Can I connect to Tarantool with mysql or psql console? - tarantool

I found that I can do SQL requests but only inside Tarantool.
Can I somehow connect to Tarantool like in MySQL shell or Postgres shell?
mysql -u admin -h localhost -P 3301
# or
psql ...
Or how to configure other programs that understand only MySQL or Postgres connections to use Tarantool?

You cannot use either mysql or psql console commands to connect to Tarantool, because the communication protocol is different for each server. For the same reason, for example, you cannot connect to Posgres using the mysql utility. However, nothing prevents you from using tarantoolctl to perform SQL requests to Tarantool. Once attached to an instance (either with tarantoolctl enter my_instance or tarantoolctl connect <uri>), you can switch the default language from Lua to SQL:
\set language sql
\set delimiter ;
After that you will be able to execute SQL statements directly in the console.
For the record, it's also possible to execute SQL using Lua functions, but this may seem less convenient:
box.execute([[ SELECT 1, 2, 3 ]])


Can Vertica vsql have a failover host like the JDBC client

I am trying to connect to Vertica nodes through vsql using the -h parameter to specify the host IP. However, I want to specify failover nodes.
According to the documentation backup hosts can be provided as a property in JDBC connection.
How can I implement the same through vsql?
edd is correct, you can use -B SERVER:PORT. Also, if you have native connection load balancing set, you can use the -C option. This will allow the Vertica native load balancer to choose a host for you.
To set the load balancer you run:
Then when you connect, you use the -C option, and you will see that Vertica has selected a new host.
$ vsql -h host01 -U dbadmin -C
Welcome to vsql, the Vertica Analytic Database interactive terminal.
Type: \h or \? for help with vsql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit
INFO: Connected using a load-balanced connection.
INFO: Connected to host02 at port 5433.
Using -C should work if the node is down on the specified host, as long as the Vertica agent is still running on that host.
The docs say with vsql -B.
Have you tried that option?

how to connect to multiple oracle databases of different servers via shell script

I want to connect to multiple (30) oracle databases which resides in different servers (27) via shell script and fetch details from each database. I have a user (test) created on all databases but the details I want to fetch needs sysdba privileges. In my environment, I cannot provide DBA privs to any other user due to limitations. Hence my idea is to connect to each database using sqlplus -s "$user/$password#$tnsentry" and then connect as sysdba to fetch details.
Though I am able to connect to all databases using test, the "connect as sysdba" is getting executed on current database in current server.
My script:
cat tmp/db.par | while read LINE
if [ -n "$LINE" ] ; then
export tns_entry
sqlplus -s /nolog >> $tmp/query.log <
In the tns_entry loop, I have given ABC,DEF,GHI,JKL,MNO databases to get details from and I am running this query from a server where database XYZ resides. I didn't give XYZ in my loop and didn't connect to database but the query results are from XYZ database. Please help me on this.
Thank you!
You should connect as sysdba
add "as sysdba" in the script and try.
conn sys/password#tnsentry as sysdba

Mongo command from unix shell with different database

I can connect to a mongo server using this command:
mongo host:port/admin --username=user --password=pass
and I get a mongo shell where I can execute any type of mongo commands after
I switch to the dev db (use dev).
I would like to execute a mongo command from the unix shell / command line
on the dev database, but I have access only to admin.
How can I do that? How can I specify the db I would like to use?
If you wish to execute just a single command, you could do it with:
mongo server:22021/my_dbname --eval "printjson(db.serverStatus())"
If you wish to execute multiple commands say residing in a file called command.js, you could do something like:
mongo server:22021/my_dbname --quiet commands.js
If you want pure shell script (SQL) style, then you could do something like:
function testMongoScript {
mongo server:22021/my_dbname <<EOF
use mydb
For further details, you could refer here as well.
You can use output redirection to run whatever command you need:
mongo localhost:27017 <<< $'rs.slaveOk()\nshow dbs'
echo $'rs.slaveOk()\nshow dbs' | mongo localhost:27017
just remember the \n between commands.
Use --authenticationDatabase to authenticate to the database where your user exists even though you are connecting to a different database:
mongo localhost:27017/dev -u user -p **** --authenticationDatabase admin
Naturally, you won't be able to do anything in the dev database your user doesn't have permissions to do.

Using postgres_fdw via ssh tunel

can be used postgres_fdw to connect via ssh tunnel?
The database is accessible only from the DB server, andI need to join from another remote server. The DB server log in with SSH keys.
If it's possible, how please?
Yes It is possible. I solved it for mysql_fdw like that;
I use autossh for port forwarding. With autossh, you can keep connection up all time.
Run command on Postgres server:
autossh -L root#mysql_ip -N -i .ssh/id_rsa.mysql
Test autossh access from Postgres to Mysql.
Run command on Postgres server;
mysql --host= --port=3306 -u mysqldbuser -p
Last different part is;
CREATE SERVER mysql_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER mysql_fdw OPTIONS (host '', port '3306');
Other things are same.

Running Sybase SQL commands from DOS/Windows batch file

Is there any way I can run Sybase SQL commands from command prompt. I need to write a batch file which runs an SQL query on machine as a fix for a bug.
Use ISQL. See for the complete reference.
Specifically, you're looking for commands like this:
ISQL -S server -D database -U user -P password
This will launch ISQL with the indicated settings, and from there you can run SQL statements against the database.
