Guice + Jersey + Spring data - jersey

I am planning to use Guice(for DI) and Jersey( for rest). They integrate very well but I also want to leverage what spring-data provides. But it seems like we need to integrate spring first to use Spring data*. Is there any way i can integrate spring-data* without using spring ioc container.

Yes. I did it. it seems spring data related beans should be manually wired.


Using 'feign clients' without springboot is possible?

My framework is spring framework. core version is 4.3.16.RELEASE.
Not using springboot. It's one of the legacy project.
And I wanna know what can I use the feign client without springboot.
Is this possible? and where can I found document about that.
thanks for your help :)
Yes, it's possible. You can find the documentation on their Github page.
Feign wasn't integrated with Spring initially. There is another wrapper library called Spring Cloud OpenFeign, and with it, you can use Feign in Spring Boot & Cloud applications more convenient (eg., you can use Spring's #RequestMapping annotation instead of default Feign's #RequestLine).

Is Spring Rest the implementation of JAX-RS or what implementation does Spring Rest use for REST support?

I know JAX-RS has many implementations like RESTEASY,Jersy,RestLet.But when i use Spring boot project i just need to add Spring-web dependency and i am ready to go for creating REST APIs.I want to know what is the implementation Spring Boot Rest uses to support REST ?
Difference between JAX-RS and Spring Rest
hope that solves your problem or makes it a little clearer.

JAX-RS (RESTEasy, Jersey) + Spring + OSGi

I'm working on transitioning of existing Java application to OSGi service which is using Spring (injections, AOP) and exposes REST API via JAX-RS (RESTEasy in particular). I was looking around on internet on how to make work this combination together, but didn't find any good solution yet.
a) Spring supports OSGi by Blueprint project.
b) RESTEasy integrates with Spring via resteasy-spring plugin. But there is no resteasy-blueprint or anything which could enable OSGi+Spring support for RESTEasy.
c) The same applies to Jersey. You can use it as a bundle or integrate it with spring using jersey-spring plugin. But not both.
Any suggestions?

Spring can be used in Seam?

I understand that Spring has really nice features, such as dependency injection. I am new to Spring. I have understood that I can use Spring alongside with struts and other frameworks too, in order to use its capabilities.
In my project I am going to use Seam 2.0, I am using JNDI to lookup for the EJBs. I am wondering if I can integrate Spring with Seam and use its ApplicationContext in order to get beans from that directly and not use JNDI lookup anymore?
There is a whole chapter in the Seam reference dedicated to this:
27. Spring Framework integration

Can we integrate Struts 2.0 with Spring 3.0 +

I am new to Struts . Can we integrate Struts 2.0 with Spring 3.0 + . I am hearing people say "it is not possible to integrate it". Is this true .
If so is there any tutorial on the web having an example ?
edit :
There is a plugin to integrate Struts 2 and Spring 2 (struts2-spring-plugin- . Do we have similar one for Struts 2 and Spring 3
Well we always can use Spring 3.x with Struts 2.x and Struts2.x has already a plug in in place to accomplish this.
here is the link Struts2 spring Integration
Struts2 use its internal DI for creation of Actions,Results,Interceptor using the plug in will delegate the call of creation of these key objects to Spring DI.
hope this will help you
The Strus2 Spring Plug in works well even with Spring 3.x and we are using this in our current application it actually use your Spring jars and you have to place them in the lib.This plug in just overrides Struts2.x Object factory which is responsible for creating struts2 core component.
So just go ahead do some experiment with it and if you face problem in integrating you can always post queries here
The Spring 3.0 documentation for Struts 1.x and 2.x is here.
It's technically possible to integrate Spring with really just about anything. For example you can use the IoC container from anywhere in your code by constructing a new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext and passing in a standard context XML resource on the classpath. There's generally not a need to do that though, as it integrates pretty well with most web frameworks. It is however convenient to use for unit tests.
