Unit testing Kotlin Flows and toList() - kotlin-coroutines

I have this Unit test:
fun `should emit user repos on success`() = rule.dispatcher.runBlockingTest {
val repo = Repo(name = "someRepo1", owner = RepoOwner(TEST_USERNAME), stars = 55)
val channel = Channel<Repo>()
val flow = channel.consumeAsFlow()
launch {
which tests this code in the view model:
fun lookupUserRepos(login: String) {
viewModelScope.launch {
val flow = userRepository.getUserRepos(login)
_userRepos.value = flow
.catch { _isUserReposError.value = true }
Debugging shows that the flow does get the repo but something about toList() breaks the test (I get test failure Wanted but not invoked observer.onChanged...no interactions with this mock
Non-test works but test using toList() breaks. Any help is appreciated.


Kotlin coroutines within a Spring REST endpoint

Given a REST endpoint and two asynchronous coroutines each returning an integer, I want this endpoint to return their sum. The two functions (funA and funB) should run in parallel, in such a way that the whole computation should take ~3secs.
I'm using SpringBoot 2.6.3 and Kotlin Coroutines 1.6.0. Here is my attempt:
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController
class Controllers {
value = ["/summing"]
fun summing(): String {
val finalResult = runBlocking {
val result = async { sum() }
println("Your result: ${result.await()}")
return#runBlocking result
println("Final Result: $finalResult")
return "$finalResult"
suspend fun funA(): Int {
return 10
suspend fun funB(): Int {
return 90
fun sum() = runBlocking {
val resultSum = async { funA().await() + funB().await() }
return#runBlocking resultSum
The problem is that this code does not compile as await() is not recognised as a valid method. If I remove await() the two functions are executed in series (total time ~5 secs) and instead of the expected result (100), I get:
Your result: DeferredCoroutine{Completed}#1c1fe804
Final Result: DeferredCoroutine{Completed}#48a622de
and so the endpoint returns "DeferredCoroutine{Completed}#48a622de".
I want the endpoint to return "100" instead and within ~3secs. How can I achieve this?
You really messed this up ;-) There are several problems with your code:
Use runBlocking() only to use another runBlocking() inside it.
Use async() and immediately call await() on it (in summing()) - it does nothing.
funA().await() and funB().await() don't make any sense really. These functions return integers, you can't await() on already acquired integers.
Generally, using much more code than needed.
The solution is pretty simple: use runBlocking() once to jump into coroutine world and then use async() to start both functions concurrently to each other:
runBlocking {
val a = async { funA() }
val b = async { funB() }
a.await() + b.await()
Or alternatively:
runBlocking {
async { funA() },
async { funB() },
Or (a little shorter, but I consider this less readable):
runBlocking {
val a = async { funA() }
funB() + a.await()
Also,runBlocking() is not ideal. I believe Spring has support for coroutines, so it would be better to make summing() function suspend and use coroutineScope() instead of runBlocking() - this way the code won't block any threads.

Springboot Kickstart GraphQL - Metrics for number of requests per resolver

I am currently trying in SpringBoot GraphQL kickstart to track the number of times each resolver method is called. To be more specific, I want to exactly how many times the methods of my GraphQLResolver<T> are called. This would have two utilities:
Track if the deprecated resolvers are still used
Know which fields are the most used, in order to optimize the database queries for those
To do so, I implemented a really weird and not-so-clean way using schema directive wiring.
class ResolverUsageCountInstrumentation(
private val meterRegistry: MeterRegistry
) : SchemaDirectiveWiring {
private val callsRecordingMap = ConcurrentHashMap<String, Int>()
override fun onField(environment: SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment<GraphQLFieldDefinition>): GraphQLFieldDefinition {
val fieldContainer = environment.fieldsContainer
val fieldDefinition = environment.fieldDefinition
val currentDF = environment.codeRegistry.getDataFetcher(fieldContainer, fieldDefinition)
if (currentDF.javaClass.name != "graphql.kickstart.tools.resolver.MethodFieldResolverDataFetcher") {
return fieldDefinition
val signature = getMethodSignature(unwrappedDF)
callsRecordingMap[signature] = 0
val newDF = DataFetcherFactories.wrapDataFetcher(currentDF) { dfe: DataFetchingEnvironment, value: Any? ->
callsRecordingMap.computeIfPresent(signature) { _, current: Int -> current + 1 }
environment.codeRegistry.dataFetcher(fieldContainer, fieldDefinition, newDF)
return fieldDefinition
private fun getMethodSignature(currentDF: DataFetcher<*>): String {
val method = getFieldVal(currentDF, "resolverMethod", true) as Method // nonapi.io.github.classgraph.utils.ReflectionUtils
return "${method.declaringClass.name}#${method.name}"
This technique does the work, but has the big disadvantage of not working if the data fetcher is wrapped. Along with that, it's not really clean at all. I'm wondering, would there be a better way to do this?
Thank you!

Failing to use Mockitos thenReturn with predicate - thenReturn returns 404 instead of argument

I'm trying to use Mockito to return some default values in tests but I get a 404 on it
My test:
fun `Should return 200, when sending a valid push notification`() {
// Arrange
Mockito.`when`(subscriptionStore.getSubscription{ it.peerID == validSubscription.peerID})
// Act
val response = mockMvc.post("/push") {
contentType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON
content = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(validPushMessage)
// Assert
response.andDo { print() }
.andExpect {
status { isOk() }
and here's the method on the interface I try to mock:
interface SubscriptionStore {
fun addSubscription(newSubscription: Subscription)
fun getSubscriptions(): Collection<Subscription>
fun getSubscription(predicate: (Subscription) -> Boolean): Subscription?
fun deleteSubscription(peerID: String)
fun updateSubscription(subscription: Subscription)
class DuplicateElementException(msg: String) : Exception(msg)
and here's the usage of the mocked method that doesn't return what I told it but gives me 404:
override fun push(pushMessage: PushMessage) {
val recipientSubscription = subscribeService.getSubscription(pushMessage.recipient)
?: throw NoSuchElementException("Recipient not found")
which calls this from my subscriptionStore
override fun getSubscription(PeerID: String): Subscription? = subscriptionStore.getSubscription { it.peerID == PeerID}
In Kotlin, 2 different lambdas with identical code are not considered equal:
val fun1: (Int) -> Boolean = {it > 5}
val fun2: (Int) -> Boolean = {it > 5}
println(fun1 == fun2) // false
This is why your stubbing fails - you pass different lambda in your test, and a different one in the actual code
To answer the original post: I would probably relax stubbing requirements on the predicate and use the ArgumentMatchers.any argument matcher
On top of that - selection of item by ID is typically exposed by DBs as a separate operation, as it is the fastest way to reach the element. Maybe it is worth adding to your API as well?

Kotlin Coroutines validate running on same Dispatcher

I have a custom Scope that is using a single thread as it's Dispatcher.
private val jsDispatcher = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().asCoroutineDispatcher()
private val jsScope = CoroutineScope(jsDispatcher + SupervisorJob() + CoroutineName("JS-Thread"))
Let's assume I have a code block that uses the above scope to launch a new coroutine and call multiple suspend methods
jsScope.launch {
I need to validate and throw an exception if one of the above sample methods is not running on the above JS thread
private suspend fun sampleMethod() = coroutineScope {
//Implement me
How can this be enforced?
You can check the current thread name in your method:
private suspend fun sampleMethod() = coroutineScope {
assert(Thread.currentThread().name == "js-thread") // Doesn't work!
However, newSingleThreadExecutor uses DefaultThreadFactory which produces thread names like pool-N-thread-M which cannot really be validated because you don't know M or N. I see two solutions here:
Take advantage of the fact that you have a single thread and change its name as soon as you create the executor:
runBlocking {
jsScope.launch {
Thread.currentThread().name = "js-thread"
Pass a custom thread factory: Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(MyThreadFactory("js-thread"))
private class MyThreadFactory(private val name: String) : ThreadFactory {
private val group: ThreadGroup
private val threadNumber = AtomicInteger(1)
init {
val s = System.getSecurityManager()
group = if (s != null) {
} else {
override fun newThread(r: Runnable): Thread {
val t = Thread(group, r, "$name-${threadNumber.getAndIncrement()}", 0)
if (t.isDaemon) {
t.isDaemon = false
if (t.priority != Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) {
t.priority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY
return t
Code was adapted from DefaultThreadFactory. Guava and apache-commons also provide utility methods to do the same. This has the advantage that it works for any thread pool, not just single-threaded.
After some research, I took a look at the withContext() implementation and the answer to my question was right there.
Taken from the withContext() implementation, this is how to check if current coroutine context is on same dispatcher as other context/scope
if (newContext[ContinuationInterceptor] === oldContext[ContinuationInterceptor]) {
// same dispatcher

How to create new chat room with play framework websocket?

I tried the chat example with websocket in play framework 2.6.x. It works fine. Now for the real application, I need to create multiple chat rooms based on user requests. And users will be able to access different chatrooms with an id or something. I think it might related to create a new flow for each room. Related code is here:
private val (chatSink, chatSource) = {
val source = MergeHub.source[WSMessage]
.map { msg =>
try {
val json = Json.parse(msg)
inputSanitizer.sanText((json \ "msg").as[String])
} catch {
case e: Exception => println(">>" + msg)
"Malfunction client"
.recoverWithRetries(-1, { case _: Exception ⇒ Source.empty })
val sink = BroadcastHub.sink[WSMessage]
private val userFlow: Flow[WSMessage, WSMessage, _] = {
Flow.fromSinkAndSource(chatSink, chatSource)
But I really don't know how to create new flow with id and access it later. Can anyone help me on this?
I finally figured it out. Post the solution here in case anyone has similar problems.
My solution is to use the AsyncCacheApi to store Flows in cache with keys. Generate a new Flow when necessary instead of creating just one Sink and Source:
val chatRoom = cache.get[Flow[WSMessage, WSMessage, _]](s"id=$id")
val flow = if(room.nonEmpty) room.get else createNewFlow
cache.set(s"id=$id", flow)
def createNewFlow: Flow[WSMessage, WSMessage, _] = {
val (chatSink, chatSource) = {
val source = MergeHub.source[WSMessage]
.map { msg =>
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => println(">>" + msg)
"Malfunction client"
.recoverWithRetries(-1, { case _: Exception ⇒ Source.empty })
val sink = BroadcastHub.sink[WSMessage]
Flow.fromSinkAndSource(chatSink, chatSource)
