Can anyone explain how LNK file vulnerability (CVE-2015-0096) works? - windows

I'm currently doing an assignment that demonstrates the use of CVE-2015-0096. It is also known as 'LNK file vulnerabilty'. I tried to look it up and got some info (mainly involving .DLL files).
I'm a Mac user and I have very little knowledge about .DLL files which is why I couldn't completely understand this vulnerability and now I'm having a hard time to explain it in my document. I would really appreciate if someone can explain it to me precisely what it is in a easier way, considering my weak understanding of windows.

See this.
A windows DLL(dynamically linked library) file is equivalent to a linux/mac SO(shared object).
A DLL is a binary file containing libraries.
A LNK file(normal file link) can contain an image preview.
This preview can be a normal image or an image from some specific windows DLLs.
The problem is that the whitelisted of DLLs for that can be bypassed by adding a special header to the LNK file.
Then, the hacker sets the preview to his DLL.
When the preview is loaded, the arbituarry DLL is loaded and you have remote code execution.


How to view and/or edit the manifest of a Setup.exe file

This question might seem to be duplicated with this and this that are similar. But it is not! First- I am getting this error from the setup file and not from the program that I am distributing Second -the version is different, the directories in Installshield 2009 an 10.5 differ. .
I'm trying to fix an error caused by Windows compatibility mode in my setup, which is built with Installshield 10.5. So far my research led me to a conclusion that i need to add [this][3] to my manifest file. I saw that Microsoft's tool mt.exe could extract a manifest file from a dll, however I did not see anywhere that it can extract it from an executable file.
So my questions are the following:
Is there any way to view the manifest file of a Setup.exe built with Installshield?
Is there any way to configure this manifest file for the certain project in Installshield?
[3]Can one edit an InstallShield setup.exe's manifest file?
As far as I know, mt.exe will work fine on EXE files; both EXE and DLL files are Portable Executable (PE) files, and PE files use the exact same structure for resources such as the manifest. Visual Studio, CFF explorer, and countless other tools (including raw resource APIs) will also work to view and possibly update manifests in general.
However for a built InstallShield setup.exe, there is a twist. InstallShield uses areas in the file to store information that are not described in the PE format. Tools that update the resources on an EXE can inadvertently destroy this data as they do not expect it to be there, nor do they know how to detect or adjust it.
InstallShield 12 or so and later allow you to specify a manifest, and it selects the manifest from files it ships that you can update before it adds them to the setup.exe. In addition, there is a tool called ISReMan that is aware of the extra information and can update the manifest correctly when that data is present.
By the way, it's generally helpful to mention the actual problem you're trying to solve, in case the method you've chosen (in this case updating the manifest) is not the correct solution. Note as well that InstallShield 10.5 is over 10 years old, and knows nothing about UAC, PCA, and other Vista and later technologies; adjusting the manifest may not help fix, say, an elevation-related problem.
Note as well that I am paid to work on InstallShield, so I may be biased when I recommend things like upgrading. :)

Multiple DLL Resource Management

I have an existing MFC product and am planning on supporting a couple of other national languages thru the use of resource-only DLLs. I've read a number of articles and tutorials on how to go about this, but admit that I don't have a lot of in-depth knowledge of Windows resources (mostly just use VS 2008's graphical interface).
The major area that I am trying to understand is that it seems like all of the resource source files (i.e., resource.rc) for these DLLs -- and the main program -- should be sharing the same copy of resource.h. After all, all those IDD_xxx values have to be consistent, and it seems like making updates to the resources would be even more complicated by having to keep multiple resource.h files in sync!
So am I correct on this, and does anyone have any tips for how to best implement this? Should I modify resource.rc in the DLL projects to point to the "master" resource.h in the main program directory?
Yes, use the same resource.h file for sure.
One way is to just copy the resources you need to be translated into the the new resource project--stuff like menus, strings, dialogs. Bitmaps and icons probably don't need to be translated unless you put some text on them that is language specific. If you know your localse, at program startup you can call AfxSetResourceHandle() with the resource DLL you manually load.
Another way to approach the problem if you have a multitude of DLLs and EXEs is to use binary resource editing tools. What they do is create token files from your resources. Your translators edit the token file with the binary editing tool. When all is done, you run a tool to apply the translation to the binaries. Basically, you don't distribute resource DLLs, but distribute different versions of your DLLs for each language. The tools are smart enough so that if you make a change like add a string or dialog, it will get picked up and your translator can see that he needs to translate something new. The previously translated work will be saved in the token files. This is how we do it at my shop. We used to use Microsoft's Localization Resource toolkit. I don't know if we still use it or not since it is somebody else's responsibility now.
I found the MSDN article ID 198846 a good starting point for sharing of resources via a dll, though it does need updating for newer versions of visual studio, it was quite easy to follow and understand.

Embedded resources in Win32 Application

I have embedded an EXE as a resource in my Win32 application.
I'm looking to the registry for a certain value. If the value is there and correct, then i copy the embedded EXE to the local file system an execute it from there.
I don't want it to be extracted from my EXE.
Should i do anything to prevent this, or is it impossible already?
but you could inbed the exe as an .obj or an static array rather than as a resource. That would make it harder for an attacker to find in your code, but still not impossible.
You can use the unix objcopy tool to convert your exe into a .obj file and then link to that in your c code. someone would have to decompile your code in order to find the .exe, which is quite a bit harder than using a resource extractor.
Embed data in a C++ program
Nothing is impossible, and in fact it is quite easy to strip resources out of an executable. Here's the first link from a Google search, for example. On the other hand you're already stripping the exe out and saving it to a file on the user's system, anybody sophisticated enough to find the embedded resource will also be able to find your extracted file. I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about it.
I have to secure an application. I can't modify the application. All i can do is writing small utilities around it, like creating an online serial system, unique hardware information hash storing, a loader exe etc.
But now i see that my intentions are almost useless without modifying the original applications. I'd be apprecieted any help on this.

Change the location of the ncb file in Visual C++ 2008 (9.0)

I´ve tweaked the VC++ settings so that all of my actual code will go to one place, while compiler generated binaries will go to another. This ncb file is the exception though. It is a quite large IDE generated binary file (Intellisense database). I can´t seem to be able to move it anywhere other than the solution folder. I´ve reasearched on google and found a few references saying that this is impossible. Does anyone have a workaround?
Visual Studio doesn't allow you to move that file. This article on CodeProject shows how one person worked around this problem, by creating a "poor man's" version of symbolic links. This involves hooking Windows' CreateFile function. This approach seems like overkill to me; I think I would just learn to live with this limitation if possible.

Any recommended VC++ settings for better PDB analysis on release builds

Are there any VC++ settings I should know about to generate better PDB files that contain more information?
I have a crash dump analysis system in place based on the project crashrpt.
Also, my production build server has the source code installed on the D:\, but my development machine has the source code on the C:\. I entered the source path in the VC++ settings, but when looking through the call stack of a crash, it doesn't automatically jump to my source code. I believe if I had my dev machine's source code on the D:\ it would work.
"Are there any VC++ settings I should know about"
Make sure you turn off Frame pointer ommision. Larry osterman's blog has the historical details about fpo and the issues it causes with debugging.
Symbols are loaded successfully. It shows the callstack, but double clicking on an entry doesn't bring me to the source code.
What version of VS are you using? (Or are you using Windbg?) ... in VS it should defintely prompt for source the first time if it doesn't find the location. However it also keeps a list of source that was 'not found' so it doesn't ask you for it every time. Sometimes the don't look list is a pain ... to get the prompt back up you need to go to solution explorer/solution node/properties/debug properties and edit the file list in the lower pane.
Finally you might be using 'stripped symbols'. These are pdb files generated to provide debug info for walking the callstack past FPO, but with source locations stripped out (along with other data). The public symbols for windows OS components are stripped pdbs. For your own code these simply cause pain and are not worth it unless you are providing your pdbs to externals. How would you have one of these horrible stripped pdbs? You might have them if you use "binplace" with the -a command.
Good luck! A proper mini dump story is a godsend for production debugging.
If your build directly from your sourcecode management system, you should annotate your pdb files with the file origins. This allows you to automatically fetch the exact source files while debugging. (This is the same proces as used for retrieving the .Net framework sourcecode).
See for more information. If you use subversion as your SCM you can check out the SourceServerSharp project.
You could trying using the MS-DOS subst command to assign your source code directory to the D: drive.
This is the procedure I used after some trouble similar to yours:
a) Copied to the production server all the EXE & DLL files that were built, each with its corresponding PDB to the same directory, started the system, and waited for the crash to happen.
b) Copied back all the EXE, DLL & PDB files to the development machine (to a temporary folder) along with the minidump (in the same folder). Used Visual Studio to load the minidump from that folder.
Since VS found the source files where they were originally compiled, it was always able to identify them and load them correctly. As with you, in the production machine the drive used was not C:, but in the development machine it was.
Two more tips:
One thing I did often was to copy an EXE/DLL rebuilt and forget to copy the new PDB. This ruined the debug cycle, VS would not be able to show me the call stack.
Sometimes, I got a call stack that didn't make sense in VS. After some headache, I discovered that windbg would always show me the correct stack, but VS often wouldn't. Don't know why.
In case anyone is interested, a co-worker replied to this question to me via email:
Artem wrote:
There is a flag to MiniDumpWriteDump()
that can do better crash dumps that
will allow seeing full program state,
with all global variables, etc. As for
call stacks, I doubt they can be
better because of optimizations...
unless you turn (maybe some)
optimizations off.
Also, I think disabling inline
functions and whole program
optimization will help quite a lot.
In fact, there are many dump types,
maybe you could choose one small
enough but still having more info
Those types won't help with call stack
though, they only affect the amount of
variables you'll be able to see.
I noticed some of those dump types
aren't supported in dbghelp.dll
version 5.1 that we use. We could
update it to the newest, 6.9 version
though, I've just checked the EULA for
MS Debugging Tools -- the newest
dbghelp.dll is still ok to
Is Visual Studio prompting you for the path to the source file? If it isn't then it doesn't think it has symbols for the callstack. Setting the source path should work without having to map the exact original location.
You can tell if symbols are loaded by looking at the 'modules' window in Visual Studio.
Assuming you are building a PDB then I don't think there are any options that control the amount of information in the PDB directly. You can change the type of optimizations performed by the compiler to improve debuggabilty, but this will cost performance -- as your co-worker points out, disabling inline will help make things more obvious in the crash file, but will cost at runtime.
Depending on the nature of your application I would recommend working with full dump files if you can, they are bigger, but give you all the information about the process ... and how often does it crash anyway :)
Is Visual Studio prompting you for the
path to the source file?
If it isn't then it doesn't think it has symbols
for the callstack. Setting the source
path should work without having to map
the exact original location.
Symbols are loaded successfully. It shows the callstack, but double clicking on an entry doesn't bring me to the source code. I can of course search in files for the line in question, but this is hard work :)
