Byteman 4.0.11 not entirely published to Maven Central? - byteman

The Byteman website advertises version 4.0.11 as released:
But only some artifact IDs are available on Maven Central:
Did something go wrong during the release? Did artifact IDs change?

Thanks for reporting this. There was no problem reported during the maven build or upload to the Sonatype repo and my release of the artefacts was indicated as successful. However, Sonatype has been rather flaky recently. It seems to have lost many of the artefacts at release (before transfer to Maven Central).
I have hand uploaded all the missing artefacts for 4.0.11 to Sonatype and checked that they are all currently resident in their repo. I also checked and the 3.0.18 artefacts (originally released at the same time) also seem to be present on their site. These all ought to get pushed over to Maven Central soon. If that doesn't happen within a day or two (worst case) then that probably means the Sonatype copying operation is wedged again. Let me know if so and I will raise the transfer problem with them. Let's keep our finger crossed they don't lose the uploads.


Link to JCenter to release to Maven central missing

I'm maintaining the OSS library RxJava and up until today, we were able to release versions of it through bintray which were also synced to maven properly. The last successful sync was on February 25.
Today, the CI release failed with 403 forbidded and quoting
To be synced to Maven Central your package needs to be included in the JCenter repository.
When I visited the bintray page of the project, it seems there is no link to JCenter there indeed. The neighboring ReactiveX libraries (such as RxKotlin) have this link. I can't remember if we had this link before or not.
Is it possible the link was somehow severed or there was a recent change that mandates JCenter linkage?
It seems that there was an issue that was resolved by the Bintray team developers.
Your packages are now linked and available for download via Jcenter.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
JFrog team.

How to get an artifact in Maven Central show up in JCenter

I have published a small library to Maven Central (it can be downloaded via web UI here). This was done more than a full day ago.
My understanding is that JCenter mirrors Maven Central, but for some reason I cannot find my artifact in JCenter both via web interface and as part of Maven build.
Do I need to take some action to make it appear in JCenter too?
Basically, if you want to make sure that your library will exist in JCenter, you can upload your library to Bintray under Maven repository, and request to add it to JCenter.
Bintray can also save you the trouble of uploading your library to Maven Central, and do it for you.
Two weeks later the artifact is now visible in JCenter. Apparently it just takes some time to appear there.

Should new maven snapshot upload overwrite existing one

I have an opensource project and periodically upload downloads of new versions (the build is with maven). Currently I have a download of jaudiotagger-2.2.4-SNAPSHOT uploaded
and this is a work in progress, Ive made a number of modifications and I want to upload new versions of 2.2.4 so should I just overwrite existing 2.2.4 uploads (this will mean losing download count) or should I timestamp the files so the name dont clash, and if so do I do this by manually modifying the filename or is there a procedure to do this via editing the pom.
You can continue uploading as 2.2.4-SNAPSHOT
When your snapshot artifact is uploaded to the artifact repository, it is timestamped, and all the artifacts that are being uploaded to the same version are not lost. E.g. If you have uploaded 10 snapshot artifacts to 2.2.4, then there will be exactly 10 artifacts in the repository. But when 2.2.4 is being requested, only the latest artifact being uploaded will be returned to the requestor.
Maven versioning follows major.minor.bug, therefore it is advisable to only change a version in response to the change.
For example, if the latest artifact that you have released is 2.2.3-GA, and there is a bug discovered in 2.2.3-GA, then you would start to work on the bug fix as version 2.2.4-SNAPSHOT, and continue uploading to the same version until you are ready to ship it (release it), and then only it becomes 2.2.4-GA.
By the same theory, even though you are not making your artifacts available through an artifact repository such as Sonatype or Artifactory, but via a download page (bitbucket), it makes little reason for you to version your Snapshot artifacts unless it is really meaningful to do so.

How to download artifacts from github using maven?

An old legacy project in my team is being salvaged for any usable part, one of its dependency is play-json_2.10 with a version number 2.2. However since its too old, its missing from all the major repository, including typesafe and sonatype central. The only place i can find it is on github:
I could download it and manually save it to a local maven repo but my team mate won't be able to see it after checking out my commit. Is there a way to make maven downloading from github and put source code somewhere? Thanks a lot.

Removing an artifact from Maven Central

I just sync'd an artifact to Maven Central from Immediately after doing so, a problem was discovered (of course). I haven't announced the new artifact yet, it is very unlikely that anyone is using it yet, so I'd like to take it down before anyone starts using the broken version.
How can I remove a broken artifact from Maven Central?
Can't be done. It's A Rule. But if you want to try, contact the Sonatype people who support So you generally push a new, higher, version with the fix, and tell everyone to use it.
If you accidentally distributed an artifact which does not work or has bug or whatever the usual solution in Maven is to create a new version which fixes the problems. That's it. Deleting in Maven Central is not be done and shouldn't ever happen.
You can't remove an artifact from Maven Central because others might have used it already. Maven will not check for updates for non-snapshot versions of artifacts, so if someone has used the old version and a new version was uploaded, those people would never see the new version.
The workaround is to release a new version of your artifact.
It's hard to resist the urge to just release the staged repository (it's only a click away), but as suggested in the Sonatype OSS Usage Guide
You will want to download them and do some manual testing (or hold a
community vote) before finally releasing them.
If it's the first time you've released, then you'll have to comment on your OSS Sonatype JIRA ticket to get Central synch activated. Presumably this is an opportunity to say "Wait! This artifact is broken. Please please please don't synch it to Maven Central!" :)
But as others have said, if it's released then it's too late - you'll have to release a new version (and ensure your users are aware not to use the broken one).
Beta releases are a good idea for new/major releases - people are a bit more forgiving if you've stuffed something up, and you don't lose your desired version number.
If you don't want to create a new version, another solution would be to push the fixed artifact under the same version.
