Running Sybase SQL commands from DOS/Windows batch file - windows

Is there any way I can run Sybase SQL commands from command prompt. I need to write a batch file which runs an SQL query on machine as a fix for a bug.

Use ISQL. See for the complete reference.
Specifically, you're looking for commands like this:
ISQL -S server -D database -U user -P password
This will launch ISQL with the indicated settings, and from there you can run SQL statements against the database.


Executing db2 commands from bash script giving errors?

I am a noob in running db2 commands in the unix environment, so I have been trying to connect to a db2 instance from a bash script. However I get errors here is what my script looks like:
$DB2 "connect to <db2 server here> user **** using ****"
I get a DSNC102I : The option "connect to <db2 server> user **** using ****" specified after the "db2" command is incorrect.
I do not know what to do from here.
Currenty I am able to run an sql script from the same bash script by using
$DB2 -tvf part3.sql where both connection details and sql queries are in the part3.sql file.
Why can't I achieve the same results by writing the sql commands themselves in the bash script.
I want this since I my bash script is required to accept any db2 instance/ schema to conduct queries as a parameter to the bash script
It looks like you're using the CLP under USS and it is interpreting the connect statement as an option flag instead of a command.
Putting the connect statement and the statements to run in a file at run time should do what you need - this script takes parameters for db2 server, username, and password so you can remove them from part3.sql:
echo "connect to $1 user $2 using $3;" > temp.sql
cat part3.sql >> temp.sql
$DB2 -tvf temp.sql
rm temp.sql
The connect statement is put into a temp file, then the contents of the part3.sql file are copied in and the file is run by the CLP. Finally the temp file is removed.

Anyway to test Postgres DB connection via command line without external tools?

Is there a way to test a connection to a Postgres DB via command line (bash) without using external tools, such as psql or pg_isready? Trying to write a bash script.

Unable to run psql command from within a BASH script

I have run into a problem with the psql command in my BASH script as I am trying to login to my local postgres database and submit a query. I am using the command in the following way:
psql -U postgres -d rebasoft_appauditor -c "SELECT * FROM katan_scripts"
However, I get the following error message.
psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"
This runs perfectly fine from the command line after I appended the following changes to /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf:
local all all trust
host all all trust
Also, could this please be verified for correctness?
I find it rather strange that database authentication works fine on the command line but in a script it fails. Could anyone please help with this?
Note: I am using MAC OSX
It might possibly depend on your bash script.
Watch for the asterisk (*) not be replaced with the file names in your current directory. And possibly a semicolon or \g might help to actually send the SQL statement to the database server.

Mongo command from unix shell with different database

I can connect to a mongo server using this command:
mongo host:port/admin --username=user --password=pass
and I get a mongo shell where I can execute any type of mongo commands after
I switch to the dev db (use dev).
I would like to execute a mongo command from the unix shell / command line
on the dev database, but I have access only to admin.
How can I do that? How can I specify the db I would like to use?
If you wish to execute just a single command, you could do it with:
mongo server:22021/my_dbname --eval "printjson(db.serverStatus())"
If you wish to execute multiple commands say residing in a file called command.js, you could do something like:
mongo server:22021/my_dbname --quiet commands.js
If you want pure shell script (SQL) style, then you could do something like:
function testMongoScript {
mongo server:22021/my_dbname <<EOF
use mydb
For further details, you could refer here as well.
You can use output redirection to run whatever command you need:
mongo localhost:27017 <<< $'rs.slaveOk()\nshow dbs'
echo $'rs.slaveOk()\nshow dbs' | mongo localhost:27017
just remember the \n between commands.
Use --authenticationDatabase to authenticate to the database where your user exists even though you are connecting to a different database:
mongo localhost:27017/dev -u user -p **** --authenticationDatabase admin
Naturally, you won't be able to do anything in the dev database your user doesn't have permissions to do.

mysqldump command works when typed directly into command line - but not in a shell script

I am just getting started with shell scripts to save me typing in the same commands over and over. This command is used to copy a database over to a slave server as part of setting up MySQL database replication.
It works when typed into the command prompt directly:
mysqldump --host= –uUSER –pPASSWORD --opt database_name | mysql --host= –uUSER –pPASSWORD -C database_name
USER, PASSWORD and database_name all are replaced with their actual values in the real script.
When I type this command into a file, give it the execute permission, and then run it with ./ I get:
'RROR1102 (42000): Incorrect database name 'database_name
mysqldump: Got errno 32 on write
What could be causing this error? Do I need to modify the command somehow when it is contained in a shell script?
The variable your database name is in has a CR at the end. You may need to run your script through dos2unix, or use one of the solutions on this site for stripping CRs from data if you're getting the database name from an external source.
