Unable to login to UI of Ansible Tower - get error as "Failed to access user information. GET returned status: 500" - user-interface

I'm receiving error:
Failed to access user information. GET returned status: 500"
while trying to access Ansible Tower.
After I dismissed the error, it keeps prompting to login again and again.
Can Anyone suggest what can be done to troubleshoot this error?

You should confirm all the services have properly started using
ansible-tower-service -status
ansible-tower-service -query

Can Anyone suggest what can be done to troubleshoot this error?
The error message "500 Internal Server Error" indicated in general that the service itself is running.
According Troubleshooting Tower you may review the log files
Tower server errors are logged in /var/log/tower. Supervisors logs can
be found in /var/log/supervisor/. Nginx web server errors are logged
in the httpd error log. Configure other Tower logging needs in
The message "Failed to access user information" indicates that the database with user information might not be available or accessible.
For further troubleshooting more information will be necessary like
Was it working before?
If so, what might have changed?
Which information does the log files provide?
Which information does the command ansible-tower-service -status give?
Based on the findings one may proceed further.


Oracle BIEE server unable to start on VirtualBox

I have an error when i try to start the Oracle BI server on Oracle VM VirtualBox. I am currently using SampleAppv607p-appliance.
This is my error.
Accessing admin server using URL t3://demo.us.oracle.com:7001
Starting AdminServer …
Admin Server Start Exception: Error occurred while performing nmStart : Error Starting server AdminServer : Received error message from Node Manager Server: [Server start command for WebLogic server ‘AdminServer’ failed due to: [Server failed to start up but Node Manager was not aware of the reason]. Please check Node Manager log and/or server ‘AdminServer’ log for detailed information.]. Please check Node Manager log for details.
Use dumpStack() to view the full stacktrace :
Reading domain…
Accessing admin server using URL t3://demo.us.oracle.com:7001
Requesting credentials …
Enter Weblogic login details at prompt
Please do help me. Thank you!
I'm guessing here, your database is probably not up. So confirm the Oracle DB in VM is up and start BI services.
Based on your logs it looks like you're starting the WebLogic Admin Server via the Node Manager. However, during startup of the Admin Server it prompts for the username/password of domain user (e.g. weblogic) but Node Manager is not passing anything.
To solve this, go to $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security and create boot.properties file. Edit the file and enter the username and password on separate lines. The username/password was defined upon domain creation, so make sure you know what these values are. See example below:
Start the Admin Server again. This will automatically encrypt the contents of your boot.properties file.
It always helps if you check the logs, as they provide more information on the error. In this case, you can check the following logs at the $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/logs/ directory.

I am unable to send email from admin panel for order confirmation in Magento( Platform

I am unable to send email from admin panel for order confirmation and after that i got this error. So please guys tell me, If any one know about this issues.
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, root#domain.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Are you trying to send the mails from your local machine, or is the site already hosted on the live server ? If its local, mails wont go.
If you are on live server, you would have unconfigured mail service. As magento, by default would send mails if your mail server is configured perfectly.

Outlook client free/busy not showing

I've got an odd problem.
I got my PC reimaged, and now it won't connect properly to the autodiscover service.
I cannot see free/busy information, cannot set my out of office, and don't get tooltips about other people who have out of office on when I am emailing them.
If I run the "Test email autoconfiguration" tool, it fails.
All of that used to work before my PC was reimaged.
Furthermore, if I log in to another PC (same OS, Win7) it does all work.
So I think the problem is specific to my PC, and not a problem with our Exchange setup.
If I browse to the url http://mail.mydomain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml I get a 403 error.
Doing the above on the other PC works.
Weirdly, if I browse to https://mail.mydomain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml on the PC with the problem it works OK.
So there's something configured wrong on my PC, but I don't know what. Maybe it's not passing my credentials properly.
Other sites that rely on my Windows credentials are working OK, so it's passing them correctly sometimes.
Any ideas, before I get them to reimage my PC again?
When I run Test mail autoconfiguration, on the Results tab I get:
Autoconfiguration has started, this may take up to a minute
Autoconfiguration was unable to determine your settings!
The log is:
Attempting URL httpx://mail.my.domain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml found through SCP
Autodiscover to httpx://mail.my.domain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml starting
GetLastError=0; httpStatus=403
Autodiscover request completed with http status code 403
Autodiscover to httpx://mail.my.domain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml failed (0x80004005)
Autodiscover to httpsx://mail.my.domain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml starting
GetLastError=12007; httpStatus=0
Autodiscover to httpsx://mail.my.domain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml failed (0x800C8203)
Autodiscover to httpsx://autodiscover.my.domain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml starting
GetLastError=12007; httpStatus=0
Autodiscover to httpsx://autodiscover.my.domain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml failed (0x800C8203)
Local autodiscover for my.domain starting
Local autodiscover for my.domain failed (0x8004010F)
Redirect check to httpx://autodiscover.my.domain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml starting Redirect check to httpx://autodiscover.my.domain/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml starting
Srv Record lookup for httpx://my.domain starting
Srv Record lookup for my.domain Failed (0x8004010F)
Note I had to change http to httpx and https to httpsx to allow it to post.
Firstly, this is not a programming question. Secondly, try to run a test from https://testconnectivity.microsoft.com/

Magento Admin Login Error

Please Help. Have been stuck for days.
I've been trying to connect to Magento Admin. The website itself is working fine. I've tried logging in and each time I'd get this message:
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: "Operation timed out"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
For assistance, contact your network support team.
I've tried the following:
Deleted all the files inside /var/cache folder.
Sudo reboot
I read that I need to also delete maintenance.flag file in my root folder. I can't find this file anywhere.
Please help.
Thanks a bunch!!

Access not permitted. You are not authorized to perform this operation (AMQ4036)

I have installed MQ server on HP Nonstop and client version 8 on windows server. When i am trying to access MQ server via websphere MQ explorer on windows i am getting Access not permitted,You are not authorized to perform this operation (AMQ4036) error. Can you guys help me here?
If you look in the AMQERR01.LOG on the queue manager it will tell you the reason you were rejected access. There are several different possibilities for security failures, but the exact nature of your failure will always be found in the error log. If you are not sure of the meaning of what you find in the error log, update your question with more information and I will update this answer with more information too.
