How to swap Spring Boot mapper from Jackson to kotlinx.serialization - spring-boot

I would like my Spring Boot project to use kotlinx.serialization. I can't figure out how to swap the mapper correctly... If I wanted to use GSON, I could just note it in the props via spring.http.converters.preferred-json-mapper=gson.
Has anyone had success with this?

Just use Spring >= 5.3 and add corresponding kotlin plugin and serialization dependency. Spring switches serialization automatically. Details


Is Spring Rest the implementation of JAX-RS or what implementation does Spring Rest use for REST support?

I know JAX-RS has many implementations like RESTEASY,Jersy,RestLet.But when i use Spring boot project i just need to add Spring-web dependency and i am ready to go for creating REST APIs.I want to know what is the implementation Spring Boot Rest uses to support REST ?
Difference between JAX-RS and Spring Rest
hope that solves your problem or makes it a little clearer.

Minimum version of spring for spring-boot v 1.3

I have an existing spring application built using spring framework version 3.1.2. I am trying to create a spring-boot application out of this existing application, but getting some dependency issues. So just wondering, what is the spring framework version, that is supported by spring-boot v 1.3.0.
Or to put it in another words, is it possible to have a spring-boot application from a spring 3.1.2 based application?
Spring boot has hard dependencies on classes in Spring 4 and could not be configured to work with Spring 3. If you are really interested in using Spring Boot the only way you can do this is to follow a migration path to Spring 4 and then add Spring Boot to your application.
It is worth mentioning that the "boot" in Spring Boot is meant to be short for bootstrapping, as in initial setup of an application. I'm not saying there would be zero benefits from migrating from Spring 4 vanilla to Spring Boot. But make sure you are migrating for the right reasons the main purpose of Spring Boot is easy bootstrapping of applications but here are some other features which might be worth making the move.
Spring Boot dev-tools (Auto restart on code changes)
Awesome spring boot plugins for maven and gradle to ease upgrading spring in the future (hint it upgrades many other dependencies for you)
Bootstrapping new features such as MongoDb through auto-configuration.
Migration from 3.1 to 3.2
Migration from Spring 3 to Spring 4.
There are many features in spring boot that are dependent upon new features added to Spring 4. One primary example is the new list of annotations added to Spring 4 that allow conditional wiring/loading of beans. Which is the primary method of wiring configurations in a plugin-like way.
For example lets see the AutoConfiguration class for the H2 console
The first thing we see is it's wired to be a Configuration class. It will only load if WebServlet.class is on the classpath and if the property spring.h2.console is = true. It is also configured to load SecurityAutoConfiguration first as this is a dependency at least for securing the h2 console page.
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "spring.h2.console", name = "enabled", havingValue = "true", matchIfMissing = false)
public class H2ConsoleAutoConfiguration {
When this Configuration is loaded it will check these conditions and upon all conditions being true then and only then will it load in the beans defined in the class. In this case it wires the h2console servlet.
public ServletRegistrationBean h2Console() {
String path =;
String urlMapping = (path.endsWith("/") ? path + "*" : path + "/*");
return new ServletRegistrationBean(new WebServlet(), urlMapping);
There is also the security configuration in that class which introduces one more concept of conditionally loading a configuration based on another class being loaded into the context. These annotations do not always need to be on a Configuration level but can also apply to the bean level.
These concepts are core to how Spring Boot is implemented and therefore could not work with Spring 3.
Spring 3 list of annotations
Spring 4 Conditional Annotations
Thanks Zergleb for posting detailed answer. I found a way to run the spring 3 app as an independent jar by created an uber jar with a little instrumentation to bootstrap spring through a java class.
It is explained nicely in a short post at

Guice + Jersey + Spring data

I am planning to use Guice(for DI) and Jersey( for rest). They integrate very well but I also want to leverage what spring-data provides. But it seems like we need to integrate spring first to use Spring data*. Is there any way i can integrate spring-data* without using spring ioc container.
Yes. I did it. it seems spring data related beans should be manually wired.

adding spring-data-rest ontop of spring-data-jpa

i created a maven project, and added all dependencies i need.
i have some repositories using the spring-data-jpa, and i added some integration tests.
now i need to add ontop of it spring-data-rest, if i understand it is based on springmvc.
but all examples i found, i need to add spring boot to start the app.
i noticed also all new spring projects use spring boot.
this means that i have to learn and use it for my projects?
how can i use spring-data-jpa+spring-data-jpa with an existing servlet3 project
The reason all examples are written using Boot is that Boot is indeed the way you should start a new Spring project these days. It free's from a lot of the tedious work of setting up the infrastructure, finding dependencies in the right version etc.
To use Spring Data REST without Boot, simply add the necessary dependencies to your project. The easiest way to do this is to use the Spring Data Release Train BOM (which will help you pulling in the correct matching versions) along side the version-less dependency declarations for Spring Data REST WebMVC and - in your case - Spring Data JPA.
Then go ahead and either register RepositoryRestMvcConvfiguration as Spring bean (either through XML configuration or JavaConfig).
All of this is also documented in the reference documentation.

How to configure spring-oauth2 to use jackson 2.x

Currently Spring OAuth 2 (version 2.0.7) uses Jackson-mapper-asl 1.9.13.
Can I configure the spring-oauth2 to use Jackson 2.x ? How?
Actually, Spring Security OAuth2 allows you to use either of them. Just make sure that you use Jackson 2 classes in your code (ObjectMapper should be of type com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper and not Same with Annotations.
If you are still having problems, please share some sample code.
