How to run multiple jars in springboot when i deploy microservice? - spring-boot

Please help me to deploy microservice without using dockers,and how can I run multiple service using single command

Spring boots fat jar enables you to just start the jar by using Java - jar command.
Just write a script, that does it on your server.


How to generate war package to run on a Tomcat? Using Gradle and Springboot

I would like to know,
I have a web application with springmvc and springboot. I use gradle.
I need to generate a web package that runs on a tomcat server, I need to generate a war package that will not run as a SpringBoot application.
You could use gradle eclipse command and then -once imported to eclipse- export it as a warfile.

Spring boot application as a shipable standalone jar

So I created a spring boot application. And I simply like to run it as a program from a Main class. No need for web controller access.
It runs great in my Intellij.
But how do I ship it as a jar?
It depends on your project structure. If you use maven just run "maven install" and find your jar in your local repository.
When you have it, run "java -jar your.jar"

How to generate executable scripts using spring boot maven plugin

Using spring boot maven plugin we are able to generate executable jars. And we can execute the jar using java -jar ...
In spring boot there is another option for installation . This generates the jar which can be added in init.d.
But is it possible to generate a sh|cmd file which can be used to start|stop|restart spring boot applications?
The executable true flag to create a 'fully executable’ jar actually pre-pends a shell script into the beginning of the jar.
It works outside init.d too. Try this:
./myapp.jar start

Stop Spring standalone application

I have created Spring Standalone application and I have deployed that on Unix box. I have created jar file that I am executing using java -jar JarName.jar command.
Is there any way to stop this standalone process apart from using JMX?

Deploy to weblogic using maven and jenkins

We are using Jenkins in our project for build and deployment on dev environments. I have sucessfullly created a war file using maven in jenkins and now I have to create another job to deploy that war file into the weblogic server.
However, I am not aware of the required steps for configuring this job in jenkins. Will it be a matter of just invoking a maven deploy command? Can some one please tell me what will be the required steps to deploy a war file into weblogic 10.3.5 using jenkins?
edit : The approach we are following is after creating the war file we are cheking the war file created into svn and then the deploy job will take the war file from there and deploy it into the weblogic. Does some one thing there is a better way of doing thhings than this?
Use the Jenkins "Weblogic Deployer Plugin". This will do the deployment for you. All you need to do is specify:
Task Name: Give the deployment a name; Eg. Webapp WL Deployment
Environment: Specify the environment you are deploying to. Make sure you are using the AdminServer port number and not the Managed Server port number; default is 7001
Name: The name weblogic should use for your webapp to display the deployed component
Built resource to deploy: The file name of your webapp. You can use also use regular expressions for this
Targets: The name of the managed server you want to deploy the webapp to
Weblogic libraries: Whether or not the webapp should be deployed as a library component.
