Is there any way to just see not edit a user cognos dashboard? - dashboard

I use cognos-11 and I made a dashboard for a cognos consumer. I delivered it but the consumer when open it sees the edit/preview icon.
I want the consumer to just open the dashboard, filtering the data and use the various drill downs without has the ability to edit or save my dashboard.
I found the following at the IBM Support
but if I apply it then the consumer cannot be able to create his own new dashboard.
Consumer can have the ability to create his dashborads but when I give him mine he can only view/open it.
Can you give me any suggestion on how can I do it ?


ElasticSearch/ElasticCloud Alert Creation

I am a newbie in Elastic in general and currently I am trying to manage our alerts for CPU/Disk/Memory in Elastic Cloud. I can create the alerts manually just fine, but that takes a huge amount of time and if we migrate I want to be able to create the alerts in some automated way. In the past I have worked with Azure and created alerts with Az PowerShell and etc, so I am searching how to automate the alert creation for our infrastructure in Elastic Cloud. I went through the documentation for Alerts Link. But, im not sure I understand how to use the API to actually do this.
Is there a way to automate lets say creation of CPU alerts for 10 different hosts that we monitor with Elastic ? Is using the API the only way and are there any materials other than the official documentation that can help me achieve this? And am I even on the correct path? Thank you in advance.
Let me share knowledge of using Azure Monitor where you can connects the resources to Azure Monitor and manage the Alerts. Alerts can send you an email or call a web hook when some metric (for example database size or CPU usage) reaches the threshold. There are several ways to create Alerts- using Azure Portal, Command Line Interface, Powershell and Azure Monitor Rest API. Hope it will help you.
Even you can automate alerts using Azure Automation runbook with Mertic Alerts. where can automate the alerts according to the customized dimensional values and once the Alert criteria met it can even send an mail.

Can I pull a daily sessions report from Kentico?

I am trying to pull a report that shows the amount of daily sessions. We are looking at a new analytics software that bills by the session-not page views. We need a report that counts how long an individual user stays on the site.
There is no report by individual user within Kentico. The analytics data is not tracked like that, it is aggregated. If you have an EMS license you could create custom activities, then create a report based on those custom activities per user/contact.

What is the best way to send email reports from Kibana dashboard?

I've setup an ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) stack and created some Kibana dashboard widgets. So far everything went amazing. Now I want to send daily and weekly email with the generated reports.
What is the best way to do that. Do I need to install any plugin or I can sent it right from Kibana?
You can use ElastAlert. You will be able to mail a link with the Kibana dashboard with only the data of the period you want. The period parameter in the top right corner will be set automatically in Kibana.
There are some workarounds, such as phantomjs but not straightforward to implement. For specific events and Kibana queries there are alerting mechanisms available (Watcher,, but I'm guessing you're looking to receive the entire dashboard by email.
There are two out-of-the box options for sending email reports from Kibana dashboard:
Skedler which allows you to schedule and send automated email reports based on your Kibana dashboard or search.
If you have Elasticsearch license/subscription, then you can use the reporting plugin.
Hope it helps.
You can use Sentinl that extends Kibana for Alerting and Reporting functionality to monitor, notify and report on data series changes using standard queries, programmable validators and a variety of configurable actions - Think of it as a free an independent "Watcher" which also has scheduled "Reporting" capabilities (PNG/PDFs snapshots).
The greatest thing about Sentinl is you can easily configure alerts through it's native App interface integrated in Kibana.

SSRS Subscription Permissions

I can't find much about this online so I was wondering if someone knew here.
Is SSRS 2005 if a user creates a subscription, will other users be able to view and edit those subsciptions? If not, is it possible to make subsciriptions visible to everyone?
Quick answer is no.
Long answer is:
AFAIK, there is no site-wide subscription management functionality. The best you can do within Report Manager is site-wide schedule management, which allows admins to set up schedules at preferred times and let users choose those schedules when creating their subscriptions.
Our solution for controlling/centralising subscriptions was to set up a generic Windows user, log in to Report Manager and use that user to create all subscriptions. This means that all requests for subscriptions go through the IT department (+ or - depends on your situation. We didn't want users creating subscriptions themselves). All users who know the generic username/password can manage subscriptions in one place. Not ideal but it works for us.
Another option is that all the data for subscriptions is held on the Server, either in the Reporting Services database or in the Jobs themselves. If you are brave you can delve in and set up some sort of interface to access this.
This is definitely an area in which I find SSRS lacking.
You live and learn. I've just found that (provided you have sufficient privileges) if you open a report, then go to the subscriptions tab, you can view and edit any subscriptions that are set up on this report by any user. Still not ideal as you don't get an overview of the subscriptions across the system but better than the bleak picture I painted previously!

WorkItemChanged event Client Side

For my current project I have to add a record to a database when a custom workitem changes to specific states. For this you can build a TFS plugin which fires at the WorkItemChanged Event. However our company policies don't allow us to build these plugins because it is processed for each workitem in all projectcollections. This action is only needed for a few team projects.
My question: is it possible to create some clientside plugin(perhaps a VS plugin) which fires an action on this event instead? Or is there someway to create another sort of listener to this event?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
Instead of having TFS drive the alerts for you, you can implement a polling based alert system.
I would create a simple work item query that selected the work items you were interested in and sorted by the Changed Date column. Then I would write a simple program that used the TFS SDK to run this work item query and notify based on the results, keeping a high water mark between polls. (The TFS SDK samples has an example of running a work item query.)
Note that this polling-based approach has advantages over setting up a SOAP listener regardless of your corporate policy. The SOAP-based alerts system that TFS uses was developed for communication between components of the TFS infrastructure. It's expected that the SOAP endpoint you configure is high availability - if your machine goes down, the SOAP service crashes or your IP address changes, you'll start seeing TFS complaining in the event log. I filled up the event log on my TFS server before I switched to a polling based model for a similar alert system.
In the end I created a custom control for in the WorkItem editform. Within this control I could implement all the required logic for creating the database record.
So instead of setting the combobox state to the onhold state, there now is a button which does exactly the same, executes my custom coding and thus adds a record to our database.
