m2repository/com/android/support/support-v4/23.4.0/suppor t-v4-23.4.0.pom
file:/android-sdk/extras/google/m2repository/com/android/support/support-v4/23.4.0/suppor t-v4-23.4.0.jar
Required by:
I had a similar problem with this plugin. I needed to update some android libraries. This command solved it all for me:
android update sdk --no-ui --all --filter "extra-android-m2repository"
If you don't have the android command in your command line, you can navigate to the SDK directory.
Answered here; https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push/issues/928. You need to switch back to Cordova version 1.6.3 or 1.6.4. But I just checked and upgrading to the latest nightly build also seems to fix it. When working in Visual Studio, clear the cordova cache too (after setting the correct version):
Tools => Options => Tools for Apache Cordova => Clear Cordova Cache.
