ElasticSearch/ElasticCloud Alert Creation - elasticsearch

I am a newbie in Elastic in general and currently I am trying to manage our alerts for CPU/Disk/Memory in Elastic Cloud. I can create the alerts manually just fine, but that takes a huge amount of time and if we migrate I want to be able to create the alerts in some automated way. In the past I have worked with Azure and created alerts with Az PowerShell and etc, so I am searching how to automate the alert creation for our infrastructure in Elastic Cloud. I went through the documentation for Alerts Link. But, im not sure I understand how to use the API to actually do this.
Is there a way to automate lets say creation of CPU alerts for 10 different hosts that we monitor with Elastic ? Is using the API the only way and are there any materials other than the official documentation that can help me achieve this? And am I even on the correct path? Thank you in advance.

Let me share knowledge of using Azure Monitor where you can connects the resources to Azure Monitor and manage the Alerts. Alerts can send you an email or call a web hook when some metric (for example database size or CPU usage) reaches the threshold. There are several ways to create Alerts- using Azure Portal, Command Line Interface, Powershell and Azure Monitor Rest API. Hope it will help you.
Even you can automate alerts using Azure Automation runbook with Mertic Alerts. where can automate the alerts according to the customized dimensional values and once the Alert criteria met it can even send an mail.


How integrate FireStore Health Check and Dashboard metrics with our internal Company systems

Context: it is my first use of FireStore. I want to use it to push notification status to our Mobile Application. I can see that there is Google Firestore Dashboard under Analytics umbrella. In our company we use mainly three tools for monitoring our applications: Zabbix, Dynatrace and certain internal solution based on Elasticsearch. I need to ntegrate our internal monitoring systems with metrics resulted from our first Firestore project.
What I am looking for: based on personal assumptions:
1) Maybe there might exist either some GET endpoints that a I can connect and poll for information let's say each minute
2) Maybe, following the idea of Database Realtime pushing events accross a long time connection, I can code a Spring Boot application that import Firebase SDK and every day I connect to some specific Firestore endpoint which will push any interested events (eg. delay based on custom logic or dead service)
3) Maybe some plugin I can connect straight to a Kafka hosted in our internal Datacent
4) Some plugin to connect from Firestore/Firebase to either third tools (eg. Zabbix or Dynatrace or Elasticsearch)
5) Some dependency I could import in google-cloud-funtions thiggered from Firestore Healcheck engine in orther to consume some internal end-point posting data
Perhaps there is already some approach universally used for a scenario when you have to connect Firestore to internal monitoring system. I will be highly appreciated if tell me that than I can narrow my googling searchs because I am not finding anything usefull.
Please, it is not part of this question comparing Monitoring approach. It is a very solid fact in our company use internal Dashboards and some custom alerts trigger. I just mentioned the names above to clarify what I mean by internal monitoring tools. The focus on this question is HOW IMPORT/INTEGRATE/OBSERVE/CONSUME Firestore monitoring data. Our internal stack is beyond this question.
Here is the Official Documentation for Cloud Monitoring using which you can collect metrics, events, and metadata from Google Cloud Platform products that you can use to create dashboards, charts, and alerts.
Please let me know if you have further questions.

Is there any way to show the Google Cloud Build Data on a separate Dashboard?

I am using Google Cloud build for auto-build process. I want to create a dashboard which shows the trigger details and logs on which I worked on.
I know about Stack Driver but need suggestions other than that.
You could use Google's APIs to list or describe the builds and also to get the information you want about the triggers. The Viewing build results documentation explains what kind of information you can retrieve, but I always suggest playing around with Google's API Explorer.

Generate report from Microsoft Application Insights data

Currently we use Microsoft Application Insights for performance tracking and it worked very well and we could easily grab the report/chart on Azure portal, the problem is that the application we are monitoring is for one of our clients and we don't want to share the Azure portal with them.
I know there is an AI API which could be used to grab data and do whatever we want, but is there any easy way to share AI data with client without letting them log into the AI portal in AZure?
Read-only Power BI dashboard may be the good option here. The steps for couple ways of achieving this integration are here. However, you may go even simpler route:
use an Export button in Analytics UI of Application Insights resource and choose "Power BI (M query)" as a target;
paste this query as a new data source in Power BI (of type "Blank Query");
authenticate to AI backend (that's the important part of making this Dashboard read-only, so no one can change the query to extract another data under the same account);
create visualization;
Another way entirely is to fork subset of the data into customer's AI Resource (AI SDK supports sending data over into several IKeys if necessary).
You could also use the API Key feature of application insights, and generate a read-only api key, and use the application insights REST API features to build a custom solution to do the queries and generate reports. this would let anyone with that API key see any telemetry in your app though.

Monitor Windows Events (e.g. MSSQLServer) in Azure?

I searched for about one week for the oppurtunity to monitor different windows events, for example the SQL-event(or service) in AzureRM virtual machines.
I tried it with different LogAnalytics queries, Runbooks, Powershell scripts to connect to the vm, etc. But everything I tried doesn't work.
Do you have any suggestions?
The solution should inform me, when a windows service stopped.
Best regards!
Azure Monitor, which now includes Log Analytics and Application Insights, provides sophisticated tools for collecting and analyzing telemetry that allow you to maximize the performance and availability of your cloud and on-premises resources and applications. It helps you understand how your applications are performing and proactively identifies issues affecting them and the resources they depend on.
Activity log alerts are the alerts that get activated when a new activity log event occurs that matches the conditions specified in the alert. You can follow the following document to set an activity log alert: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/monitoring-and-diagnostics/alert-activity-log?toc=/azure/azure-monitor/toc.json

What is the best way to send email reports from Kibana dashboard?

I've setup an ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) stack and created some Kibana dashboard widgets. So far everything went amazing. Now I want to send daily and weekly email with the generated reports.
What is the best way to do that. Do I need to install any plugin or I can sent it right from Kibana?
You can use ElastAlert. You will be able to mail a link with the Kibana dashboard with only the data of the period you want. The period parameter in the top right corner will be set automatically in Kibana.
There are some workarounds, such as phantomjs but not straightforward to implement. For specific events and Kibana queries there are alerting mechanisms available (Watcher, Logz.io), but I'm guessing you're looking to receive the entire dashboard by email.
There are two out-of-the box options for sending email reports from Kibana dashboard:
Skedler which allows you to schedule and send automated email reports based on your Kibana dashboard or search.
If you have Elasticsearch license/subscription, then you can use the reporting plugin.
Hope it helps.
You can use Sentinl that extends Kibana for Alerting and Reporting functionality to monitor, notify and report on data series changes using standard queries, programmable validators and a variety of configurable actions - Think of it as a free an independent "Watcher" which also has scheduled "Reporting" capabilities (PNG/PDFs snapshots).
The greatest thing about Sentinl is you can easily configure alerts through it's native App interface integrated in Kibana.
