Is there some way to get app name when running in heroku? - heroku

I do a project that runs in heroku.
I try to oprate the app's config bt itself, that need the app name or id and the API key of Heroku.
Now I read the app name from, but it will not work when using custmer domain.
So, is there some way to know 'who am I' in heroku?
heroku labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata -a <app name>
The information you need will be available through the environment variable $HEROKU_APP_NAME


How does `heroku config` know what app to use?

Here is a question about the Heroku CLI.
When I run this command inside my local folder for a given app already on the server:
heroku config
I get a list of my environment variables settings.
But if I run the same command from another folder with the same name it does not work anymore.
This shows that the name of the local folder is not enough for heroku config to know which app I am thinking about.
How does heroku config know which app to query on the server?
By default, Heroku infers the app from your Git remotes:
App commands are typically executed from within an app’s local git clone. The app name is automatically detected by scanning the git remotes for the current working copy, so you don’t have to specify which app to operate on explicitly.
You can also explicitly tell it what app to use:
If you have multiple heroku remotes or want to execute an app command outside of a local working copy, you can specify the remote name or an explicit app name as follows:
heroku apps:info --app example
heroku apps:info --remote production
Or via environment variable:
Alternatively, the app name can be specified by setting the HEROKU_APP environment variable.

Heroku Kafka certificates

According to the documentation, Heroku passes KAFKA_TRUSTED_CERT, KAFKA_CLIENT_CERT and KAFKA_CLIENT_CERT_KEY directly into my heroku applications. In consequence, only applications running on heroku can access Heroku Kafka? I would like to access it directly from my home workstation but i dont know how to get the ENVs
You can run either heroku config --app your_application_name to get all variables, or run heroku config:get KAFKA_TRUSTED_CERT --app your_application_name to just get one specific variable.
You can also login to Heroku dashboard and find all variables there in "Settings" section of your app.

How can I deploy a shiny app to Heroku

I have a shiny app and want to deploy it to Heroku. I tried to follow the steps as mentioned in:
I created a git Git repository and put the R files into it. Then, I created an app in heroku and tell Heroku to use a custom buildpack for my app. But, I was not be able to enable Heroku websockets support.
Error is:
Couldn't find that feature.
I can't figure out how to deal with this problem. Is there any other way to deploy the shiny app to Heroku?
Have you seen
Check out the example shiny app too. To specify additional dependencies, you can still use init.R.
To deploy using Docker, you might have to move your current Heroku app to a container stack. This can be done with the heroku stack:set CLI command:
$ heroku stack:set container
Here's a minimal example. Basically:
Create run.R file with the following
port <- Sys.getenv('PORT')
appDir = getwd(),
host = '',
port = as.numeric(port)
Commit to git
Create a new heroku app with
heroku create --buildpack
git push heroku master
That's all there is to it.
Another way would be to deploy using Docker. I am not an expert, but it took me a couple of days to deploy an app using this soluation. Many tutorials exist and could bring you to achieving this.

How can I deploy to a specific app with heroku docker:release?

Using the heroku docker:release command, how can I specify which app to release to? I can't see from any documentation whether there's any switch for this purpose.
Heroku commands take their context from the directory you are in when you run them.
Go into the directory from where you did heroku create then run heroku docker:release.
If you haven't used heroku create, then you can specify the app name with the --app <APP NAME> command line parameter. for instance, if you were to release to the app named f00 you would type:
heroku docker:release --app f00

heroku app not found when adding a domain

I would like to add a domain to a heroku app that I collaborate on named whatever. When I type $ heroku domains it gives ! App not found.
How can I set the app I want to use, and then have it use $ heroku domains:add
Make sure you're in a directory that is linked to a herkou app if you want to issue commands without specifying an app name. Alternatively, you can add the --app= parameter to your command to explicitly specify the app you want the heroku command to run on.
$ heroku domains:add --app=whatever
