How does `heroku config` know what app to use? - heroku

Here is a question about the Heroku CLI.
When I run this command inside my local folder for a given app already on the server:
heroku config
I get a list of my environment variables settings.
But if I run the same command from another folder with the same name it does not work anymore.
This shows that the name of the local folder is not enough for heroku config to know which app I am thinking about.
How does heroku config know which app to query on the server?

By default, Heroku infers the app from your Git remotes:
App commands are typically executed from within an app’s local git clone. The app name is automatically detected by scanning the git remotes for the current working copy, so you don’t have to specify which app to operate on explicitly.
You can also explicitly tell it what app to use:
If you have multiple heroku remotes or want to execute an app command outside of a local working copy, you can specify the remote name or an explicit app name as follows:
heroku apps:info --app example
heroku apps:info --remote production
Or via environment variable:
Alternatively, the app name can be specified by setting the HEROKU_APP environment variable.


heroku finds an old project that i ave deleted on my heroku homepages

When I try to disable static files on Heroku it keeps linking to a previous project. However, I deleted all my Heroku projects so there are none in my account.
How is this possible and how do I fix it? The heroku CLI seems to be trying to find vast-depths-55781 but the project I just created is immense-ridge-40969:
Heroku determines which app it should use based on your configured Git remotes.
Run git remote -v to see which ones you have set up; I suspect you'll see one pointing to vast-depths-59781. Remove it by its name, e.g.
git remote remove heroku
You could manually add a remote for your new app (or have just changed the previous one's URL), but Heroku provides a dedicated command for setting this up:
heroku git:remote --app immense-ridge-40969
Now heroku commands should default to the new app in that folder. (You can always provide the --app argument to tell heroku to operate against a different app if you wish.)

How can I deploy to a specific app with heroku docker:release?

Using the heroku docker:release command, how can I specify which app to release to? I can't see from any documentation whether there's any switch for this purpose.
Heroku commands take their context from the directory you are in when you run them.
Go into the directory from where you did heroku create then run heroku docker:release.
If you haven't used heroku create, then you can specify the app name with the --app <APP NAME> command line parameter. for instance, if you were to release to the app named f00 you would type:
heroku docker:release --app f00

Setting up an existing Heroku application on a new machine

I've an existing project that works fine on another machine, but I've just upgraded and from within the project development directory, everytime I run a heroku command I have to post-fix it with --app
I feel like I've missed an application setup stage, but I can't figure out what, as everytime it states:
Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app APP.
Help appreciated.
You can solve this by adding the Heroku app to your .git/config folder.
If you are in the root of your project, run the following command:
git remote add heroku
This will set a line in your .git/config file which the heroku command line tool uses to figure out what app you're using :)
In other words, your local repo doesn't have Heroku app URL configured against an app name
Similarly what we do with git remote add ( we pass git URL as a destination for push/pulling of code )
that how our git know which repo/URL to hit (push/pull from )
Heroku also follows the same method/process.
All you have to do is add Heroku app URL (so that ur Heroku command have a reference for app URL )
it will know against which URL you are running your command against
To confirm if remote named Heroku has been set for your app:
git remote -v
if not configured or if you want it for an existing app
heroku git:remote -a app_name
it's a way to link your folder to the Heroku app
The Heroku recommended way:
heroku git:remote -a my-heroku-app-id -r what-i-want-to-call-it
Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app APP
The other answers address the first part of that statement, it is perfectly acceptable to run heroku commands in any directory. For example I have a customer facing front end project /front-end and a rails based /back-end project. I often work in the /front-end directory and if I have to connect to the production database I'll run heroku run rails c -a back-end. After I exit irb then I'm back in my desired directory.

Heroku is switching my play framework 2 config file

I have a Play! application which is on Heroku.
My config file is different between my local application and the same on Heroku. Especially for the URL of my MongoDB base.
On localhost my base address is and on heroku it's on MongoHQ. So when I push my application to Heroku I modify my config file.
But some times, like this morning Heroku change the config file. I pushed my application correctly configured on Heroku this morning and everything worked until now.
When I watch the logs I see that Heroku changed my config and try to connect to my local MongoDB base.
Is someone knowing what ? I hope I'm clear :)
Thanks everybody !
If there are differences in your application in different environments (e.g. local vs production), you should be using assigning the values with environment variables. For Play apps, you can use environment variables in your application.conf file, like this:
Then, on Heroku you can set the environment variables with config vars, like this (note, this may already be assigned for you by the add-on provider):
$ heroku config:add MONGO_URL=...
Locally, you can use Foreman to run your application with the environment variables stored in an .env file in your project root.

GIt Deployment + Configuration Files + Heroku

I'm using Heroku to host a Rails app, which means using Git to deploy to Heroku. Because of the "pure Git workflow" on Heroku, anything that needs to go upstream to the server has to be configured identically on my local box.
However I need to have certain configuration files be different depending on whether I'm in the local setup or deployed on Heroku. Again, because of the deployment method Heroku uses I can't use .gitignore and a template (as I have seen suggested many times, and have used in other projects).
What I need is for git to somehow track changes on a file, but selectively tell git not to override certain files when pulling from a particular repo -- basically to make certain changes one-way only.
Can this be done? I'd appreciate any suggestions!
You can have config vars persistently stored ON each heroku app's local setup so they do not have to be in your code at all! so the same code can run on multiple heroku sites but with different configuration. It very simple, easy, elegant...
It's the approach we used. (We used it for the SAME thing... we have multiple clones of the SAME app at Heroku, but we want only ONE source at github, in our dev local directory we do the PUSH to ORIGIN (github), then when we have it the way we like it, we CD to the prod local directory, which goes to the SAME github repository, and we ONLY PULL from GITHUB into this directory, never push (eg, all pushes to github come from our dev directory, the prod directory is just a staging area for the other heroku app.)
By having the different configs ON the different HEROKU sites (as explained below), the EXACT SAME CODE works on BOTH heroku sites.
So our workflow is: (the key is that BOTH directories point to SAME github repo)
cd myDEVdir
*....develop away....*
git add .
git commit -am "another day, another push"
git push origin *(to our SINGLE github repo)*
git push heroku *(test it out on heroku #1)*
cd ../myPRODdir
git pull *(grabs SAME code as used on other site *)
git push heroku *(now the SAME code runs on Heroku #2)*
that's it!
Now here's how you keep your site-specific config vars ON the heroku site:
on your local command line, for EACH of your two local directories, do:
$ heroku config:add FIRST_CONFIGVAR=fooheroku1
Adding config vars:
FIRST_CONFIGVAR => fooheroku1
$ heroku config:add SECOND_CONFIGVAR=barheroku1
Adding config vars:
SECOND_CONFIGVAR => barheroku1
to see the ones you have defined:
$ heroku config
FIRST_CONFIGVAR => fooheroku1
SECOND_CONFIGVAR => barheroku1
then cd to your other directory myPRODdir and do the SAME thing, only set the same remote heroku vars to fooheroku2 and barheroku2.
then in your rails app you simple refer to them like so:
One app will read 'fooheroku1' the other app will read 'fooheroku2'
And finally, on your LOCAL directory myDEVdir, where you run in DEV mode, put the same config commands in your config/environment/development.rb file your 'dev' version of the config vars will be set to whatever they should be:
Easy, elegant. Thanks, Heroku!
Here are a few solutions:
1) If you want to ignore files only on heroku, use slugignore
2) If your changes are minor, stay DRY and use universal config files, inserting switches for server-specific behavior
if Rails.env == "production"
#production server code
elsif Rails.env == "development"
#development server code
#test server code
3) If your changes are major, write one config file and add a "smudge file" to config/initializers for each additional server. Basically, you would have separate files using the technique in (2).
4) If your changes are SWEEPING (unlikely), then maintain separate branches for each server.
5) This script can do exactly what you requested, but may be overkill.
I hope that helped.
