Unable to Launch Hive prompt in Windows 10 - hadoop

I have downloaded Hadoop 3.1.0 and Hive is 2.1.0 in my Windows 10. I have Hadoop running properly using start-all.cmd command from terminal. When I try to run 'hive' from command prompt it gives following messages and errors which are in the attached screenshot. I am using Derby with hive. Following this tutorial from Youtube.
Have also tried reinstalling Hive but still not working. I have already spent a lot of my time dealing with this problem but got no success.
Any sort of help will be appreciated. Thank You.


Trying to set up PSQL and i get this error :

I am trying to start a Spring project using a PSQL database.
I have installed PSQL using Homebrew but,
When i run :
brew services start postgresql
I get this error:
Error: Failure while executing; /bin/launchctl bootstrap gui/501 /Users/[myusername]/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist exited with 5.
I am following this tutorial:
Using a mac which is up to date.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
So my postgres service was started apparently.
Therefore when i was trying to start it again it causes an error.
Fix was to stop it and re run.
This error is due to the fact the server is already running. We need to stop and start it.
For Mac Users:
brew services stop postgresql
brew services start postgresql
EDIT: This may be a track, but it doesn't happen for me again since I updated to Monterey and running PSQL13
A full computer restart did solve it for me.
PS: I think the problem is related to the checkbox on log off "Reopen windows when logging back in".

Simple and quick oozie installation steps on unix

I am trying to install ozzie on my Unix machine, however i am getting error while executing the distro file.
I have tried making changes into pom.xml of oozie, but that also did not worked.
I hvae followed below links :
Any help or installation guide will be great help.

HBase create command produces no response in shell

I am new to HBase and installed the 0.20.6 version on Cygwin as that is the requirement of my project. The master is running along with Hregionserver. However, when I try to create a table in the HBase shell, there does not seem to be any response.
When I see the list of commands, none of the table related commands are seen. How do I resolve this? Please see the screenshot.
As reported on the documentation
"HBase requires that a JDK be installed"
But there is no Java on Cygwin, so you can not have a cygwin version of HBase.

pyspark is not running - mac

I am trying to run pyspark on my local machine and somehow I can not. I have downloaded the latest version of the Spark and set the following path in .bash_profile:
export PATH="/Users/user/Downloads/spark-1.3.1-bin-hadoop2.6/bin:$PATH"
When I run this command:
IPYTHON_OPTS="notebook” pyspark
Nothing happens. I have done everything based on instructions and what I see as the output of that command is this symbol followed by nothing:
Can anyone please help me?

Issues in launching Pentaho Kettle spoon on Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS

I have untared the latest kettle stable version pdi-ce-4.3.0-stable.tar.gz and then tried to start spoon by typing spoon.sh from the command prompt. But it fails with the following exception
**org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [gtk_init_check() failed]**
**at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(Unknown Source)**
I have spent quite a lot of time searching for the solution and all those pointers in vain till now.
I installed the following based on the instructions on several forums:
Xorg, X11
But none of these helped. Thinking that spoon may depend on the X-Windows server, i tried to check if its running and used the command startx on Xinit to start the X server. But unfortunately, it failed with the error as follows
Fatal server error:
no screens found
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: No such file or directory
xinit: server error
I am clueless now. Can you please guide me?
Seems you are trying to start kettle spoon from a real console. this is not going to work. you need a real X session. Spoon is a GUI, so login under your X environment (usually GDM).
sudo apt-get install gdm
After that, open a gnome console and execute ./spoon.sh . Maybe you are trying to exetute pan.sh or kitchen.sh? those will run fine under console without graphic envionment.
