RCPTT : ECL command to get the product install path - eclipse-rcptt

There is a use case in my application that some file will downloaded in the product installed path . I need check these files are downloaded from the remote . so i need to get the product install path (not workspace)
I need to get Platform.getInstallLocation().getURL().getPath()

Since RCPTT does not provide a standard ECL command to return the AUT location, you will need to create your own custom ECL command. This command will invoke Platform.getInstallLocation().getURL() and return the corresponding uri as a string.


Xamarin component.exe is not opening on Windows

I have downloaded the XPGK .zip archive to be able to upload my component to the Xamarin Store. I have done so by following the first step of this guide.
But when I click the .exe file a command prompt file just appears and disappears? What's the issue?
Did you follow the guide? It doesn't mention that you should click the .exe file to open it. Instead, the .exe file is used to generate the directory structure required for your component.
Use the xamarin-component.exe to create the base structure by typing the following into the console/terminal where is the base folder for your component.
Note: you will need to change the path to the location where you extracted the ".exe” file.
This means that you should first extract the .exe file to a directory where you want your solution to be placed (most likely your workspace).
Then, using a console/terminal, navigate to the directory in which you extracted the .exe file and type the following:
For Windows:
xamarin-component.exe create <foldername>
for OS X:
mono xamarin-component.exe create <foldername>
Where <foldername> is the name you want your directory to be.

izpack without run-privileged cannot write to C:\MyDirName

I have a custom Java app and an IzPack installer. For years, in my izpack build file I had the following:
<run-privileged condition="izpack.windowsinstall.vista|izpack.windowsinstall.7"/>
The problem is that some of the users do not have admin privilege on their PCs, but they still want to be able to install the package. If I remove the above, they can run the installer but then it complains "This directory cannot be written!", when they try to install in the default location, which is C:\OPENDCS.
Yet the same user can create this directory either from a CMD or an Explorer window.
Is there a way to allow the izpack installer to create a directory directly under C:\ without running as an administrator?
Please check the behavior with izpack v5.0.7. The problem you mentioned should be fixed with this issue: https://izpack.atlassian.net/browse/IZPACK-1355
You could package your directory create operations in a create-dirs.bat batch file, which you would mark <executable> and execute stage="postinstall". This way the directory creation will be executed with the given user's permissions, which (according to your post) should work just fine.
EDIT 29/02/2016: You would put this file into a first "dummy" <pack>, mark it <executable> and execute stage="postinstall" as stated above, which would execute it after this first dummy pack was installed. At the installation of the next pack (i.e. your first useful pack) you will already have the folder created.
Note that postinstall will not run the batch file after the installation, but after the <pack>'s installation.

Error installing WebLogic server using Console mode in windows 8.1

Hi i have been trying to install the server weblogic of oracle on windows 8.1 but I obtain the follow when I run the configure.cmd file:
ERROR: You must set MW_HOME and it must point to a directory where an
installation of WebLogic exists. Ensure you point this variable to the
extract location of the zip distribution.
How do I correct this error?
There's a readme file linked from the product download page http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/weblogic/downloads/wls-main-097127.html although your experience would suggest that defining MW_HOME isn't optional! ...
1. Extract the contents of the zip to a directory (eg: /home/myhome/mywls)
This will create a base directory named wls12130 under /home/myhome/mywls
MW_HOME will be the entire directory including the base directory.
(eg: MW_HOME will be /home/myhome/mywls/wls12130).
2. Setup JAVA_HOME and optionally, MW_HOME variables in the current shell as required
for the target platform.
> set JAVA_HOME=C:\home\myhome\myjavahome
> set MW_HOME=C:\home\myhome\mywls\wls12130
3. Run the installation configuration script in the MW_HOME directory.
This step is required to be run only once. If you move the installation to
another location/machine, you need to rerun this step.
> configure.cmd
Environment variables are not set properly.
1.- Create product directory
mkdir E:\weblogic\wls << I'm sure you did it and Weblogic binaries are already installed.
2.- set environment variables properly
set JAVA_HOME=_path_to_\jdk1.7.0
set MW_HOME=E:\weblogic\wls
(change above settings according to your installation)
3.- Run configure.cmd

Using and running Tortoise svnsync in Windows via command line

I have a local repository and I have just signed up to unfuddle and want to sync my local repository to the new one I have created on there.
I was told to run the following command:
svnsync init --username USERNAME http://username.unfuddle.com/svn/username-rep http://SOURCE_REPO_URL
Firstly, I assume I can remove the username stuff if the source repository doesn't require authentication?
Secondly, when I run that command my system doesn't recognize it. I assumed svnsync needed to be added somewhere in Windows so that it could be run via it's name only (think the correct term is an environment variable)?, but not only do I not know how to do that I don't know what program to add...... I cannot find any svnsync.exe or anything locate din my TortoiseSVN folder.
What do I need to do here?
When you install TortoiseSVN you are given the option to install the Subversion binaries as well:
Once you do that, you will see svnsync.exe in the installation folder:
As long as you have C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin in your PATH variable, you will be able to call svnsync.exe from the command-line:
(You can view your PATH variable thus (on Windows 7): Start -> right-click Computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Environment variables.... DO NOT overwrite whatever is there - simply append the path to TortoiseSVN if it isn't already there. More info here.)
Hope this helps.

squirrel sql client settings folder location

I installed the squirrel client 3.4.0 on my windows 7 64 bit machine.
I see a squirrel client settings folder
created in:
Is there any way I can specify the folder location to be in my squirrel install location i.e.
The reason I want to do this is to make my squirrel set up easily movable between machines; I could just take the dump of the application and I will be ready to go on any machine.
Also is there a Squirrel-sql distribution that does not do the installation; but rather just a simple zip file that I can unzip to any location and start working?
About the local settings directory of SQuirreL:
SQuirrel SQL is an application written in Java and it uses the Java System Property user.home to store the local configuration files. Per default, this Java Property points to the home directory of the user. You can change this by the following steps:
Open squirrel-sql.bat in a text editor and navigate to the end of the file. One of the last lines should start with "start "SQuirreL SQL Client" - you have to change this line. Add -Duser.home=PathToStoreTheSquirrelConfigDir just after the -Xmx argument and ensure, that the new Argument is separated by a space from the others.
Here an example:
-Xmx256m -Duser.home=C:/temp -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true
Note, that I use the slash and not a back-slash!
Now you can move the existing .squirrel-sql directory to the new place.
e.g C:\temp\.squirrel-sql
Now, if you start SQuirreL SQL, it will use the new storage location. You can verify this in the global properties of SQuirrel (see the section SQuirreL paths)
About the installer version of SQuirreL:
SQuirreL SQL also offers a plain zip instead of a installer version. Here is the link to the latest stable version
SQuirreL is offering 3 packages (base, standard, optional). The difference between them are the packaged plugins. I use the optional package - but the standard package is also fine.
You can use the Squirrel-Parameter --user-settings-dir, but unlinke the other answer with -Duser.home you have to use the actual Squirrel-Settings-Directory, e.g. the one with all the xml-Settings files and the folders logs and plugins.
You can use that parameter on the .jar / main-class directly, but also on the squirrel-sql.bat or squirrel-sql.sh file, so you don't need to edit those.
C:\dev\squirrel-sql\squirrel-sql-3.9.0\squirrel-sql.bat --user-settings-dir=C:\dev\squirrel-sql\squirrel-sql-settings
This is from the Squirrel-Manual, strangly enough, i couldn't find an online-source for it (only an outdated one), buts inside the squirrel installation folder, e.g. squirrel-sql-3.9.0/doc/quick_start.html
On Windows you can make whole settings directory portable using argument --user-settings-dir "%CD%\settings" in the link to .bat file.
Thus in the Target of your link you will get something like this:
"C:\...\squirrelsql\squirrel-sql.bat" --user-settings-dir "%CD%\settings"
